{-# LANGUAGE Unsafe #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} 
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns, BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DoAndIfThenElse #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} 
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} -- For DeepFreeze

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -fno-warn-name-shadowing -fno-warn-unused-do-bind #-}

-- | This is an internal module that provides the core parallel scheduler.
--   It is /not/ for end-users.

module Control.LVish.SchedIdempotent
    -- * Basic types and accessors
    LVar(..), state, HandlerPool(),
    Par(..), ClosedPar(..),
    -- * Safe, deterministic operations
    yield, newPool, fork, forkHP,
    runPar, runParIO,
    runParDetailed, runParLogged,
    withNewPool, withNewPool_,
    -- * Quasi-deterministic operations
    quiesce, quiesceAll,

    -- * Re-exported debug facilities
    logStrLn, dbgLvl, getLogger,
    -- * Unsafe operations; should be used only by experts to build new abstractions
    newLV, getLV, putLV, putLV_, freezeLV, freezeLVAfter,
    addHandler, liftIO, toss,

    -- * Internal, private bits.
    mkPar, Status(..), sched, Listener(..)
  ) where

import           Control.Monad hiding (sequence, join)
import           Control.Concurrent hiding (yield)
import qualified Control.Concurrent as Conc
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import           Control.DeepSeq
import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.LVish.MonadToss
import           Control.LVish.Logging as L
import           Debug.Trace(trace)
import           Data.IORef
import           Data.Atomics
import           Data.Typeable
import qualified Data.Concurrent.Counter as C
import qualified Data.Concurrent.Bag as B
import           GHC.Conc hiding (yield)
import           System.IO
import           System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import           System.Environment(getEnvironment)
import           System.Mem.StableName (makeStableName, hashStableName)
import           Prelude  hiding (mapM, sequence, head, tail)
import qualified Prelude
import           System.Random (random)

#ifdef DEBUG_LVAR               
import           Text.Printf (printf)

-- import Control.Compose ((:.), unO)
import           Data.Traversable 

import Control.LVish.Types
import qualified Control.LVish.SchedIdempotentInternal as Sched

-- LVar and Par monad representation

-- | LVars are parameterized by two types:
--     * The first, @a@, characterizes the \"state\" of the LVar (i.e., the lattice
--     element), and should be a concurrently mutable data type.  That means, in
--     particular, that only a /transient snapshot/ of the state can be
--     obtained in general.  But the information in such a snapshot is always a
--     lower bound on the current value of the LVar.
--     * The second, @d@, characterizes the \"delta\" associated with a @putLV@
--     operation (i.e., the actual change, if any, to the LVar's state).
--     In many cases such deltas allow far more efficient communication between
--     @putLV@s and blocked @getLV@s or handlers.  It is crucial, however, that
--     the behavior of a @get@ or handler does not depend on the /particular/
--     choice of @putLV@ operations (and hence deltas) that moved the LVar over
--     the threshold.  For simple data structures, the delta may just be the
--     entire LVar state, but for, e.g., collection data structures, delta will
--     generally represent a single insertion.
data LVar a d = LVar {
  state  :: a,                -- the current, "global" state of the LVar
  status :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(IORef (Status d)), -- is the LVar active or frozen?  
  name   :: {-# UNPACK #-} !LVarID            -- a unique identifier for this LVar

type LVarID = IORef ()
newLVID = newIORef ()

-- | a global ID that is *not* the name of any LVar.  Makes it possible to
-- represent Maybe (LVarID) with the type LVarID -- i.e., without any allocation.
noName :: LVarID
noName = unsafePerformIO $ newLVID
{-# NOINLINE noName #-}

-- | The frozen bit of an LVar is tied together with the bag of waiting listeners,
-- which allows the entire bag to become garbage immediately after freezing.
-- (Note, however, that outstanding @put@s that occurred just before freezing
-- may still reference the bag, which is necessary to ensure that all listeners
-- are informed of the @put@ prior to freezing.)
data Status d 
  = Freezing                     -- ^ further changes to the state are forbidden
  | Frozen                       -- ^ further changes to the state are forbidden
  | Active (B.Bag (Listener d))  -- ^ bag of blocked threshold reads and handlers

