{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} module Codec.Lzip ( compress , compressBest , compressFast , compressWith , compressWithSz , decompress , compressFile , CompressionLevel (..) -- * Miscellany , lZVersion , lZApiVersion ) where import Codec.Lzip.Raw import Control.Applicative import Control.Exception (throw) import Control.Monad (when) import Control.Monad.ST.Lazy (runST) import qualified Control.Monad.ST.Lazy as LazyST import qualified Control.Monad.ST.Lazy.Unsafe as LazyST import Data.Bits (shiftL) import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as BS import Data.Functor (($>)) import Data.Int (Int64) import Foreign.C.Types (CInt) import Foreign.ForeignPtr (ForeignPtr, castForeignPtr, mallocForeignPtrBytes, newForeignPtr, withForeignPtr) import Foreign.Ptr (castPtr) import System.IO (IOMode (ReadMode), hFileSize, withFile) data CompressionLevel = Zero | One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine data LzOptions = LzOptions { _dictionarySize :: !Int , _matchLenLimit :: !Int } encoderOptions :: CompressionLevel -> LzOptions encoderOptions Zero = LzOptions 65535 16 encoderOptions One = LzOptions (1 `shiftL` 20) 5 encoderOptions Two = LzOptions (3 `shiftL` 19) 6 encoderOptions Three = LzOptions (1 `shiftL` 21) 8 encoderOptions Four = LzOptions (3 `shiftL` 20) 12 encoderOptions Five = LzOptions (1 `shiftL` 22) 20 encoderOptions Six = LzOptions (1 `shiftL` 23) 36 encoderOptions Seven = LzOptions (1 `shiftL` 24) 68 encoderOptions Eight = LzOptions (3 `shiftL` 23) 132 encoderOptions Nine = LzOptions (1 `shiftL` 25) 273 -- | This does not do any error recovery; for that you should use -- [lziprecover](https://www.nongnu.org/lzip/lziprecover.html). -- -- Doesn't work on empty 'BSL.ByteString's decompress :: BSL.ByteString -> BSL.ByteString decompress bs = runST $ do let bss = BSL.toChunks bs szOut :: Integral a => a szOut = 32 * 1024 (dec, bufOut) <- LazyST.unsafeIOToST $ do bufOut <- mallocForeignPtrBytes szOut decoder <- lZDecompressOpen dec <- newForeignPtr lZDecompressClose (castPtr decoder) pure (dec, bufOut) BSL.fromChunks <$> loop (castForeignPtr dec) bss (bufOut, szOut) where -- TODO: not a fan of this loop! step :: LZDecoderPtr -> [BS.ByteString] -> (ForeignPtr UInt8, CInt) -> LazyST.ST s (Maybe BS.ByteString, [BS.ByteString]) step decoder bss (buf, bufSz) = LazyST.unsafeIOToST $ do maxSz <- fromIntegral <$> lZDecompressWriteSize decoder bss' <- case bss of [bs'] -> if BS.length bs' > maxSz then let (bs'', rest) = BS.splitAt maxSz bs' in BS.unsafeUseAsCStringLen bs'' $ \(bytes, sz) -> lZDecompressWrite decoder (castPtr bytes) (fromIntegral sz) $> [rest] else BS.unsafeUseAsCStringLen bs' $ \(bytes, sz) -> lZDecompressWrite decoder (castPtr bytes) (fromIntegral sz) *> lZDecompressFinish decoder $> [] (bs':bss') -> if BS.length bs' > maxSz then let (bs'', rest) = BS.splitAt maxSz bs' in BS.unsafeUseAsCStringLen bs'' $ \(bytes, sz) -> lZDecompressWrite decoder (castPtr bytes) (fromIntegral sz) $> rest:bss' else BS.unsafeUseAsCStringLen bs' $ \(bytes, sz) -> lZDecompressWrite decoder (castPtr bytes) (fromIntegral sz) $> bss' [] -> pure [] res <- lZDecompressFinished decoder if res == 1 then pure (Nothing, error "Internal error in lzlib-hs") else withForeignPtr buf $ \b -> do bytesRead <- lZDecompressRead decoder b bufSz when (bytesRead == -1) $ throw =<< lZDecompressErrno decoder (, bss') . Just <$> BS.packCStringLen (castPtr b, fromIntegral bytesRead) loop :: LZDecoderPtr -> [BS.ByteString] -> (ForeignPtr UInt8, CInt) -> LazyST.ST s [BS.ByteString] loop decoder bss bufOut = do (res, bss') <- step decoder bss bufOut case res of Nothing -> pure [] Just x -> (x:) <$> loop decoder bss' bufOut -- | Defaults to 'Six' compress :: BSL.ByteString -> BSL.ByteString compress = compressWith Six -- | Alias for @'compressWith' 'Nine'@ -- -- @since compressBest :: BSL.ByteString -> BSL.ByteString compressBest = compressWith Nine -- | Alias for @'compressWith' 'Zero'@ -- -- @since compressFast :: BSL.ByteString -> BSL.ByteString compressFast = compressWith Zero -- | @since compressFile :: FilePath -> IO BSL.ByteString compressFile fp = compressWithSz Six <$> BSL.readFile fp <*> fileSizeInt fp fileSizeInt :: FilePath -> IO Int fileSizeInt fp = fromIntegral <$> withFile fp ReadMode hFileSize compressWith :: CompressionLevel -> BSL.ByteString -> BSL.ByteString compressWith level bstr = let sz = BSL.length bstr in compressWithSz level bstr (fromIntegral sz) -- | @since compressWithSz :: CompressionLevel -> BSL.ByteString -> Int -- ^ Size of compression window -> BSL.ByteString compressWithSz level bstr sz = runST $ do let bss = BSL.toChunks bstr delta = sz `div` 4 + 64 (buf, enc) <- LazyST.unsafeIOToST $ do buf <- mallocForeignPtrBytes delta encoder <- lZCompressOpen (fromIntegral $ dictionarySize sz) (fromIntegral matchLenLimit) (fromIntegral memberSize) enc <- newForeignPtr lZCompressClose (castPtr encoder) pure (buf, enc) BSL.fromChunks <$> loop (castForeignPtr enc) bss buf where step :: LZEncoderPtr -> [BS.ByteString] -> ForeignPtr UInt8 -> LazyST.ST s (Bool, BS.ByteString, [BS.ByteString]) step encoder bss buf = LazyST.unsafeIOToST $ do maxSz <- fromIntegral <$> lZCompressWriteSize encoder bss' <- case bss of [bs] -> if BS.length bs > maxSz then let (bs', rest) = BS.splitAt maxSz bs in BS.unsafeUseAsCStringLen bs' $ \(bytes, sz') -> lZCompressWrite encoder (castPtr bytes) (fromIntegral sz') $> [rest] else BS.unsafeUseAsCStringLen bs $ \(bytes, sz') -> lZCompressWrite encoder (castPtr bytes) (fromIntegral sz') *> lZCompressFinish encoder $> [] (bs:bss') -> if BS.length bs > maxSz then let (bs', rest) = BS.splitAt maxSz bs in BS.unsafeUseAsCStringLen bs' $ \(bytes, sz') -> lZCompressWrite encoder (castPtr bytes) (fromIntegral sz') $> rest:bss' else BS.unsafeUseAsCStringLen bs $ \(bytes, sz') -> lZCompressWrite encoder (castPtr bytes) (fromIntegral sz') $> bss' [] -> pure [] withForeignPtr buf $ \b -> do bytesActual <- lZCompressRead encoder b (fromIntegral sz) res <- lZCompressFinished encoder bsActual <- BS.packCStringLen (castPtr b, fromIntegral bytesActual) if res == 1 then pure (True, bsActual, error "Internal error in lzlib-hs") else pure (False, bsActual, bss') loop :: LZEncoderPtr -> [BS.ByteString] -> ForeignPtr UInt8 -> LazyST.ST s [BS.ByteString] loop encoder bss bufOut = do (stop, res, bss') <- step encoder bss bufOut if stop then pure [res] else (res:) <$> loop encoder bss' bufOut memberSize :: Int64 memberSize = maxBound -- saves memory dictionarySize = max (fromIntegral lZMinDictionarySize) . min (_dictionarySize $ encoderOptions level) matchLenLimit = _matchLenLimit opts opts = encoderOptions level