{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

Module: Control.Arrow.Machine
Description: Contains the main documentation and module imports.
        -- * Quick introduction
        -- $introduction

        -- * Note
        -- $note

        -- * Modules
        -- | "Control.Arrow.Machine" is good to import qualified, because no operators are exported.
        -- Alternatively, you can import libraries below individually,
        -- with only "Control.Arrow.Machine.Utils" qualified or identifier specified.
        -- Control.Arrow.Machine.Misc.* are not included by default.
        -- They are all designed to import qualified.
        module Control.Arrow.Machine.ArrowUtil,
        module Control.Arrow.Machine.Types,
        module Control.Arrow.Machine.Evolution,
        module Control.Arrow.Machine.Utils

import Control.Arrow.Machine.ArrowUtil
import Control.Arrow.Machine.Types
import Control.Arrow.Machine.Evolution
import Control.Arrow.Machine.Utils

-- $setup
-- >>> :set -XArrows
-- >>> import Control.Arrow
-- >>> import Control.Monad.Trans

-- $introduction
-- As other iteratee or pipe libraries, machinecell abstracts general iteration processes.
-- Here is an example that is a simple iteration over a list.
-- >>> run (evMap (+1)) [1, 2, 3]
-- [2,3,4]
-- In above statement, "`evMap` (+1)" has a type __"ProcessT Identity (Event Int) (Event Int)"__ ,
-- which denotes "A stream transducer that takes a series of Int as input,
-- gives a series of Int as output, run on base monad `Identity`."
-- `ProcessT` is the transducer type of machinecell library.
-- = Side effects
-- The first type argurment of `ProcessT` is the underlying monad.
-- Transtucers can have side effects of the type.
-- ProcessT can run the effects as following.
-- >>> runT_ (fire print) [1, 2, 3]
-- 1
-- 2
-- 3
--  Where `fire` makes a transducer that executes side effects for each input.
-- `runT_` is almost same as `run` but discards transducer's output.
-- That is useful in the case rather side effects are main concern.
-- = ProcessT as pipes
-- "ProcessT a (Event b) (Event c)" transducers are actually one-directional composable pipes.
-- They can be constructed from the `Plan` monad.
-- In `Plan` monad context, `await` and `yield` can be used to get and emit values.
-- And actions of base monads can be `lift`ed to the context.
-- Then, resulting processes are composed as `Category` using `(\>\>\>)` operator.
-- >>> :{
-- let mySource = repeatedly $
--       do
--         _ <- await
--         yield 1
--     myPipe = construct $
--       do
--         s1 <- await
--         s2 <- await
--         yield (s1 + s2)
--     mySink = repeatedlyT $
--       do
--         x <- await
--         lift $ print x
--   in
--     runT_ (mySource >>> myPipe >>> mySink) (repeat ())
-- :}
-- 2
-- Unlike other pipe libraries, even the source calls `await`.
-- The source awaits dummy input, namely "(repeat ())", and discard input values.
-- Even the input is an infinite list, this program stops when the "pipe" transducer stops.
-- == More details on finalizing
-- Finalizing behavior of transducers obey the following scenario.
-- 1. Signals of type `Event` can carry /end signs/.
-- 2. Most transducers stop when they get an end sign.
--    (Some exceptions can be made by `onEnd` or `catchP`)
-- 3. If `run` function detects an end sign as an output of a running transducer,
--    it stops feeding input values and alternatively feeds end signs.
-- 4. Continue iteration until no more events can be occurred.
-- So "await \`catchP\` some_cleanup" can handle any stop of both upstream and downstream.
-- On the other hand, a plan never gets end sign without calling await.
-- So it is better that even a source calls await.
-- A source that calls await periodically is an "interleaved source".
-- Interleaved sources have a number of advantages.
-- They can be controled their output timings by their upstream, or can be stopped any time.
-- There is another kind of source that doesn't call await, namely "blocking source".
-- see "sources" section of "Control.Arrow.Machine.Utils" documentation.
-- = Arrow composition
-- One of the most attractive feature of machinecell is the /arrow composition/.
-- In addition to `Category`, ProcessT has `Arrow` instance declaration,
-- which allows parallel compositions.
-- If a type has an `Arrow` instance, it can be wrote by ghc extended proc-do notation as following.
-- >>> :{
-- let f :: ProcessT IO (Event Int) (Event ())
--     f = proc x ->
--       do
--         -- Process odd integers.
--         odds <- filterEvent odd -< x
--         fire (putStrLn . ("Odd: " ++)) -< show <$> odds
--         -- Process even integers.
--         evens <- filterEvent even -< x
--         fire (putStrLn . ("Even: " ++)) -< show <$> evens
--   in
--     runT_ f [1..10]
-- :}
-- Odd: 1
-- Even: 2
-- Odd: 3
-- Even: 4
-- ...
-- The result implies that two statements that inputs x and their downstreams are
-- executed in parallel.
-- = Behaviours
-- The transducers we have already seen are all have input and output type wrapped by `Event`.
-- We have not taken care of them so far because all of them are cancelled each other.
-- But several built-in transducers provide non-event values like below.
-- @
-- hold :: ArrowApply a =\> b -\> ProcessT a (Event b) b
-- accum :: ArrowApply a =\> b -\> ProcessT a (Event (b-\>b)) b
-- @
-- `hold` keeps the last input until a new value is provided.
-- `accum` updates its outputting by applying every input function.
-- According to a knowledge from arrowized FRP(functional reactive programming),
-- values that appear naked in arrow notations are /behaviour/,
-- that means /coutinuous/ time-varying values,
-- whereas /event/ values are /discrete/.
-- Note that all values that can be input, output, or taken effects must be discrete.
-- To use continuous values anyhow interacting the real world,
-- they must be encoded to discrete values.
-- That's done by functor calculations between any existing events.
-- An example is below.
-- >>> :{
-- let f = proc x ->
--       do
--         y <- accum 0 -< (+) <$> x
--         returnA -< y <$ x
--   in
--     run f [1, 2, 3]
-- :}
-- [1,3,6]
-- `(\<$)` operator discards the value of rhs and only uses that's container structure
-- e.g. 1 \<$ Just "a" =\> Just 1, 1 \<$ Nothing =\> Nothing,
-- 1 \<$ [True, False, undefined] =\> [1, 1, 1].
-- In this case, the value of y are outputed according to the timing of x.