-- | A listener for an LVar is informed of each change to the LVar's state
-- (represented as a delta) and the event of the LVar freezing.  The listener is
-- given access to a bag token, allowing it to remove itself from the bag of
-- listeners, after unblocking a threshold read, for example.  It is also given
-- access to the scheduler queue for the CPU that generated the event, which it
-- can use to add threads.
data Listener d = Listener {
  onUpdate :: d -> B.Token (Listener d) -> SchedState -> IO (),
  onFreeze ::      B.Token (Listener d) -> SchedState -> IO ()

-- | A @HandlerPool@ contains a way to count outstanding parallel computations that
-- are affiliated with the pool.  It detects the condition where all such threads
-- have completed.
data HandlerPool = HandlerPool {
  numHandlers      :: C.Counter,   -- How many handler callbacks are currently
                                   -- running?
  blockedOnQuiesce :: B.Bag ClosedPar

-- | A monadic type constructor for parallel computations producing an answer @a@.
-- This is the internal, unsafe type.
newtype Par a = Par {
  -- the computation is represented in CPS
  close :: (a -> ClosedPar) -> ClosedPar  

-- A "closed" Par computation is one that has been plugged into a continuation.
-- It is represented in a "Church encoded" style, i.e., directly in terms of its
-- interpretation into the IO monad.  Since the continuation has already been
-- plugged into the computation, there is no answer type here.
newtype ClosedPar = ClosedPar {
  exec :: SchedState -> IO ()

type SchedState = Sched.State ClosedPar LVarID

instance Functor Par where
  fmap f m = Par $ \k -> close m (k . f)

instance Monad Par where
  return a = Par $ \k -> k a
  m >>= c  = Par $ \k -> close m $ \a -> close (c a) k

instance Applicative Par where
  (<*>) = ap
  pure  = return

-- A few auxiliary functions

mkPar :: ((a -> ClosedPar) -> SchedState -> IO ()) -> Par a
mkPar f = Par $ \k -> ClosedPar $ \q -> f k q

whenJust :: Maybe a -> (a -> IO ()) -> IO ()
whenJust Nothing  _ = return ()
whenJust (Just a) f = f a

isFrozen :: LVar a d -> IO Bool
isFrozen (LVar {status}) = do
  curStatus <- readIORef status
  case curStatus of
    Active _ -> return False
    _        -> return True

-- | Logging within the (internal) Par monad.
logStrLn  :: Int -> String -> Par ()
-- logStrLn = liftIO . logStrLn_
logStrLn lvl str = when (dbgLvl >= 1) $ do
  lgr <- getLogger
  num <- getWorkerNum
  liftIO$ L.logOn lgr (L.StrMsg lvl ("(wrkr"++show num ++") "++ str))
logStrLn _ _  = return ()

logWith :: Sched.State a s -> Int -> String -> IO ()
-- Only when the debug level is 1 or higher is the logger even initialized:
logWith q lvl str = when (dbgLvl >= 1) $ do
  Just lgr <- readIORef (Sched.logger q)
  L.logOn lgr (L.StrMsg lvl str)
logWith _ _ _ = return ()

-- LVar operations
-- | Create an LVar.
newLV :: IO a -> Par (LVar a d)
newLV init = mkPar $ \k q -> do
  state     <- init
  listeners <- B.new
  status    <- newIORef $ Active listeners
  name      <- newLVID
  exec (k $ LVar {state, status, name}) q

