import System.IO import System.Exit import Text.Luthor import qualified Text.Parsec as P import Text.Parsec.Char (string, char, anyChar, digit) main = do results <- sequence [ --Examples in docs (string "aaa" <|> string "aa") `fails` "aa" , (string "aaa" <||> string "aa") `matches` "aa" , ((char 'a' `P.sepBy` char ' ') *> optional (char ' ')) `fails` "a a " , ((char 'a' `sepBy` char ' ') *> optional (char ' ')) `matches` "a a " , (anyChar `P.manyTill` string "-->") `fails` "part1 -- part2-->" , (anyChar `manyThru` string "-->") `matches` "part1 -- part2-->" -- * Choices , (string "foo" <||> string "fly") `matches` "foo" , (string "foo" <||> string "fly") `matches` "fly" , choice [string "foo", string "bar", string "fly"] `matches` "fly" , dispatch [(string "foo", string "bar"), (string "fly", string "wheel")] `matches` "foobar" , dispatch [(string "foo", string "bar"), (string "fly", string "wheel")] `matches` "flywheel" , longestOf [string "let", string "lets"] `parses` "lets" $ "lets" , longestOf [string "let", string "lets"] `matches` "let" -- ** Zero or One , (optional_ (string "foo") *> string "fly") `matches` "foofly" , (optional_ (string "foo") *> string "fly") `matches` "fly" -- * Many , atLeast 3 (char 'a') `fails` "aa" , atLeast 3 (char 'a') `matches` "aaa" , atLeast 3 (char 'a') `matches` "aaaa" , atMost 3 (char 'a') `matches` "" , atMost 3 (char 'a') `matches` "aaa" , atMost 3 (char 'a') `fails` "aaaa" , manyNM 2 4 (char 'a') `fails` "a" , manyNM 2 4 (char 'a') `matches` "aa" , manyNM 2 4 (char 'a') `matches` "aaaa" , manyNM 2 4 (char 'a') `fails` "aaaaa" -- * Common Structures -- ** Terminate , ((anyChar `manyTill` (string "\n\r")) *> string "\n\r") `matches` "sdg\na;on\n\r" , ((anyChar `manyTill` (string "\n\r"))) `fails` "sdg\na;on\n\r" , ((anyChar `manyThru` (string "\n\r")) *> string "\n\r") `fails` "sdg\na;on\n\r" , ((anyChar `manyThru` (string "\n\r"))) `matches` "sdg\na;on\n\r" , ((anyChar `manyThru` (string "\n\r"))) `fails` "sdg\na;on" , (string "foo" `chomp` char '\n') `matches` "foo\n" , (string "foo" `chomp` char '\n') `matches` "foo" -- ** Surround , (between2 (char '\'') anyChar) `matches` "'a'" , (between2 (char '\'') anyChar) `matches` "'''" -- ** Intercalate , (char 'a' `sepBy` char ' ') `matches` "a a a" , ((char 'a' `sepBy` char ' ') *> char ' ') `matches` "a " , ((char 'a' `sepBy` char ' ')) `matches` "" , ((char 'a' `sepBy` char ' ') *> char ' ') `matches` " " , (char 'a' `sepEndBy` char ' ') `matches` "a a a" , ((char 'a' `sepEndBy` char ' ')) `matches` "a " , ((char 'a' `sepEndBy` char ' ')) `matches` "" , ((char 'a' `sepEndBy` char ' ')) `fails` " " , (char 'a' `endBy` char ' ') `fails` "a a a" , (char 'a' `endBy` char ' ') `matches` "a a a " , ((char 'a' `endBy` char ' ')) `matches` "a " , ((char 'a' `endBy` char ' ')) `matches` "" , ((char 'a' `endBy` char ' ')) `fails` " " , (char 'a' `sepAroundBy` char ' ') `matches` "a a a" , (char 'a' `sepAroundBy` char ' ') `matches` "a a a " , (char 'a' `sepAroundBy` char ' ') `matches` " a a a " , (char 'a' `sepAroundBy` char ' ') `matches` " a a a" , ((char 'a' `sepAroundBy` char ' ')) `matches` "" , ((char 'a' `sepAroundBy` char ' ')) `fails` " " -- ** Chaining , (char 'a' `chainl1` (const <$ char ' ')) `matches` "a a a" , ((char 'a' `chainl1` (const <$ char ' ')) *> char ' ') `matches` "a " , (char 'a' `chainr1` (const <$ char ' ')) `matches` "a a a" , ((char 'a' `chainr1` (const <$ char ' ')) *> char ' ') `matches` "a " -- * Lookahead , (lookAhead (string "foo") <|> string "fly") `matches` "fly" , (lookAhead (string "foo") <|> string "ly") `fails` "fly" , (lookAhead (string "foo") *> string "foo") `matches` "foo" , ((char 'a' `notFollowedBy` string "foo") *> string ("fly")) `matches` "afly" , (char 'a' `notFollowedBy` string "foo") `fails` "afoo" ] if id `all` results then exitSuccess else exitFailure type Parser = Parsec String () run p = runP p () "" test :: Bool -> Parser a -> String -> IO Bool test expect p input = do case (expect, run (p <* P.eof) input) of (True, Right _) -> return True (False, Left _) -> return True (True, Left err) -> do putErrLn $ "false negative on " ++ show input putErrLn $ show err return False (False, Right _) -> do putErrLn $ "false positive on " ++ show input return False parses :: (Show a, Eq a) => Parser a -> String -> a -> IO Bool parses p input expect = do case run (p <* P.eof) input of Right val | val == expect -> return True | otherwise -> do putErrLn $ "incorrect parse on " ++ show input putErrLn $ "found " ++ show val return False Left err -> do putErrLn $ "false negative on " ++ show input putErrLn $ show err return False matches = test True fails = test False putErrLn = hPutStrLn stderr