{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}  -- For 'Determinism'
-- {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds, KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fwarn-incomplete-patterns #-}

-- | An internal module simply reexported by Control.LVish.

module Control.LVish.Basics
  ( Par(), LVar(),
    Determinism(..), liftQD,
    LVishException(..), L.HandlerPool(), 
    fork, yield,
    runPar, runParIO, runParLogged, runParDetailed,
    newPool, withNewPool, withNewPool_, 
    quiesce, forkHP, logDbgLn,

    parForL, parForSimple, parForTree, parForTiled, for_

    , asyncForEachHP

import Control.Monad (forM_)
import qualified Data.Foldable    as F
import           Control.Exception (Exception, SomeException)
import           Control.LVish.Internal as I
import           Control.LVish.DeepFrz.Internal (Frzn, Trvrsbl)
import qualified Control.LVish.SchedIdempotent as L
import qualified Control.LVish.Logging as Lg
import           Control.LVish.Types
import           System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO, unsafeDupablePerformIO)
import           Prelude hiding (rem)

import qualified Control.Par.Class.Unsafe as PU
import qualified Control.Par.Class     as PC
import qualified Data.Splittable.Class as SC

instance PU.ParMonad (Par d s) where
  fork = fork  
  internalLiftIO = I.liftIO  

{-# DEPRECATED parForL, parForSimple, parForTree, parForTiled
    "These will be removed in a future release in favor of a more general approach to loops."  #-}


-- Inline *everything*, because these are just wrappers:
{-# INLINE liftQD #-}
{-# INLINE yield #-}
{-# INLINE newPool #-}
{-# INLINE runParIO #-}
{-# INLINE runPar #-}
--{-# INLINE runParThenFreeze #-}
{-# INLINE fork #-}
{-# INLINE quiesce #-}

-- | It is always safe to lift a deterministic computation to a
-- quasi-deterministic one.
liftQD :: Par Det s a -> Par QuasiDet s a
liftQD (WrapPar p) = (WrapPar p)

-- | Cooperatively schedule other threads.
yield :: Par d s ()
yield = WrapPar L.yield

-- | Block until a handler pool is quiescent, i.e., until all
-- associated parallel computations have completed.
quiesce :: L.HandlerPool -> Par d s ()
quiesce = WrapPar . L.quiesce

-- | A global barrier.  Wait for all unblocked, active threads of work in the system
-- to complete, and then proceed after that point.
quiesceAll :: Par d s ()
quiesceAll = WrapPar L.quiesceAll

-- | Execute a computation in parallel.
fork :: Par d s () -> Par d s ()
fork (WrapPar f) = WrapPar$ L.fork f

-- | A version of `fork` that also allows the forked computation to be tracked in a
-- `HandlerPool`, that enables the programmer to synchronize on the completion of the
-- child computation.  But be careful; this does not automatically wait for
-- all downstream forked computations (transitively).
forkHP :: Maybe L.HandlerPool -> Par d s () -> Par d s ()
forkHP mh (WrapPar f) = WrapPar$ L.forkHP mh f

-- | Create a new pool that can be used to synchronize on the completion of all
-- parallel computations associated with the pool.
newPool :: Par d s L.HandlerPool
newPool = WrapPar L.newPool

-- | Execute a Par computation in the context of a fresh handler pool.
withNewPool :: (L.HandlerPool -> Par d s a) -> Par d s (a, L.HandlerPool)
withNewPool f = WrapPar $ L.withNewPool $ unWrapPar . f

-- | Execute a Par computation in the context of a fresh handler pool, while
-- ignoring the result of the computation.
withNewPool_ :: (L.HandlerPool -> Par d s ()) -> Par d s L.HandlerPool
withNewPool_ f = WrapPar $ L.withNewPool_ $ unWrapPar . f

-- | If the input computation is quasi-deterministic (`QuasiDet`), then this may
-- throw a `LVishException` nondeterministically on the thread that calls it, but if
-- it returns without exception then it always returns the same answer.
-- If the input computation is deterministic (`Det`), then @runParIO@ will return the
-- same result as `runPar`.  However, `runParIO` is still possibly useful for
-- avoiding an extra `unsafePerformIO` required inside the implementation of
-- `runPar`.
-- In the future, /full/ nondeterminism may be allowed as a third setting beyond
-- `Det` and `QuasiDet`.
runParIO :: (forall s . Par d s a) -> IO a
runParIO (WrapPar p) = L.runParIO p 

-- | Useful ONLY for timing.
runParIO_ :: (Par d s a) -> IO ()
runParIO_ (WrapPar p) = L.runParIO p >> return ()

-- | Useful for debugging.  Returns debugging logs, in realtime order, in addition to
-- the final result.
runParLogged :: (forall s . Par d s a) -> IO ([String],a)
runParLogged (WrapPar p) = L.runParLogged p