-- | Do a threshold read on an LVar
getLV :: (LVar a d)                  -- ^ the LVar 
      -> (a -> Bool -> IO (Maybe b)) -- ^ already past threshold?
                                     -- The @Bool@ indicates whether the LVar is FROZEN.
      -> (d ->         IO (Maybe b)) -- ^ does @d@ pass the threshold?
      -> Par b
getLV lv@(LVar {state, status}) globalThresh deltaThresh = mkPar $ \k q -> do
  -- tradeoff: we fastpath the case where the LVar is already beyond the
  -- threshhold by polling *before* enrolling the callback.  The price is
  -- that, if we are not currently above the threshhold, we will have to poll
  -- /again/ after enrolling the callback.  This race may also result in the
  -- continuation being executed twice, which is permitted by idempotence.
  let uniqsuf = ", lv "++(show$ unsafeName state)++" on worker "++(show$ Sched.no q)
  logWith q 7$ " [dbg-lvish] getLV: first readIORef "++uniqsuf
  curStatus <- readIORef status
  case curStatus of
    Active listeners -> do
      logWith q 7$ " [dbg-lvish] getLV (active): check globalThresh"++uniqsuf
      tripped <- globalThresh state False
      case tripped of
        Just b -> exec (k b) q -- already past the threshold; invoke the
                               -- continuation immediately        

        Nothing -> do          -- /transiently/ not past the threshhold; block        
          execFlag <- newIORef False
          let onUpdate d = unblockWhen $ deltaThresh d
              onFreeze   = unblockWhen $ globalThresh state True
              unblockWhen thresh tok q = do
                let uniqsuf = ", lv "++(show$ unsafeName state)++" on worker "++(show$ Sched.no q)
                logWith q 7$ " [dbg-lvish] getLV (active): callback: check thresh"++uniqsuf
                tripped <- thresh
                whenJust tripped $ \b -> do        
                  B.remove tok
                  logWith q 8$ " [dbg-lvish] getLV (active): read execFlag for dedup"++uniqsuf
                  ticket <- readForCAS execFlag
                  unless (peekTicket ticket) $ do
                    (winner, _) <- do logWith q 8$ " [dbg-lvish] getLV (active): CAS execFlag dedup"++uniqsuf
                                      casIORef execFlag ticket True
                    when winner $ Sched.pushWork q (k b) 
                  Sched.pushWork q (k b)                     
          logWith q 4$ " [dbg-lvish] getLV: blocking on LVar, registering listeners"++uniqsuf
          -- add listener, i.e., move the continuation to the waiting bag
          tok <- B.put listeners $ Listener onUpdate onFreeze

          -- but there's a race: the threshold might be passed (or the LVar
          -- frozen) between our check and the enrollment as a listener, so we
          -- must poll again
          logWith q 8$ " [dbg-lvish] getLV (active): second frozen check"++uniqsuf
          frozen <- isFrozen lv
          logWith q 7$ " [dbg-lvish] getLV (active): second globalThresh check"++uniqsuf
          tripped' <- globalThresh state frozen
          case tripped' of
            Just b -> do
              logWith q 7$ " [dbg-lvish] getLV (active): second globalThresh tripped, remove tok"++uniqsuf
              B.remove tok  -- remove the listener we just added, and
              exec (k b) q  -- execute the continuation. this work might be
                            -- redundant, but by idempotence that's OK
            Nothing -> sched q

    -- Freezing or Frozen:
    _ -> do
      logWith q 7$ " [dbg-lvish] getLV (frozen): about to check globalThresh"++uniqsuf
      tripped <- globalThresh state True
      case tripped of
        Just b -> do -- logWith q 9$ " [dbg-lvish] getLV (frozen): thresh met, invoking continuation "++uniqsuf
                     exec (k b) q -- already past the threshold; invoke the
                                  -- continuation immediately                    
        Nothing -> sched q     -- We'll NEVER be above the threshold.
                               -- Shouldn't this be an ERROR? (blocked-indefinitely)
                               -- Depends on our semantics for runPar quiescence / errors states.

