-- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.20.0. -- -- see: https://github.com/sol/hpack -- -- hash: 88e201dd0d795d1b2f734fac496dffd6df8421151ab0e9b88379490a2d4c5bfa name: magicbane version: 0.2.0 synopsis: A web framework that integrates Servant, EKG, fast-logger, wai-cli… description: Inspired by Dropwizard, Magicbane provides a packaged framework for developing web services using the best available libraries, including Servant, Aeson, EKG/monad-metrics, fast-logger/monad-logger, wai-cli and others. category: Web homepage: https://github.com/myfreeweb/magicbane#readme bug-reports: https://github.com/myfreeweb/magicbane/issues author: Greg V maintainer: greg@unrelenting.technology copyright: 2017-2018 Greg V license: PublicDomain tested-with: GHC==8.2.1 build-type: Simple cabal-version: >= 1.10 source-repository head type: git location: https://github.com/myfreeweb/magicbane library hs-source-dirs: library ghc-options: -Wall build-depends: aeson , aeson-qq , async , attoparsec , base >= && <5 , bytestring , conduit , conduit-combinators , data-default , data-has , ekg-core , ekg-wai , envy , errors , fast-logger , http-api-data , http-client , http-client-tls , http-conduit , http-link-header , http-types , lifted-async , lifted-base , monad-control , monad-logger , monad-metrics , mono-traversable , mtl , network-uri , raw-strings-qq , refined , safe-exceptions , servant-server , split , string-conversions , text , transformers , transformers-base , unordered-containers , wai , wai-cli , wai-middleware-metrics exposed-modules: Magicbane Magicbane.App Magicbane.Logging Magicbane.Metrics Magicbane.Validation Magicbane.HTTPClient Magicbane.Util other-modules: Magicbane.Async Paths_magicbane default-language: Haskell2010