-- | A variant with full control over the relevant knobs.
--   Returns a list of flushed debug messages at the end (if in-memory logging was
--   enabled, otherwise the list is empty).
--   This version of runPar catches ALL exceptions that occur within the runPar, and
--   returns them via an Either.  The reason for this is that even if an error
--   occurs, it is still useful to observe the log messages that lead to the failure.
runParDetailed :: DbgCfg        -- ^ Debugging configuration
               -> Int           -- ^ How many worker threads to use. 
               -> (forall s . Par d s a) -- ^ The computation to run.
               -> IO ([String], Either SomeException a)
runParDetailed dc nw (WrapPar p) = L.runParDetailed dc nw p

-- | If a computation is guaranteed-deterministic, then `Par` becomes a dischargeable
-- effect.  This function will create new worker threads and do the work in parallel,
-- returning the final result.
-- (For now there is no sharing of workers with repeated invocations; so
-- keep in mind that @runPar@ is an expensive operation. [2013.09.27])
runPar :: (forall s . Par Det s a) -> a
runPar (WrapPar p) = L.runPar p 

-- | Log a line of debugging output.  This is only used when *compiled* in debugging
-- mode.  It atomically adds a string onto an in-memory log.
-- The provided `Int`, is the "debug level" associated with the message, 1-5.  One is
-- the least verbose, and five is the most.  When debugging, the user can control the
-- debug level by setting the env var DEBUG, e.g. @DEBUG=5@.
logDbgLn :: Int -> String -> Par d s ()
logDbgLn n = WrapPar . L.logStrLn n 
logDbgLn _ _  = return ()
{-# INLINE logDbgLn #-}

-- | IF compiled with debugging support, this will return the Logger used by the
-- current Par session, otherwise it will simply throw an exception.
getLogger :: Par d s Lg.Logger
getLogger = WrapPar $ L.getLogger

-- Extras

{-# INLINE parForL #-}
-- | Left-biased parallel for loop.  As worker threads beyond the first are added,
-- this hews closer to the sequential iteration order than an unbiased parallel loop.
-- Takes a range as inclusive-start, exclusive-end.
parForL :: (Int,Int) -> (Int -> Par d s ()) -> Par d s ()
parForL (start,end) _ | start > end = error$"parForL: start is greater than end: "++show (start,end)
parForL (start,end) body = do
  -- logStrLn$ " initial iters: "++show (end-start)
  loop 0 (end - start) 1
   loop offset remain chunk
     | remain <= 0     = return () 
     | remain <= chunk = parForSimple (offset, offset+remain) body
     | otherwise       = do
         let nxtstrt = offset+chunk
         -- logStrLn$ "loop:  .. "++show (offset, remain, chunk)
         fork$ parForSimple (offset, nxtstrt) body
         loop nxtstrt (remain-chunk) (2*chunk)

{-# INLINE parForSimple #-}
-- | The least-sophisticated form of parallel loop.  Fork iterations one at a time.
parForSimple :: (Int,Int) -> (Int -> Par d s ()) -> Par d s ()
parForSimple range fn = do
  for_ range $ \i -> fork (fn i) 

-- | Divide the iteration space recursively, but ultimately run every iteration in
-- parallel.  That is, the loop body is permitted to block on other iterations.
parForTree :: (Int,Int) -> (Int -> Par d s ()) -> Par d s ()
parForTree (start,end) _
  | start > end = error$"parForTree: start is greater than end: "++show (start,end)
parForTree (start,end) body = do
  loop 0 (end - start)
   loop offset remain 
     | remain == 1     = body offset
     | otherwise       = do
         let (half,rem) = remain `quotRem` 2
         fork$ loop offset half
         loop (offset+half) (half+rem)

-- | Split the work into a number of tiles, and fork it in a tree topology.
parForTiled :: Maybe L.HandlerPool -> Int -> (Int,Int) -> (Int -> Par d s ()) -> Par d s ()
parForTiled hp otiles (start,end) body = do 
  loop 0 (end - start) otiles
   loop offset remain tiles
     | remain == 1     = body offset
     | tiles  == 1     = for_ (offset,offset+remain) body
     | otherwise       = do
         let (half,rem)   = remain `quotRem` 2
             (halfT,remT) = tiles `quotRem` 2
         forkHP hp$ loop offset half halfT
         loop (offset+half) (half+rem) (halfT+remT)

-- | A simple for loop for numeric ranges (not requiring deforestation
-- optimizations like `forM`).  Inclusive start, exclusive end.
{-# INLINE for_ #-}
for_ :: Monad m => (Int, Int) -> (Int -> m ()) -> m ()
for_ (start, end) _fn | start > end = error "for_: start is greater than end"
for_ (start, end) fn = loop start
  loop !i | i == end  = return ()
          | otherwise = do fn i; loop (i+1)

-- | Non-blocking version of pforEach.  
asyncForEachHP :: (SC.Split c, PC.Generator c)
      => Maybe L.HandlerPool    -- ^ Optional pool to synchronize forked tasks
      -> c                    -- ^ element generator to consume
      -> (PC.ElemOf c -> Par d s ()) -- ^ compute one result
      -> Par d s ()
asyncForEachHP mh gen fn =
  case SC.split gen of
    [seqchunk] -> PC.forM_ seqchunk fn
    ls -> forM_ ls $ \ gen_i -> 
            forkHP mh $
              PC.forM_ gen_i fn 