{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -O2

module Graphics.UI.LUI.Widgets.Grid

import qualified Graphics.UI.LUI.Widget as Widget
import qualified Graphics.UI.LUI.Widgets.FocusDelegator as FocusDelegator
import qualified Graphics.UI.LUI.Image as Image

import Graphics.UI.LUI.Widget(Widget, WidgetFuncs(..))

import Graphics.UI.LUI.Func((~>), result)
import Graphics.UI.LUI.List(isSorted)
import Graphics.UI.LUI.Tuple(swap)
import Graphics.UI.LUI.Accessor(Accessor, reader, convertor, (^.), (^>), write)

import qualified Graphics.UI.SDL as SDL
import qualified Graphics.UI.HaskGame.Key as Key
import qualified Graphics.UI.HaskGame.Vector2 as Vector2
import Graphics.UI.HaskGame.Key(asKeyGroup, noMods, shift)
import Graphics.UI.HaskGame.Color(Color)
import Graphics.UI.HaskGame.Vector2(Vector2(..))

import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Control.Arrow(second)
import Data.List(transpose)
import Data.Maybe(isJust, isNothing, fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid(mempty, mconcat)

data Item model = Item
      itemWidget :: Widget model

      -- alignments are a number between 0..1 that
      -- represents where in the grid item's left..right
      -- and top..down the item should be in
    , itemAlignments :: (Double, Double)

type Items model = Map.Map Cursor (Item model)
type Cursor = (Int, Int)

data Mutable = Mutable
      mutableCursor :: Cursor
-- TODO: Auto-TH for this
aMutableCursor :: Accessor Mutable Cursor
aMutableCursor = convertor mutableCursor Mutable

selectedItem :: Mutable -> Items model -> Maybe (Item model)
selectedItem (Mutable cursor) items = cursor `Map.lookup` items

gridRows :: Cursor -> Items model -> [[(Cursor, Maybe (Item model))]]
gridRows (sizex, sizey) items =
    [[((x,y), (x,y) `Map.lookup` items) | x <- [0..sizex-1]] | y <- [0..sizey-1]]

gridDrawInfo :: Mutable -> Cursor -> Widget.DrawInfo -> Widget.DrawInfo
gridDrawInfo (Mutable cursor) itemIndex (Widget.DrawInfo drawInfo) =
    Widget.DrawInfo (drawInfo && cursor==itemIndex)

getRowColumnSizes :: model -> Mutable -> Items model -> Cursor -> Widget.DrawInfo ->
                     ([Int], [Int])
getRowColumnSizes model mutable items size drawInfo = (rowHeights, columnWidths)
      mapItems = map . map
      rowsSizes = mapItems itemWidgetSize (gridRows size items)
      itemWidgetSize (itemIndex, mItem) =
        case mItem of
          Nothing -> Vector2 0 0
          Just item -> widgetSize (itemWidget item model)
                                  (gridDrawInfo mutable itemIndex drawInfo)
      rowsHeights = mapItems Vector2.snd rowsSizes
      rowsWidths =  mapItems Vector2.fst rowsSizes

      rowHeights =   map maximum             $ rowsHeights
      columnWidths = map maximum . transpose $ rowsWidths

mutableCursorApply :: (Cursor -> Cursor) -> Mutable -> Mutable
mutableCursorApply func (Mutable oldCursor) = Mutable $ func oldCursor

mutableMoveTo :: (Int, Int) -> Mutable -> Mutable
mutableMoveTo newCursor = mutableCursorApply (const newCursor)

itemSelectable :: model -> Item model -> Bool
itemSelectable model (Item widget _) =
    isJust . widgetGetKeymap $ widget model

getSelectables :: ((Int, Int) -> (Int, Int)) ->
                  (Int -> Int) ->
                  Cursor -> model -> Mutable -> Items model ->
                  [(Int, Int)]
getSelectables toSwap cursorFunc size model (Mutable oldCursor) items =
    let (sizeA,_) = toSwap size
        (oldA,b) = toSwap oldCursor
        nexts = takeWhile (\a -> isSorted [0, a, sizeA-1]) .
                iterate cursorFunc $ oldA
        coor a = toSwap (a, b)
        itemAt a = (coor a, items Map.! coor a)
    in map fst . filter (itemSelectable model . snd) . map itemAt . drop 1 $ nexts

getSelectablesX, getSelectablesY :: (Int -> Int) ->
                                    Cursor -> model -> Mutable -> Items model ->
                                    [(Int, Int)]
getSelectablesX = getSelectables id
getSelectablesY = getSelectables swap

getSelectablesXY :: [Int] -> (Int -> Int) ->
                    Cursor -> model -> Mutable -> Items model ->
                    [(Int, Int)]
getSelectablesXY xrange cursorFunc size model (Mutable oldCursor) items =
    let (sizeX,sizeY) = size
        (oldX,oldY) = oldCursor
        xnexts = drop 1 . takeWhile (\x -> isSorted [0, x, sizeX-1]) .
                 iterate cursorFunc $ oldX
        ynexts = drop 1 . takeWhile (\y -> isSorted [0, y, sizeY-1]) .
                 iterate cursorFunc $ oldY
        nexts = map (flip (,) oldY) xnexts ++
                [(x, y) | y <- ynexts, x <- xrange]
        itemAt cursor = (cursor, items Map.! cursor)
    in map fst . filter (itemSelectable model . snd) . map itemAt $ nexts