-- | Update an LVar.
putLV_ :: LVar a d                 -- ^ the LVar
       -> (a -> Par (Maybe d, b))  -- ^ how to do the put, and whether the LVar's
                                   -- value changed
       -> Par b
putLV_ LVar {state, status, name} doPut = mkPar $ \k q -> do
  let uniqsuf = ", lv "++(show$ unsafeName state)++" on worker "++(show$ Sched.no q)
      putAfterFrzExn = E.throw$ PutAfterFreezeExn "Attempt to change a frozen LVar"
  logWith q 8 $ " [dbg-lvish] putLV: initial lvar status read"++uniqsuf
  fstStatus <- readIORef status
  case fstStatus of
    Freezing -> putAfterFrzExn
    Frozen   -> putAfterFrzExn
    Active listeners -> do
      logWith q 8 $ " [dbg-lvish] putLV: setStatus,"++uniqsuf
      Sched.setStatus q name         -- publish our intent to modify the LVar
      let cont (delta, ret) = ClosedPar $ \q -> do
            logWith q 8 $ " [dbg-lvish] putLV: read final status before unsetting"++uniqsuf
            sndStatus <- readIORef status  -- read the frozen bit *while q's status is marked*
            logWith q 8 $ " [dbg-lvish] putLV: UN-setStatus"++uniqsuf
            Sched.setStatus q noName       -- retract our modification intent
            -- AFTER the retraction, freezeLV is allowed to set the state to Frozen.
            whenJust delta $ \d -> do
              case sndStatus of
                Frozen -> putAfterFrzExn
                _ -> do
                  logWith q 9 $ " [dbg-lvish] putLV: calling each listener's onUpdate"++uniqsuf
                  B.foreach listeners $ \(Listener onUpdate _) tok -> onUpdate d tok q
            exec (k ret) q
      logWith q 5 $ " [dbg-lvish] putLV: about to mutate lvar"++uniqsuf
      exec (close (doPut state) cont) q

-- | Update an LVar without generating a result.  
putLV :: LVar a d             -- ^ the LVar
      -> (a -> IO (Maybe d))  -- ^ how to do the put, and whether the LVar's
                               -- value changed
      -> Par ()
putLV lv doPut = putLV_ lv doPut'
  where doPut' a = do r <- liftIO (doPut a); return (r, ())

-- | Freeze an LVar (introducing quasi-determinism).
--   It is the data structure implementor's responsibility to expose this as quasi-deterministc.
freezeLV :: LVar a d -> Par ()
freezeLV LVar {name, status} = mkPar $ \k q -> do
  let uniqsuf = ", lv "++(show$ unsafeName state)++" on worker "++(show$ Sched.no q)
  logWith q 5 $ " [dbg-lvish] freezeLV: atomic modify status to Freezing"++uniqsuf
  oldStatus <- atomicModifyIORef status $ \s -> (Freezing, s)    
  case oldStatus of
    Frozen   -> return ()
    Freezing -> return ()
    Active listeners -> do
      logWith q 7 $ " [dbg-lvish] freezeLV: begin busy-wait for putter status"++uniqsuf
      Sched.await q (name /=)  -- wait until all currently-running puts have
                               -- snapshotted the active status
      logWith q 7 $ " [dbg-lvish] freezeLV: calling each listener's onFreeze"++uniqsuf
      B.foreach listeners $ \Listener {onFreeze} tok -> onFreeze tok q
      logWith q 7 $ " [dbg-lvish] freezeLV: finalizing status as Frozen"++uniqsuf
      writeIORef status Frozen
  exec (k ()) q
-- Handler pool operations

