{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-} {-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-type-defaults #-} -- | Html5 terms. module Lucid.Html5 where import Lucid.Base import Data.ByteString import Data.Text (Text) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Elements -- | @DOCTYPE@ element -- -- This is implemented as "raw output", because the doctype doesn't -- accept attributes. -- doctype_ :: Monad m => HtmlT m () doctype_ = toHtmlRaw ("" :: ByteString) -- | @DOCTYPE@ element + @html@ element doctypehtml_ :: Monad m => HtmlT m a -> HtmlT m a doctypehtml_ m = doctype_ *> html_ m -- | @a@ element a_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result a_ = term "a" -- | @abbr@ element abbr_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result abbr_ = term "abbr" -- | @address@ element address_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result address_ = term "address" -- | @area@ element area_ :: Monad m => [Attributes] -> HtmlT m () area_ = makeElementNoEnd "area" -- | @article@ element article_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result article_ = term "article" -- | @aside@ element aside_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result aside_ = term "aside" -- | @audio@ element audio_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result audio_ = term "audio" -- | @b@ element b_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result b_ = term "b" -- | @base@ element base_ :: Monad m => [Attributes] -> HtmlT m () base_ = makeElementNoEnd "base" -- | @bdo@ element bdo_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result bdo_ = term "bdo" -- | @blockquote@ element blockquote_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result blockquote_ = term "blockquote" -- | @body@ element body_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result body_ = term "body" -- | @br@ element br_ :: Monad m => [Attributes] -> HtmlT m () br_ = makeElementNoEnd "br" -- | @button@ element button_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result button_ = term "button" -- | @canvas@ element canvas_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result canvas_ = term "canvas" -- | @caption@ element caption_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result caption_ = term "caption" -- | @cite@ element or @cite@ attribute. cite_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result cite_ = term "cite" -- | @code@ element code_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result code_ = term "code" -- | @col@ element col_ :: Monad m => [Attributes] -> HtmlT m () col_ = makeElementNoEnd "col" -- | @colgroup@ element colgroup_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result colgroup_ = term "colgroup" -- | @command@ element command_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result command_ = term "command" -- | @datalist@ element datalist_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result datalist_ = term "datalist" -- | @dd@ element dd_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result dd_ = term "dd" -- | @del@ element del_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result del_ = term "del" -- | @details@ element details_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result details_ = term "details" -- | @dfn@ element dfn_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result dfn_ = term "dfn" -- | @dialog@ element dialog_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result dialog_ = term "dialog" -- | @div@ element div_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result div_ = term "div" -- | @dl@ element dl_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result dl_ = term "dl" -- | @dt@ element dt_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result dt_ = term "dt" -- | @em@ element em_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result em_ = term "em" -- | @embed@ element embed_ :: Monad m => [Attributes] -> HtmlT m () embed_ = makeElementNoEnd "embed" -- | @fieldset@ element fieldset_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result fieldset_ = term "fieldset" -- | @figcaption@ element