{-# LANGUAGE Unsafe #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}  -- For Determinism
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, ConstraintKinds #-}


This module contains the unsafe bits that we cannot expose from 


module Data.LVar.Generic.Internal
       (LVarData1(..), LVarWBottom (..),
        unsafeCoerceLVar, unsafeTraversable)

import           Control.LVish.Types
import           Control.LVish.Basics
import           Control.LVish.Internal (Par, Determinism(..))
import           Control.LVish.SchedIdempotent (HandlerPool)
import           Control.LVish.DeepFrz.Internal (Frzn, Trvrsbl)
import qualified Data.Foldable    as F
import           Data.List (sort, intersperse)
import           GHC.Prim (unsafeCoerce#)
import           System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeDupablePerformIO)

import GHC.Prim (Constraint)

-- Interface for generic LVar handling

-- | A class representing monotonic data structures that take /one/ type
-- parameter, as well as an `s` parameter for session safety.
-- LVars that fall into this class are typically collection types.
class (F.Foldable (f Trvrsbl)) => LVarData1 (f :: * -> * -> *)
     --   TODO: if there is a Par class to generalize LVar Par monads, then
     --   it needs to be a superclass of this.

  -- | Add a handler function which is called whenever an element is
  -- added to the LVar.
  addHandler :: Maybe HandlerPool -> f s elt -> (elt -> Par d s ()) -> Par d s ()

  -- | An /O(1)/ operation that atomically switches the LVar into a
  -- frozen state.  Any threads waiting on the freeze are woken.
  -- The contents of a frozen LVar are fully observable:
  -- e.g., a whole set instead of one element, or the full/empty
  -- information for an IVar, instead of just the payload.
  -- However, note that `Frzn` LVars cannot be folded, because they may have
  -- nondeterministic ordering after being frozen.  See `sortFreeze`.
  freeze :: f s a -> Par QuasiDet s (f Frzn a)

  -- | Perform a freeze followed by a /sort/ operation which guarantees
  -- that the elements produced will be produced in a deterministic order.
  -- The result is fully accessible to the user (`Foldable`).
  sortFrzn :: Ord a => f Frzn a -> AFoldable a
  sortFrzn lv = 
    let lv3 :: f Trvrsbl a
        lv3 = unsafeCoerceLVar lv
        ls  = F.foldr (:) [] lv3
        ls' = sort ls
    -- Without a traversible instance we cannot reconstruct an ordered
    -- version of the LVar contents with its original type:
    in AFoldable ls'

-- | A class enabling generic creation of new LVars.
class LVarWBottom (f :: * -> * -> *) where
  -- | Requirements for contents types of this LVar.
  type LVContents f a :: Constraint
  newBottom :: (LVContents f a) => Par d s (f s a)

  -- singletonLV :: (LVContents f a) => a -> Par d s (f s a)

-- | Carries a `Foldable` type, but you don't get to know which one.
--   The purpose of this type is that `sortFreeze` should not have
--   to impose a particular memory representation.
data AFoldable a = forall f2 . F.Foldable f2 => AFoldable (f2 a)

instance Show a => Show (AFoldable a) where
  show (AFoldable col) =
    "AFoldable ["++ (concat$ intersperse ", " $ map show $ F.foldr (:) [] col)++"]"


{-# INLINE unsafeCoerceLVar #-}
-- | A safer version of `unsafeCoerce#` (that is, with a slightly more constrained type) for LVars only.
--   Note, that the type of the LVar's contents must be allowed to change, because freezing is recursive.
unsafeCoerceLVar :: LVarData1 f => f s1 a -> f s2 b
unsafeCoerceLVar = unsafeCoerce#

-- | Here we gain permission to expose the nondeterministic internal structure of an
-- LVar: namely, the order in which its contents occur.  We pay the piper with an `IO`
-- action.
unsafeTraversable :: LVarData1 f => f Frzn a -> IO (f Trvrsbl a)
unsafeTraversable x = return (unsafeCoerceLVar x)