-- $note
-- = Purity of `ProcessT (-\>)`
-- Since the 1st type parameter of `ProcessT` represents base monad(ArrowApply),
-- "ProcessT (-\>)" is expected to be pure.
-- In other words, the following arrow results the same result for arbitrary f.
-- @
-- proc x -\>
--   do
--     _ \<- `fit` arr f -\< x
--     g -\< x
-- @
-- Which is desugared to "fit arr f &&& g \>\>\> arr snd". At least if `Event` constructor is exported,
-- someone can make a counter example.
-- When f is "arr (replicate k) \>\>\> fork" for some integer k and g is "arr (const $ Event ())",
-- g yields ()s for k times. That is because, the result value of arrow "f &&& g" is
-- nothing but "(Event x, Event ())" and its number of yields is k because "Event x" must
-- be yielded k times.
-- This is the reason why the `Event` constructor is hidden.
-- Using exported primitives, it works almost correctly.
-- Event number is conserved by inserting an appropriate number of `NoEvent`s.
-- But there is still a loophole.
-- Under the current implementation, the arrow below behaves like "arr (const $ Event x)".
-- @
-- proc x -\> hold noEvent -\< ev \<$ ev
-- @
-- I have an idea to correct this, such that the above arrow always be `NoEvent`.
-- But in the result `Event` is no longer a functor in the meaning of haskell type class.
-- For now, if you never make value of nested event type like "ev \<$ ev",
-- the problem will be avoided.
-- = Looping
-- Although `ProcessT` is an instance of `ArrowLoop`,
-- there is a large limitation.
-- The limitation is, Events mustn't be looped back to upstream.
-- In example below, result is [0, 0, 0, 0], not [1, 2, 3, 4].
-- >>> :{
-- let f = proc x ->
--       do
--         rec
--             b <- hold 0 -< y
--             y <- fork -< (\xx -> [xx, xx+1, xx+2, xx+3]) <$> x
--         returnA -< b <$ y
--   in
--     run f [1]
-- :}
-- [0,0,0,0]
-- In general, `Event` values refered at upstream in rec statements are
-- almost always `NoEvent`s.
-- A better way to send events to upstream is, to encode them to behaviours using `dHold`,
-- `dAccum` and so on, then send to upstream in rec statement.