-- Copyright 2001-2012, Daan Leijen, Bastiaan Heeren, Jurriaan Hage. This file 
-- is distributed under the terms of the BSD3 License. For more information, 
-- see the file "LICENSE.txt", which is included in the distribution.
--  $Id: Data.hs 291 2012-11-08 11:27:33Z heere112 $

module Lvm.Asm.Data 
   ( AsmModule, AsmDecl
   , Top(..), Atom, Expr(..), Note(..), Occur(..)
   , Lit(..), Alt(..), Pat(..), Con(..)
   ) where

import Lvm.Common.Byte
import Lvm.Common.Id
import Lvm.Core.Module
import Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen

  Asm modules
type AsmModule  = Module Top
type AsmDecl    = Decl Top

  low level "assembly" language
data Top    = Top ![Id] Expr      -- arguments expression

type Atom   = Expr
data Expr   = Eval   !Id Expr Expr
            | Match  !Id ![Alt]
            | Prim   !Id ![Atom]
            -- atomic
            | LetRec ![(Id,Atom)] Expr
            | Let    !Id Atom Expr
            | Ap     !Id ![Atom]
            | Con    !(Con Atom) ![Atom]
            | Lit    !Lit
            | Note   !Note !Expr

data Note   = Occur  !Occur
data Occur  = Never | Once | Many

data Lit    = LitInt   !Int
            | LitFloat !Double
            | LitBytes !Bytes

data Alt    = Alt !Pat Expr

data Pat    = PatVar !Id
            | PatCon !(Con Int) ![Id]
            | PatLit !Lit

data Con tag = ConId !Id
             | ConTag tag !Arity

  pretty print Asm expressions

instance Pretty Top where
   pretty (Top args expr) =
      nest 2 (text "\\" <> hsep (map pretty args) <+> text "->" <$> pretty expr)


instance Pretty Expr where
   pretty = ppExprWith id

ppArg :: Expr -> Doc
ppArg = ppExprWith parens

ppExprWith :: (Doc -> Doc) -> Expr -> Doc
ppExprWith pars expr
  = case expr of
      Let x atom e   -> pars $ align $ hang 3 (text "let" <+> ppBind (x,atom)) <$> (text "in" <+> pretty e)
      LetRec binds e -> pars $ align $ hang 7 (text "letrec" <+> vcat (map ppBind binds)) <$> nest 3 (text "in" <+> pretty e)
      Eval x e e'    -> pars $ align $ hang 7 (text "let!" <+> pretty x <+> text "=" </> pretty e) 
                                       <$> nest 3 (text "in" <+> pretty e')
      Match x alts   -> pars $ align $ hang 2 (text "match" <+> pretty x <+> text "with" <$> vcat (map pretty alts))
      Prim x args    -> pars $ text "prim" <> char '[' <> pretty x <+> hsep (map ppArg args) <> char ']'
      Ap x []        -> pretty x
      Ap x args      -> pars $ pretty x <+> hsep (map ppArg args)
      Con con []     -> pretty con
      Con con args   -> pars $ pretty con <+> hsep (map ppArg args)
      Lit lit        -> pretty lit
      Note note e    -> pars $ align $ pretty note </> pretty e

instance Pretty a => Pretty (Con a) where
   pretty con =
      case con of
         ConId x          -> pretty x
         ConTag tag arity -> text "(@" <> pretty tag <> char ',' <> pretty arity <> char ')'

instance Pretty Note where
   pretty (Occur occ) = angles (pretty occ)

instance Pretty Occur where
   pretty Never = text "never"
   pretty Once  = text "once"
   pretty Many  = text "many"


instance Pretty Alt where
   pretty (Alt pat expr) = 
      hang 2 (pretty pat <+> text "->" </> pretty expr)

instance Pretty Pat where
   pretty pat =
      case pat of
         PatCon con params -> pretty con <+> hsep (map pretty params)
         PatVar x          -> pretty x
         PatLit lit        -> pretty lit

  literals and variables

instance Pretty Lit where 
   pretty lit = 
      case lit of
         LitInt i   -> pretty i
         LitFloat d -> pretty d
         LitBytes b -> dquotes (string (stringFromBytes b))

ppBind :: Pretty a => (Id, a) -> Doc
ppBind (x, atom) = 
   pretty x <+> text "=" <+> pretty atom