figcaption_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result figcaption_ = term "figcaption" -- | @figure@ element figure_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result figure_ = term "figure" -- | @footer@ element footer_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result footer_ = term "footer" -- | @form@ element or @form@ attribute form_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result form_ = term "form" -- | @h1@ element h1_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result h1_ = term "h1" -- | @h2@ element h2_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result h2_ = term "h2" -- | @h3@ element h3_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result h3_ = term "h3" -- | @h4@ element h4_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result h4_ = term "h4" -- | @h5@ element h5_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result h5_ = term "h5" -- | @h6@ element h6_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result h6_ = term "h6" -- | @head@ element head_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result head_ = term "head" -- | @header@ element header_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result header_ = term "header" -- | @hgroup@ element hgroup_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result hgroup_ = term "hgroup" -- | @hr@ element hr_ :: Monad m => [Attributes] -> HtmlT m () hr_ = makeElementNoEnd "hr" -- | @html@ element html_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result html_ = term "html" -- | @i@ element i_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result i_ = term "i" -- | @iframe@ element iframe_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result iframe_ = term "iframe" -- | @img@ element img_ :: Monad m => [Attributes] -> HtmlT m () img_ = makeElementNoEnd "img" -- | @input@ element input_ :: Monad m => [Attributes] -> HtmlT m () input_ = makeElementNoEnd "input" -- | @ins@ element ins_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result ins_ = term "ins" -- | @kbd@ element kbd_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result kbd_ = term "kbd" -- | @keygen@ element keygen_ :: Monad m => [Attributes] -> HtmlT m () keygen_ = makeElementNoEnd "keygen" -- | @label@ element or @label@ attribute label_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result label_ = term "label" -- | @legend@ element legend_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result legend_ = term "legend" -- | @li@ element li_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result li_ = term "li" -- | @link@ element link_ :: Monad m => [Attributes] -> HtmlT m () link_ = makeElementNoEnd "link" -- | @map@ element map_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result map_ = term "map" -- | @main@ element main_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result main_ = term "main" -- | @mark@ element mark_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result mark_ = term "mark" -- | @menu@ element menu_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result menu_ = term "menu" -- | @menuitem@ element menuitem_ :: Monad m => [Attributes] -> HtmlT m () menuitem_ = makeElementNoEnd "menuitem" -- | @meta@ element meta_ :: Monad m => [Attributes] -> HtmlT m () meta_ = makeElementNoEnd "meta" -- | @meter@ element meter_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result meter_ = term "meter" -- | @nav@ element nav_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result nav_ = term "nav" -- | @noscript@ element noscript_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result noscript_ = term "noscript" -- | @object@ element object_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result object_ = term "object" -- | @ol@ element ol_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result ol_ = term "ol" -- | @optgroup@ element optgroup_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result optgroup_ = term "optgroup" -- | @option@ element option_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result option_ = term "option" -- | @output@ element output_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result