 prevKeyGroup :: Widget.KeyAction

leftKeyGroup  = (Widget.KeyDown, asKeyGroup noMods SDL.SDLK_LEFT)
rightKeyGroup = (Widget.KeyDown, asKeyGroup noMods SDL.SDLK_RIGHT)
upKeyGroup    = (Widget.KeyDown, asKeyGroup noMods SDL.SDLK_UP)
downKeyGroup  = (Widget.KeyDown, asKeyGroup noMods SDL.SDLK_DOWN)
nextKeyGroup  = (Widget.KeyDown, asKeyGroup noMods SDL.SDLK_TAB)
prevKeyGroup  = (Widget.KeyDown, asKeyGroup shift  SDL.SDLK_TAB)

keysMap :: Cursor -> model -> Mutable -> Items model -> Widget.ActionHandlers Mutable
keysMap size@(sizeX, _) model mutable items =
    Map.fromList $ concat $
           [let opts = axis size model mutable items
            in cond opts (key, (desc, const $ head opts `mutableMoveTo` mutable))
            | (key, axis, desc) <-
                [(leftKeyGroup,  getSelectablesX (subtract 1),
                  "Move left")
                ,(rightKeyGroup, getSelectablesX (+1),
                  "Move right")
                ,(upKeyGroup,    getSelectablesY (subtract 1),
                  "Move up")
                ,(downKeyGroup,  getSelectablesY (+1),
                  "Move down")
                ,(nextKeyGroup,  getSelectablesXY [0..sizeX-1] (+1),
                  "Move to next")
                ,(prevKeyGroup,  getSelectablesXY [sizeX-1,sizeX-2..0] (subtract 1),
                  "Move to prev")
      cond p i = if not . null $ p then [i] else []

inFrac :: (Integral a, RealFrac b) => (b -> b) -> a -> a
inFrac = fromIntegral ~> floor

posSizes :: [Int] -> [(Int, Int)]
posSizes sizes =
    let positions = scanl (+) 0 sizes
    in zip positions sizes

noAcc :: Cursor -> Accessor model Mutable
noAcc cursor = reader . Mutable $ cursor

new :: Cursor -> Items model -> Widget.New model Mutable
new size items acc model =
    let mutable = model ^. acc
        rows = gridRows size items
        rowColumnSizes drawInfo = getRowColumnSizes model mutable items size drawInfo
    in WidgetFuncs
      widgetImage = \drawInfo -> let
        (rowHeights, columnWidths) = rowColumnSizes drawInfo
        images =
          flip map (zip (posSizes rowHeights) rows) $
          \((ypos, height), row) ->
            flip map (zip (posSizes columnWidths) row) $
            \((xpos, width), (itemIndex, mItem)) ->
              case mItem of
                Nothing -> mempty
                Just item ->
                    let Item childWidget (ax, ay) = item
                        childDrawInfo = gridDrawInfo mutable itemIndex drawInfo
                        childWidgetFuncs = childWidget model
                        childImage = widgetImage childWidgetFuncs childDrawInfo
                        Vector2 w h = widgetSize childWidgetFuncs childDrawInfo
                        pos = Vector2 (xpos + inFrac (*ax) (width-w))
                                      (ypos + inFrac (*ay) (height-h))
                    in Image.move pos childImage
        in mconcat . concat $ images

    , widgetSize =
        \drawInfo ->
            let (rowHeights, columnWidths) = rowColumnSizes drawInfo
            in Vector2 (sum columnWidths) (sum rowHeights)

    , widgetGetKeymap =
      if all isNothing .
         map (widgetGetKeymap . ($model) . itemWidget) .
         Map.elems $ items
      then Nothing
      else Just $
        let childKeys = fromMaybe Map.empty $ do
                          Item childWidget _ <- selectedItem mutable items
                          widgetGetKeymap $ childWidget model
            applyToModel newMutable = acc `write` newMutable $ model
        in childKeys `Map.union` ((Map.map . second . result) applyToModel $
                                  keysMap size model mutable items)

type DelegatedMutable = FocusDelegator.DelegatedMutable Mutable

aDelegatedMutableCursor :: Accessor DelegatedMutable Cursor
aDelegatedMutableCursor = FocusDelegator.aDelegatedMutable ^> aMutableCursor

delegatedMutable :: Bool -> Cursor -> DelegatedMutable
delegatedMutable startInside cursor =
    (FocusDelegator.Mutable startInside, Mutable cursor)

newDelegatedWith :: Color -> Cursor -> Items model -> Widget.New model DelegatedMutable
newDelegatedWith focusColor size items acc =
    let grid = new size items $ acc ^> FocusDelegator.aDelegatedMutable
    in FocusDelegator.newWith focusColor "Go in" "Go out" grid $
           acc ^> FocusDelegator.aFocusDelegatorMutable

newDelegated :: Cursor -> Items model -> Widget.New model DelegatedMutable
newDelegated = newDelegatedWith FocusDelegator.defaultFocusColor