-- |
-- Copyright   : (C) 2015, 2016 Dimitri Sabadie
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : Dimitri Sabadie <dimitri.sabadie@gmail.com>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : portable

module Graphics.Luminance.Core.Draw where

import Control.Monad.IO.Class ( MonadIO(..) )
import Data.Bits ( (.|.) )
import Data.Foldable ( traverse_ )
import Foreign.Ptr ( nullPtr )
import Graphics.GL
import Graphics.Luminance.Core.Blending ( setBlending )
import Graphics.Luminance.Core.Debug ( debugGL )
import Graphics.Luminance.Core.Framebuffer ( Framebuffer(..), Output, defaultFramebuffer )
import Graphics.Luminance.Core.Geometry ( Geometry(..), VertexArray(..) )
import Graphics.Luminance.Core.RW ( RW, Writable )
import Graphics.Luminance.Core.RenderCmd ( RenderCmd(..) )
import Graphics.Luminance.Core.Shader.Program ( Program(..), U'(..) )

-- |Frame command.
data FrameCmd rw c d a = FrameCmd {
    frameCmdFramebuffer :: Framebuffer rw c d
  , frameCmdShadingCmds :: [ShadingCmd rw c d a]

-- |Build a 'FrameCmd' for the default framebuffer.
defaultFrameCmd :: [ShadingCmd RW () () a] -> FrameCmd RW () () a
defaultFrameCmd = FrameCmd defaultFramebuffer

-- |Shading command.
data ShadingCmd rw c d a = ShadingCmd {
    shadingCmdProgram :: Program a
  , shadingCmdUniforms :: a -> U'
  , shadingCmdDrawCmds :: [DrawCmd rw c d a]

-- |Draw command.
newtype DrawCmd rw c d a = DrawCmd { drawCmd :: a -> (U',RenderCmd rw c d Geometry) }

-- |Build a 'DrawCmd', updating the program’s interface.
updateAndDraw :: (a -> U') -> RenderCmd rw c d Geometry -> DrawCmd rw c d a
updateAndDraw update rdrCmd = DrawCmd $ \a -> (update a,rdrCmd)

-- |Build a 'DrawCmd' without updating the program’s interface.
pureDraw :: RenderCmd rw c d Geometry -> DrawCmd rw c d a
pureDraw rdrCmd = DrawCmd $ const (mempty,rdrCmd)

-- |Issue a draw to the GPU. Don’t be afraid of the type signature. Let’s explain it.
-- The first parameter is the framebuffer you want to perform the rendering in. It must be
-- writable.
-- The second parameter is a list of /shading commands/. A shading command is composed of three
-- parts:
-- * a 'Program' used for shading;
-- * a @(a -> 'U'')@ uniform sink used to update uniforms in the program passed as first value;
--   this is useful if you want to update uniforms only once per draw or for all render
--   commands, like time, user event, etc.;
-- * a list of /render commands/ function; that function enables you to update uniforms via the
--   @(a -> 'U'')@ uniform sink for each render command that follows.
-- This function yields a value of type @'Output' m c d'@, which represents the output of the render
-- – typically, textures or '()'.
draw :: (MonadIO m,Writable w)
     => FrameCmd w c d a
     -> m (Output c d)
draw fc = do
  debugGL $ glBindFramebuffer GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER (fromIntegral . framebufferID $ frameCmdFramebuffer fc)
  traverse_ shade (frameCmdShadingCmds fc)
  pure (framebufferOutput . frameCmdFramebuffer $ fc)

shade :: (MonadIO m) => ShadingCmd rw c d a -> m ()
shade shd = do
    debugGL $ glUseProgram (programID prog)
    liftIO . runU' $ (shadingCmdUniforms shd) iface
    traverse_ (\drw -> uncurry render $ drawCmd drw iface) (shadingCmdDrawCmds shd)
    prog = shadingCmdProgram shd
    iface = programInterface prog

render :: (MonadIO m) => U' -> RenderCmd rw c d Geometry -> m ()
render u (RenderCmd blending depthTest geometry) = do
  liftIO (runU' u)
  setBlending blending
  (if depthTest then glEnable else glDisable) GL_DEPTH_TEST
  case geometry of
    DirectGeometry (VertexArray vid mode vbNb) -> do
      debugGL $ glBindVertexArray vid
      debugGL $ glDrawArrays mode 0 vbNb
    IndexedGeometry (VertexArray vid mode ixNb) -> do
      debugGL $ glBindVertexArray vid
      debugGL $ glDrawElements mode ixNb GL_UNSIGNED_INT nullPtr