-- | Create a handler pool.
newPool :: Par HandlerPool
newPool = mkPar $ \k q -> do
  cnt <- C.new
  bag <- B.new
  let hp = HandlerPool cnt bag
  hpMsg q " [dbg-lvish] Created new pool" hp
  exec (k hp) q
-- | Convenience function.  Execute a @Par@ computation in the context of a fresh handler pool.
withNewPool :: (HandlerPool -> Par a) -> Par (a, HandlerPool)
withNewPool f = do
  hp <- newPool
  a  <- f hp
  return (a, hp)
-- | Convenience function.  Execute a @Par@ computation in the context of a fresh
-- handler pool, while ignoring the result of the computation.
withNewPool_ :: (HandlerPool -> Par ()) -> Par HandlerPool
withNewPool_ f = do
  hp <- newPool
  f hp
  return hp

data DecStatus = HasDec | HasNotDec

-- | Close a @Par@ task so that it is properly registered with a handler pool.
closeInPool :: Maybe HandlerPool -> Par () -> IO ClosedPar
closeInPool Nothing c = return $ close c $ const (ClosedPar sched)
closeInPool (Just hp) c = do
  decRef <- newIORef HasNotDec      -- in case the thread is duplicated, ensure
                                    -- that the counter is decremented only once
                                    -- on termination
  let cnt = numHandlers hp
      tryDecRef = do                -- attempt to claim the role of decrementer
        ticket <- readForCAS decRef
        case peekTicket ticket of
          HasDec    -> return False
          HasNotDec -> do
            (firstToDec, _) <- casIORef decRef ticket HasDec
            return firstToDec
      onFinishHandler _ = ClosedPar $ \q -> do
        shouldDec <- tryDecRef      -- are we the first copy of the thread to
                                    -- terminate?
        when shouldDec $ do
          C.dec cnt                 -- record handler completion in pool
          quiescent <- C.poll cnt   -- check for (transient) quiescence
          when quiescent $ do       -- wake any threads waiting on quiescence
            hpMsg q " [dbg-lvish] -> Quiescent now.. waking conts" hp 
            let invoke t tok = do
                  B.remove tok
                  Sched.pushWork q t                
            B.foreach (blockedOnQuiesce hp) invoke
        sched q
  C.inc $ numHandlers hp            -- record handler invocation in pool
  return $ close c onFinishHandler  -- close the task with a special "done"
                                    -- continuation that clears it from the
                                    -- handler pool

-- | Add a handler to an existing pool.
{-# INLINE addHandler #-}
addHandler :: Maybe HandlerPool           -- ^ pool to enroll in, if any
           -> LVar a d                    -- ^ LVar to listen to
           -> (a -> Par ())               -- ^ initial snapshot callback on handler registration
           -> (d -> IO (Maybe (Par ())))  -- ^ subsequent callbacks: updates
           -> Par ()
addHandler hp LVar {state, status} globalCB updateThresh = 
  let spawnWhen thresh q = do
        tripped <- thresh
        whenJust tripped $ \cb -> do
          logWith q 5 " [dbg-lvish] addHandler: Delta threshold triggered, pushing work.."
          closed <- closeInPool hp cb
          Sched.pushWork q closed
      onUpdate d _ q = spawnWhen (updateThresh d) q
      onFreeze   _ _ = return ()

      runWhen thresh q = do
        tripped <- thresh
        whenJust tripped $ \cb -> 
          exec (close cb nullCont) q
  in mkPar $ \k q -> do
    curStatus <- readIORef status 
    case curStatus of
      Active listeners ->             -- enroll the handler as a listener
        do B.put listeners $ Listener onUpdate onFreeze; return ()
      Frozen   -> return ()           -- frozen, so no need to enroll
      Freezing -> return ()           -- frozen, so no need to enroll

    logWith q 4 " [dbg-lvish] addHandler: calling globalCB.."
    -- At registration time, traverse (globally) over the previously inserted items
    -- to launch any required callbacks.
    exec (close (globalCB state) nullCont) q
    exec (k ()) q 

nullCont = (\() -> ClosedPar (\_ -> return ()))