output_ = term "output" -- | @p@ element p_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result p_ = term "p" -- | @param@ element param_ :: Monad m => [Attributes] -> HtmlT m () param_ = makeElementNoEnd "param" -- | The @svg@ attribute. svg_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result svg_ = term "svg" -- | @pre@ element pre_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result pre_ = term "pre" -- | @progress@ element progress_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result progress_ = term "progress" -- | @q@ element q_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result q_ = term "q" -- | @rp@ element rp_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result rp_ = term "rp" -- | @rt@ element rt_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result rt_ = term "rt" -- | @ruby@ element ruby_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result ruby_ = term "ruby" -- | @samp@ element samp_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result samp_ = term "samp" -- | @script@ element script_ :: TermRaw arg result => arg -> result script_ = termRaw "script" -- | @section@ element section_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result section_ = term "section" -- | @select@ element select_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result select_ = term "select" -- | @small@ element small_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result small_ = term "small" -- | @source@ element source_ :: Monad m => [Attributes] -> HtmlT m () source_ = makeElementNoEnd "source" -- | @span@ element or @span@ attribute span_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result span_ = term "span" -- | @strong@ element strong_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result strong_ = term "strong" -- | @style@ element or @style@ attribute style_ :: TermRaw arg result => arg -> result style_ = termRaw "style" -- | @sub@ element sub_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result sub_ = term "sub" -- | @summary@ element or @summary@ attribute summary_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result summary_ = term "summary" -- | @sup@ element sup_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result sup_ = term "sup" -- | @table@ element table_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result table_ = term "table" -- | @tbody@ element tbody_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result tbody_ = term "tbody" -- | @td@ element td_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result td_ = term "td" -- | @textarea@ element textarea_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result textarea_ = term "textarea" -- | @tfoot@ element tfoot_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result tfoot_ = term "tfoot" -- | @th@ element th_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result th_ = term "th" -- | @template@ element template_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result template_ = term "template" -- | @thead@ element thead_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result thead_ = term "thead" -- | @time@ element time_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result time_ = term "time" -- | @title@ element or @title@ attribute title_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result title_ = term "title" -- | @tr@ element tr_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result tr_ = term "tr" -- | @track@ element track_ :: Monad m => [Attributes] -> HtmlT m () track_ = makeElementNoEnd "track" -- | @ul@ element ul_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result ul_ = term "ul" -- | @var@ element var_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result var_ = term "var" -- | @video@ element video_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result video_ = term "video" -- | @wbr@ element wbr_ :: Monad m => [Attributes] -> HtmlT m () wbr_ = makeElementNoEnd "wbr" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Attributes -- | The @accept@ attribute. accept_ :: Text -> Attributes accept_ = makeAttributes "accept" -- | The @acceptCharset@ attribute. acceptCharset_ :: Text -> Attributes acceptCharset_ = makeAttributes "accept-charset" -- | The @accesskey@ attribute. accesskey_ :: Text -> Attributes accesskey_ = makeAttributes "accesskey" -- | The @action@ attribute. action_ :: Text -> Attributes action_ = makeAttributes "action" -- | The @alt@ attribute. alt_ :: Text -> Attributes alt_ = makeAttributes "alt" -- | The @async@ attribute. async_ :: Text -> Attributes async_ = makeAttributes "async" -- | The @autocomplete@ attribute. autocomplete_ :: Text -> Attributes autocomplete_ = makeAttributes "autocomplete" -- | The @autofocus@ attribute. autofocus_ :: Attributes autofocus_ = makeAttributes "autofocus" mempty -- | The @autoplay@ attribute. autoplay_ :: Text -> Attributes autoplay_ = makeAttributes "autoplay" -- | The @challenge@ attribute. challenge_ :: Text -> Attributes challenge_ = makeAttributes "challenge" -- | The @charset@ attribute. charset_ :: Text -> Attributes charset_ = makeAttributes "charset" -- | The @checked@ attribute. checked_ :: Attributes checked_ = makeAttributes "checked" mempty -- | The @class@ attribute. class_ :: Text -> Attributes class_ = makeAttributes "class" -- | The @cols@ attribute. cols_ :: Text -> Attributes cols_ = makeAttributes "cols" -- | The @colspan@ attribute. colspan_ :: Text -> Attributes colspan_ = makeAttributes "colspan" -- | The @content@ attribute. content_ :: Text -> Attributes content_ = makeAttributes "content" -- | The @contenteditable@ attribute. contenteditable_ :: Text -> Attributes contenteditable_ = makeAttributes "contenteditable" -- | The @contextmenu@ attribute. contextmenu_ :: Text -> Attributes contextmenu_ = makeAttributes "contextmenu" -- | The @controls@ attribute. controls_ :: Text -> Attributes controls_ = makeAttributes "controls" -- | The @coords@ attribute. coords_ :: Text -> Attributes coords_ = makeAttributes "coords" -- | The @crossorigin@ attribute. -- -- @since 2.9.8 crossorigin_ :: Text -> Attributes crossorigin_ = makeAttributes "crossorigin" -- | The @data@ attribute. data_ :: Text -> Text -> Attributes data_ name = makeAttributes ("data-" <> name) -- | The @datetime@ attribute. datetime_ :: Text -> Attributes datetime_ = makeAttributes "datetime" -- | The @defer@ attribute. defer_ :: Text -> Attributes defer_ = makeAttributes "defer" -- | The @dir@ attribute. dir_ :: Text -> Attributes dir_ = makeAttributes "dir" -- | The @disabled@ attribute. disabled_ :: Text -> Attributes disabled_ = makeAttributes "disabled" -- | The @download@ attribute. download_ :: Text -> Attributes download_ = makeAttributes "download" -- | The @draggable@ attribute. draggable_ :: Text -> Attributes draggable_ = makeAttributes "draggable" -- | The @enctype@ attribute. enctype_ :: Text -> Attributes enctype_ = makeAttributes "enctype" -- | The @for@ attribute. for_ :: Text -> Attributes for_ = makeAttributes "for" -- | The @formaction@ attribute. formaction_ :: Text -> Attributes formaction_ = makeAttributes "formaction" -- | The @formenctype@ attribute. formenctype_ :: Text -> Attributes formenctype_ = makeAttributes "formenctype" -- | The @formmethod@ attribute. formmethod_ :: Text -> Attributes formmethod_ = makeAttributes "formmethod" -- | The @formnovalidate@ attribute. formnovalidate_ :: Text -> Attributes formnovalidate_ = makeAttributes "formnovalidate" -- | The @formtarget@ attribute. formtarget_ :: Text -> Attributes formtarget_ = makeAttributes "formtarget" -- | The @headers@ attribute. headers_ :: Text -> Attributes headers_ = makeAttributes "headers" -- | The @height@ attribute. height_ :: Text -> Attributes height_ = makeAttributes "height" -- | The @hidden@ attribute. hidden_ :: Text -> Attributes hidden_ = makeAttributes "hidden" -- | The @high@ attribute. high_ :: Text -> Attributes high_ = makeAttributes "high" -- | The @href@ attribute. href_ :: Text -> Attributes href_ = makeAttributes "href" -- | The @hreflang@ attribute. hreflang_ :: Text -> Attributes hreflang_ = makeAttributes "hreflang" -- | The @httpEquiv@ attribute. httpEquiv_ :: Text -> Attributes httpEquiv_ = makeAttributes "http-equiv" -- | The @icon@ attribute. icon_ :: Text -> Attributes icon_ = makeAttributes "icon" -- | The @id@ attribute. id_ :: Text -> Attributes id_ = makeAttributes "id" -- | The @integrity@ attribute. -- -- @since 2.9.8 integrity_ :: Text -> Attributes integrity_ = makeAttributes "integrity" -- | The @ismap@ attribute. ismap_ :: Text -> Attributes ismap_ = makeAttributes "ismap" -- | The @item@ attribute. item_ :: Text -> Attributes item_ = makeAttributes "item" -- | The @itemprop@ attribute. itemprop_ :: Text -> Attributes itemprop_ = makeAttributes "itemprop" -- | The @keytype@ attribute. keytype_ :: Text -> Attributes keytype_ = makeAttributes "keytype" -- | The @lang@ attribute. lang_ :: Text -> Attributes lang_ = makeAttributes "lang" -- | The @list@ attribute. list_ :: Text -> Attributes list_ = makeAttributes "list" -- | The @loading@ attribute. loading_ :: Text -> Attributes loading_ = makeAttributes "loading" -- | The @loop@ attribute. loop_ :: Text -> Attributes loop_ = makeAttributes "loop" -- | The @low@ attribute. low_ :: Text -> Attributes low_ = makeAttributes "low" -- | The @manifest@ attribute. manifest_ :: Text -> Attributes manifest_ = makeAttributes "manifest" -- | The @max@ attribute. max_ :: Text -> Attributes max_ = makeAttributes "max" -- | The @maxlength@ attribute. maxlength_ :: Text -> Attributes maxlength_ = makeAttributes "maxlength" -- | The @media@ attribute. media_ :: Text -> Attributes media_ = makeAttributes "media" -- | The @method@ attribute. method_ :: Text -> Attributes method_ = makeAttributes "method" -- | The @min@ attribute. min_ :: Text -> Attributes min_ = makeAttributes "min" -- | The @minlength@ attribute. minlength_ :: Text -> Attributes minlength_ = makeAttributes "minlength" -- | The @multiple@ attribute. multiple_ :: Text -> Attributes multiple_ = makeAttributes "multiple" -- | The @name@ attribute. name_ :: Text -> Attributes name_ = makeAttributes "name" -- | The @novalidate@ attribute. novalidate_ :: Text -> Attributes novalidate_ = makeAttributes "novalidate" -- | The @onbeforeonload@ attribute. onbeforeonload_ :: Text -> Attributes onbeforeonload_ = makeAttributesRaw "onbeforeonload" -- | The @onbeforeprint@ attribute. onbeforeprint_ :: Text -> Attributes onbeforeprint_ = makeAttributesRaw "onbeforeprint" -- | The @onblur@ attribute. onblur_ :: Text -> Attributes onblur_ = makeAttributesRaw "onblur" -- | The @oncanplay@ attribute. oncanplay_ :: Text -> Attributes oncanplay_ = makeAttributesRaw "oncanplay" -- | The @oncanplaythrough@ attribute. oncanplaythrough_ :: Text -> Attributes oncanplaythrough_ = makeAttributesRaw "oncanplaythrough" -- | The @onchange@ attribute. onchange_ :: Text -> Attributes onchange_ = makeAttributesRaw "onchange" -- | The @onclick@ attribute. onclick_ :: Text -> Attributes onclick_ = makeAttributesRaw "onclick" -- | The @oncontextmenu@ attribute. oncontextmenu_ :: Text -> Attributes oncontextmenu_ = makeAttributesRaw "oncontextmenu" -- | The @ondblclick@ attribute. ondblclick_ :: Text -> Attributes ondblclick_ = makeAttributesRaw "ondblclick" -- | The @ondrag@ attribute. ondrag_ :: Text -> Attributes ondrag_ = makeAttributesRaw "ondrag" -- | The @ondragend@ attribute. ondragend_ :: Text -> Attributes ondragend_ = makeAttributesRaw "ondragend" -- | The @ondragenter@ attribute. ondragenter_ :: Text -> Attributes ondragenter_ = makeAttributesRaw "ondragenter" -- | The @ondragleave@ attribute. ondragleave_ :: Text -> Attributes ondragleave_ = makeAttributesRaw "ondragleave" -- | The @ondragover@ attribute. ondragover_ :: Text -> Attributes ondragover_ = makeAttributesRaw "ondragover" -- | The @ondragstart@ attribute. ondragstart_ :: Text -> Attributes ondragstart_ = makeAttributesRaw "ondragstart" -- | The @ondrop@ attribute. ondrop_ :: Text -> Attributes ondrop_ = makeAttributesRaw "ondrop" -- | The @ondurationchange@ attribute. ondurationchange_ :: Text -> Attributes ondurationchange_ = makeAttributesRaw "ondurationchange" -- | The @onemptied@ attribute. onemptied_ :: Text -> Attributes onemptied_ = makeAttributesRaw "onemptied" -- | The @onended@ attribute. onended_ :: Text -> Attributes onended_ = makeAttributesRaw "onended" -- | The @onerror@ attribute. onerror_ :: Text -> Attributes onerror_ = makeAttributesRaw "onerror" -- | The @onfocus@ attribute. onfocus_ :: Text -> Attributes onfocus_ = makeAttributesRaw "onfocus" -- | The @onformchange@ attribute. onformchange_ :: Text -> Attributes onformchange_ = makeAttributesRaw "onformchange" -- | The @onforminput@ attribute. onforminput_ :: Text -> Attributes onforminput_ = makeAttributesRaw "onforminput" -- | The @onhaschange@ attribute. onhaschange_ :: Text -> Attributes onhaschange_ = makeAttributesRaw "onhaschange" -- | The @oninput@ attribute. oninput_ :: Text -> Attributes oninput_ = makeAttributesRaw "oninput" -- | The @oninvalid@ attribute. oninvalid_ :: Text -> Attributes oninvalid_ = makeAttributesRaw "oninvalid" -- | The @onkeydown@ attribute. onkeydown_ :: Text -> Attributes onkeydown_ = makeAttributesRaw "onkeydown" -- | The @onkeyup@ attribute. onkeyup_ :: Text -> Attributes onkeyup_ = makeAttributesRaw "onkeyup" -- | The @onload@ attribute. onload_ :: Text -> Attributes onload_ = makeAttributesRaw "onload" -- | The @onloadeddata@ attribute. onloadeddata_ :: Text -> Attributes onloadeddata_ = makeAttributesRaw "onloadeddata" -- | The @onloadedmetadata@ attribute. onloadedmetadata_ :: Text -> Attributes onloadedmetadata_ = makeAttributesRaw "onloadedmetadata" -- | The @onloadstart@ attribute. onloadstart_ :: Text -> Attributes onloadstart_ = makeAttributesRaw "onloadstart" -- | The @onmessage@ attribute. onmessage_ :: Text -> Attributes onmessage_ = makeAttributesRaw "onmessage" -- | The @onmousedown@ attribute. onmousedown_ :: Text -> Attributes onmousedown_ = makeAttributesRaw "onmousedown" -- | The @onmousemove@ attribute. onmousemove_ :: Text -> Attributes onmousemove_ = makeAttributesRaw "onmousemove" -- | The @onmouseout@ attribute. onmouseout_ :: Text -> Attributes onmouseout_ = makeAttributesRaw "onmouseout" -- | The @onmouseover@ attribute. onmouseover_ :: Text -> Attributes onmouseover_ = makeAttributesRaw "onmouseover" -- | The @onmouseup@ attribute. onmouseup_ :: Text -> Attributes onmouseup_ = makeAttributesRaw "onmouseup" -- | The @onmousewheel@ attribute. onmousewheel_ :: Text -> Attributes onmousewheel_ = makeAttributesRaw "onmousewheel" -- | The @ononline@ attribute. ononline_ :: Text -> Attributes ononline_ = makeAttributesRaw "ononline" -- | The @onpagehide@ attribute. onpagehide_ :: Text -> Attributes onpagehide_ = makeAttributesRaw "onpagehide" -- | The @onpageshow@ attribute. onpageshow_ :: Text -> Attributes onpageshow_ = makeAttributesRaw "onpageshow" -- | The @onpause@ attribute. onpause_ :: Text -> Attributes onpause_ = makeAttributesRaw "onpause" -- | The @onplay@ attribute. onplay_ :: Text -> Attributes onplay_ = makeAttributesRaw "onplay" -- | The @onplaying@ attribute. onplaying_ :: Text -> Attributes onplaying_ = makeAttributesRaw "onplaying" -- | The @onprogress@ attribute. onprogress_ :: Text -> Attributes onprogress_ = makeAttributesRaw "onprogress" -- | The @onpropstate@ attribute. onpropstate_ :: Text -> Attributes onpropstate_ = makeAttributesRaw "onpropstate" -- | The @onratechange@ attribute. onratechange_ :: Text -> Attributes onratechange_ = makeAttributesRaw "onratechange" -- | The @onreadystatechange@ attribute. onreadystatechange_ :: Text -> Attributes onreadystatechange_ = makeAttributesRaw "onreadystatechange" -- | The @onredo@ attribute. onredo_ :: Text -> Attributes onredo_ = makeAttributesRaw "onredo" -- | The @onresize@ attribute. onresize_ :: Text -> Attributes onresize_ = makeAttributesRaw "onresize" -- | The @onscroll@ attribute. onscroll_ :: Text -> Attributes onscroll_ = makeAttributesRaw "onscroll" -- | The @onseeked@ attribute. onseeked_ :: Text -> Attributes onseeked_ = makeAttributesRaw "onseeked" -- | The @onseeking@ attribute. onseeking_ :: Text -> Attributes onseeking_ = makeAttributesRaw "onseeking" -- | The @onselect@ attribute. onselect_ :: Text -> Attributes onselect_ = makeAttributesRaw "onselect" -- | The @onstalled@ attribute. onstalled_ :: Text -> Attributes onstalled_ = makeAttributesRaw "onstalled" -- | The @onstorage@ attribute. onstorage_ :: Text -> Attributes onstorage_ = makeAttributesRaw "onstorage" -- | The @onsubmit@ attribute. onsubmit_ :: Text -> Attributes onsubmit_ = makeAttributesRaw "onsubmit" -- | The @onsuspend@ attribute. onsuspend_ :: Text -> Attributes onsuspend_ = makeAttributesRaw "onsuspend" -- | The @ontimeupdate@ attribute. ontimeupdate_ :: Text -> Attributes ontimeupdate_ = makeAttributesRaw "ontimeupdate" -- | The @onundo@ attribute. onundo_ :: Text -> Attributes onundo_ = makeAttributesRaw "onundo" -- | The @onunload@ attribute. onunload_ :: Text -> Attributes onunload_ = makeAttributesRaw "onunload" -- | The @onvolumechange@ attribute. onvolumechange_ :: Text -> Attributes onvolumechange_ = makeAttributesRaw "onvolumechange" -- | The @onwaiting@ attribute. onwaiting_ :: Text -> Attributes onwaiting_ = makeAttributesRaw "onwaiting" -- | The @open@ attribute. open_ :: Text -> Attributes open_ = makeAttributes "open" -- | The @optimum@ attribute. optimum_ :: Text -> Attributes optimum_ = makeAttributes "optimum" -- | The @pattern@ attribute. pattern_ :: Text -> Attributes pattern_ = makeAttributes "pattern" -- | The @ping@ attribute. ping_ :: Text -> Attributes ping_ = makeAttributes "ping" -- | The @placeholder@ attribute. placeholder_ :: Text -> Attributes placeholder_ = makeAttributes "placeholder" -- | The @poster@ attribute. poster_ :: Text -> Attributes poster_ = makeAttributes "poster" -- | The @preload@ attribute. preload_ :: Text -> Attributes preload_ = makeAttributes "preload" -- | The @pubdate@ attribute. pubdate_ :: Text -> Attributes pubdate_ = makeAttributes "pubdate" -- | The @radiogroup@ attribute. radiogroup_ :: Text -> Attributes radiogroup_ = makeAttributes "radiogroup" -- | The @readonly@ attribute. readonly_ :: Text -> Attributes readonly_ = makeAttributes "readonly" -- | The @rel@ attribute. rel_ :: Text -> Attributes rel_ = makeAttributes "rel" -- | The @required@ attribute. required_ :: Text -> Attributes required_ = makeAttributes "required" -- | The @reversed@ attribute. reversed_ :: Text -> Attributes reversed_ = makeAttributes "reversed" -- | The @role@ attribute. role_ :: Text -> Attributes role_ = makeAttributes "role" -- | The @rows@ attribute. rows_ :: Text -> Attributes rows_ = makeAttributes "rows" -- | The @rowspan@ attribute. rowspan_ :: Text -> Attributes rowspan_ = makeAttributes "rowspan" -- | The @sandbox@ attribute. sandbox_ :: Text -> Attributes sandbox_ = makeAttributes "sandbox" -- | The @scope@ attribute. scope_ :: Text -> Attributes scope_ = makeAttributes "scope" -- | The @scoped@ attribute. scoped_ :: Text -> Attributes scoped_ = makeAttributes "scoped" -- | The @seamless@ attribute. seamless_ :: Text -> Attributes seamless_ = makeAttributes "seamless" -- | The @selected@ attribute. selected_ :: Text -> Attributes selected_ = makeAttributes "selected" -- | The @shape@ attribute. shape_ :: Text -> Attributes shape_ = makeAttributes "shape" -- | The @size@ attribute. size_ :: Text -> Attributes size_ = makeAttributes "size" -- | The @sizes@ attribute. sizes_ :: Text -> Attributes sizes_ = makeAttributes "sizes" -- | The @spellcheck@ attribute. spellcheck_ :: Text -> Attributes spellcheck_ = makeAttributes "spellcheck" -- | The @src@ attribute. src_ :: Text -> Attributes src_ = makeAttributes "src" -- | The @srcdoc@ attribute. srcdoc_ :: Text -> Attributes srcdoc_ = makeAttributes "srcdoc" -- | The @start@ attribute. start_ :: Text -> Attributes start_ = makeAttributes "start" -- | The @step@ attribute. step_ :: Text -> Attributes step_ = makeAttributes "step" -- | The @subject@ attribute. subject_ :: Text -> Attributes subject_ = makeAttributes "subject" -- | The @tabindex@ attribute. tabindex_ :: Text -> Attributes tabindex_ = makeAttributes "tabindex" -- | The @target@ attribute. target_ :: Text -> Attributes target_ = makeAttributes "target" -- | The @type@ attribute. type_ :: Text -> Attributes type_ = makeAttributes "type" -- | The @usemap@ attribute. usemap_ :: Text -> Attributes usemap_ = makeAttributes "usemap" -- | The @value@ attribute. value_ :: Text -> Attributes value_ = makeAttributes "value" -- | The @width@ attribute. width_ :: Text -> Attributes width_ = makeAttributes "width" -- | The @wrap@ attribute. wrap_ :: Text -> Attributes wrap_ = makeAttributes "wrap" -- | The @xmlns@ attribute. xmlns_ :: Text -> Attributes xmlns_ = makeAttributes "xmlns"