## Building and Running I recommend building with a cabal sandbox. To initialize a cabal sandbox (that will live in the current directory) and install needed dependencies, run: make sandbox I have not included dependency bounds in my cabal file. Should you have trouble finding appropriate bounds, here are the versions of ghc and cabal packages that I am using. base= containers= template-haskell= text= vector= ## Running To run the project, displaying three different sets of analysis results for a small example, run: cabal run Example output is included at the end of this README. ## Source Code All code is in `src/`. DISCLAIMERS: - The analyses implemented in Lang.LamIf are not optimized for efficiency but their performance is reasonable. However, the pretty printing of results can be very expensive due to a naive pretty printing algorithm that I'm using. - The prelude replacement that I'm using is non-standard, and also uses lots of unicode. I plan on writting an ASCII compatibility layer at some point. ### FP `FP` is a core functional programming library which replaces the standard Prelude. `FP` includes more batteries for things like functors, monads, monad transformers, lenses, pretty printing, parsing, deriving, and more. On the downside, it is non-idiomatic at parts and isn't as mature (i.e. debugged and stable). ### MAAM `MAAM` is a semantics-independent library for building abstract interpreters, while also making it easy to change the path and flow sensitivity of the interpreter. `MAAM` only contains types and definitions which are _specific to analysis in general_. Because the monad transformers that capture path and flow sensitivity are fully general purpose, they are defined in `FP.Prelude.Monads` and `FP.Prelude.Effects`, not here. The same goes for lattice structures, which are mostly all defined in `FP.Prelude.Lattice`. If I were to port `MAAM` to use the standard Prelude, I would need to rip out maybe 50% of `FP.Prelude` to be packaged alongside it. The only code that ends up being specific to analysis is the mapping from monadic actions to state space transition systems, which is defined in `MAAM.GaloisTransformer`. ### LamIf `Lang.LamIf` implements the following for a small applied lambda calculus with booleans and if-statements: - Syntax syntax (`Lang.LamIf.Syntax`) - Parsing (`Lang.LamIf.Parser`) - Syntax annotations (`Lang.LamIf.Stamp`) - Semantic values (`Lang.LamIf.Values`) - Abstract time (`Lang.LamIf.Time`) - Monadic semantics (`Lang.LamIf.Semantics`) - Concrete and abstract value domains (`Lang.LamIf.Domains`) - Instantiations of language-independent monads from `MAAM` (`Lang.LamIf.Monads`) - Execution of analyses (`Lang.LamIf.Execution`) - Example analyses (`Lang.LamIf.Examples`) ## Example Output If you execute the project it will compute three different abstract interpretations of a very small program. The variations in path and flow sensitivity are implemented by rearranging the monad transformers used to construct the analysis monad. program 0: let x := (1 + 1) - 1 in 1: let n := (if0 x then x else 1) in 2: let m := (if0 x then x else 1) in 3: let r := (if0 x then n + m else 0) in r zcfa flow insensitive { x ↦ {AInt 0,ANotZero,AAnyInt,ABot} , n ↦ {AInt 0,AInt 1,ANotZero,AAnyInt,ABot} , m ↦ {AInt 0,AInt 1,ANotZero,AAnyInt,ABot} , r ↦ {AInt 0,APos,AZero,ANotZero,AAnyInt,ABot} } zcfa flow sensitive { x ↦ {AInt 0,ANotZero,AAnyInt} , n ↦ {AInt 0,AInt 1} , m ↦ {AInt 0} , r ↦ {APos,AZero} } zcfa path sensitive { x ↦ {AInt 0,ANotZero,AAnyInt} , n ↦ {AInt 0,AInt 1} , m ↦ {AInt 0} , r ↦ {AZero} }