-- | Block until a handler pool is quiescent.
quiesce :: HandlerPool -> Par ()
quiesce hp@(HandlerPool cnt bag) = mkPar $ \k q -> do
  hpMsg q " [dbg-lvish] Begin quiescing pool, identity= " hp
  -- tradeoff: we assume that the pool is not yet quiescent, and thus enroll as
  -- a blocked thread prior to checking for quiescence
  tok <- B.put bag (k ())
  quiescent <- C.poll cnt
  if quiescent then do
    B.remove tok
    hpMsg q " [dbg-lvish] -> Quiescent already!" hp
    exec (k ()) q 
  else do 
    hpMsg q " [dbg-lvish] -> Not quiescent yet, back to sched" hp
    sched q

-- | A global barrier.
quiesceAll :: Par ()
quiesceAll = mkPar $ \k q -> do
  sched q
  logWith q 1 " [dbg-lvish] Return from global barrier."
  exec (k ()) q

-- | Freeze an LVar after a given handler quiesces.

-- This is quasi-deterministic.
freezeLVAfter :: LVar a d                    -- ^ the LVar of interest
              -> (a -> Par ())               -- ^ initial snapshot callback on handler registration
              -> (d -> IO (Maybe (Par ())))  -- ^ subsequent callbacks: updates
              -> Par ()
freezeLVAfter lv globalCB updateCB = do
  let globalCB' = globalCB
      updateCB' = updateCB
  hp <- newPool
  addHandler (Just hp) lv globalCB' updateCB'
  quiesce hp
  freezeLV lv

-- Par monad operations

-- | Fork a child thread, optionally in the context of a handler pool.
forkHP :: Maybe HandlerPool -> Par () -> Par ()
forkHP mh child = mkPar $ \k q -> do
  closed <- closeInPool mh child
  Sched.pushWork q (k ()) -- "Work-first" policy.
--  hpMsg q " [dbg-lvish] incremented and pushed work in forkInPool, now running cont" hp   
  exec closed q  
-- | Fork a child thread.
fork :: Par () -> Par ()
fork f = forkHP Nothing f

-- | Perform an @IO@ action.
liftIO :: IO a -> Par a
liftIO io = mkPar $ \k q -> do
  r <- io
  exec (k r) q

-- | IF compiled with debugging support, this will return the Logger used by the
-- current Par session, otherwise it will simply throw an exception.
getLogger :: Par L.Logger
getLogger = mkPar $ \k q -> do
  Just lgr <- readIORef (Sched.logger q)
  exec (k lgr) q

-- | Return the worker that we happen to be running on.  (NONDETERMINISTIC.)
getWorkerNum :: Par Int
getWorkerNum = mkPar $ \k q -> exec (k (Sched.no q)) q

-- | Generate a random boolean in a core-local way.  Fully nondeterministic!
instance MonadToss Par where  
  toss = mkPar $ \k q -> do  
    g <- readIORef $ Sched.prng q
    let (b, g' ) = random g
    writeIORef (Sched.prng q) g'
    exec (k b) q

-- | Cooperatively schedule other threads.
yield :: Par ()  
yield = mkPar $ \k q -> do
  Sched.yieldWork q (k ())
  sched q
{-# INLINE sched #-}
-- | Contract: This scheduler function only returns when ALL worker threads have
-- completed their work and idled.
sched :: SchedState -> IO ()
sched q = do
  n <- Sched.next q
  case n of
    Just t  -> exec t q
    Nothing -> return ()

-- Forcing evaluation of a LVar is fruitless.
instance NFData (LVar a d) where
  rnf _ = ()

-- | A variant with full control over the relevant knobs.
--   Returns a list of flushed debug messages at the end (if in-memory logging was
--   enabled, otherwise the list is empty).
--   This version of runPar catches ALL exceptions that occur within the runPar, and
--   returns them via an Either.  The reason for this is that even if an error
--   occurs, it is still useful to observe the log messages that lead to the failure.
runParDetailed :: DbgCfg  -- ^ Debugging config
               -> Int           -- ^ How many worker threads to use. 
               -> Par a         -- ^ The computation to run.
               -> IO ([String], Either E.SomeException a)
runParDetailed DbgCfg {dbgRange, dbgDests, dbgScheduling } numWrkrs comp = do
  queues <- Sched.new numWrkrs noName
  -- We create a thread on each CPU with forkOn.  The CPU on which
  -- the current thread is running will host the main thread; the
  -- other CPUs will host worker threads.
  main_cpu <- Sched.currentCPU
  answerMV <- newEmptyMVar
  wrkrtids <- newIORef []

  -- Debugging: spin the main thread (not beginning work) until we can fully
  -- initialize the logging data structure.
  -- TODO: This would be easier to deal with if we used the current thread directly
  -- as the main worker thread...
  let setLogger = do
        ls <- readIORef wrkrtids
        if length ls == numWrkrs
          then Sched.initLogger queues ls (minLvl,maxLvl) dbgDests dbgScheduling
          else do Conc.yield
      (minLvl, maxLvl) = case dbgRange of
                           Just b  -> b
                           Nothing -> (0,dbgLvl)
  -- Option 1: forkWithExceptions version:
#if 1
  let forkit = forM_ (zip [0..] queues) $ \(cpu, q) -> do 
        tid <- L.forkWithExceptions (forkOn cpu) "worker thread" $ do
                 if cpu == main_cpu 
                   then let k x = ClosedPar $ \q -> do 
                              sched q            -- ensure any remaining, enabled threads run to 
                              putMVar answerMV x -- completion prior to returning the result
                              -- [TODO: ^ perhaps better to use a binary notification tree to signal the workers to stop...]
                        in do 
                              -- This is painful, we may need to spin and wait for everybody to be forked:
                              when (maxLvl >= 1) setLogger
                              exec (close comp k) q
                   -- Note: The above is important: it is sketchy to leave any workers running after
                   -- the main thread exits.  Subsequent exceptions on child threads, even if
                   -- forwarded asynchronously, can arrive much later at the main thread
                   -- (e.g. after it has exited, or set up a new handler, etc).
                   else sched q
        atomicModifyIORef_ wrkrtids (tid:)
  -- logWith (Prelude.head queues) " [dbg-lvish] About to fork workers..."      
  ans <- E.catch (forkit >> fmap Right (takeMVar answerMV))
    (\ (e :: E.SomeException) -> do 
        tids <- readIORef wrkrtids
        logWith (Prelude.head queues) 1 $ " [dbg-lvish] Killing off workers due to exception: "++show tids
        mapM_ killThread tids
        -- if length tids < length queues then do -- TODO: we could try to chase these down in the idle list.
        mytid <- myThreadId
        -- when (maxLvl >= 1) printLog -- Unfortunately this races with the log printing thread.
        -- E.throw$ LVarSpecificExn ("EXCEPTION in runPar("++show mytid++"): "++show e)
        return $! Left e
  logWith (Prelude.head queues) 1 " [dbg-lvish] parent thread escaped unscathed"
  mlgr <- readIORef (Sched.logger (Prelude.head queues))
  logs <- case mlgr of 
            Nothing -> return []
            Just lgr -> do L.closeIt lgr
                           L.flushLogs lgr -- If in-memory logging is off, this will be empty.
  return $! (logs,ans)
-- Option 2: This was an experiment to use Control.Concurrent.Async to deal with exceptions:
  let runWorker (cpu, q) = do 
        if (cpu /= main_cpu)
           then sched q
           else let k x = ClosedPar $ \q -> do 
                      sched q      -- ensure any remaining, enabled threads run to 
                      putMVar answerMV x  -- completion prior to returning the result
                in exec (close comp k) q

  -- Here we want a traditional, fork-join parallel loop with proper exception handling:
  let loop [] asyncs = mapM_ wait asyncs
      loop ((cpu,q):tl) asyncs = 
--         withAsync (runWorker state)
        withAsyncOn cpu (runWorker (cpu,q))
                    (\a -> loop tl (a:asyncs))

-- (1) There is a BUG in 'loop' presently:
--    "thread blocked indefinitely in an STM transaction"
--  loop (zip [0..] queues) []
-- (2) This has the same problem as 'loop':
--  ls <- mapM (\ pr@(cpu,_) -> Async.asyncOn cpu (runWorker pr)) (zip [0..] queues)
--  mapM_ wait ls
-- (3) Using this FOR NOW, but it does NOT pin to the right processors:
  mapConcurrently runWorker (zip [0..] queues)
   -- Now that child threads are done, it's safe for the main thread
   -- to call it quits.
  takeMVar answerMV  

defaultRun :: Par b -> IO b
defaultRun = fmap (fromRight . snd) .
             runParDetailed cfg numCapabilities
   cfg = DbgCfg { dbgRange = Just (0,dbgLvl)
                , dbgDests = [L.OutputTo stderr, L.OutputEvents]
                , dbgScheduling  = False }

-- | Run a deterministic parallel computation as pure.
runPar :: Par a -> a
runPar = unsafePerformIO . defaultRun

-- | A version that avoids an internal `unsafePerformIO` for calling
-- contexts that are already in the `IO` monad.
runParIO :: Par a -> IO a
runParIO = defaultRun

-- | Debugging aid.  Return debugging logs, in realtime order, in addition to the
-- final result.  This is like `runParDetailed` but uses the default settings.
runParLogged :: Par a -> IO ([String],a)
runParLogged comp = do 
  (logs,ans) <- runParDetailed 
                   DbgCfg { dbgRange = (Just (0,dbgLvl))
                          , dbgDests = [L.OutputEvents, L.OutputInMemory]
                          , dbgScheduling = False }  
                   numCapabilities comp
  return $! (logs,fromRight ans)

-- | Convert from a Maybe back to an exception.
fromRight :: Either E.SomeException a -> a
fromRight (Right x) = x
fromRight (Left e) = E.throw e

{-# INLINE atomicModifyIORef_ #-}
atomicModifyIORef_ :: IORef a -> (a -> a) -> IO ()
atomicModifyIORef_ ref fn = atomicModifyIORef' ref (\ x -> (fn x,()))

{-# NOINLINE unsafeName #-}
unsafeName :: a -> Int
unsafeName x = unsafePerformIO $ do 
   sn <- makeStableName x
   return (hashStableName sn)

{-# INLINE hpMsg #-}
hpMsg :: Sched.State a s -> String -> HandlerPool -> IO ()
hpMsg q msg hp = do
    s <- hpId_ hp
    logWith q 3 $ msg++", pool identity= " ++s
     return ()

{-# NOINLINE hpId #-}   
hpId :: HandlerPool -> String
hpId hp = unsafePerformIO (hpId_ hp)

-- | Debugging tool for printing which HandlerPool
hpId_ :: HandlerPool -> IO String
hpId_ (HandlerPool cnt bag) = do
  sn1 <- makeStableName cnt
  sn2 <- makeStableName bag
  c   <- readIORef cnt
  return $ show (hashStableName sn1) ++"/"++ show (hashStableName sn2) ++
           " transient cnt "++show c

-- | For debugging purposes.  This can help us figure out (by an ugly
--   process of elimination) which MVar reads are leading to a "Thread
--   blocked indefinitely" exception.
busyTakeMVar :: String -> MVar a -> IO a
busyTakeMVar msg mv = try (10 * 1000 * 1000)
 try 0 = do
   when dbg $ do
     tid <- myThreadId
     -- After we've failed enough times, start complaining:
     printf "%s not getting anywhere, msg: %s\n" (show tid) msg
   try (100 * 1000)
 try n = do
   x <- tryTakeMVar mv
   case x of
     Just y  -> return y
     Nothing -> do yield; try (n-1)