{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} import System.Environment (getArgs) import Air.Env hiding (div, log, head, def) import Prelude () import Data.Default (def) import Hack2.Contrib.Middleware.Config import Hack2.Contrib.Middleware.ContentLength import Hack2.Contrib.Middleware.Static import Hack2.Contrib.Middleware.SimpleAccessLogger import Hack2.Contrib.Middleware.UserMime import Hack2.Contrib.Middleware.Cascade import Hack2.Contrib.Middleware.XForwardedForToRemoteHost import Hack2.Contrib.Utils (use, unescape_uri) import Hack2.Contrib.Response (set_content_type, set_body_bytestring) import Hack2.Contrib.Request (path) import Hack2 hiding (body) import Data.List (isInfixOf, sort, (\\)) import Text.HTML.Moe2 hiding ((/), select, br) import System.Directory (doesFileExist, getDirectoryContents, doesDirectoryExist) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, catMaybes) import System.FilePath (takeExtension) import System.Process (readProcess) import Control.Arrow ((***)) import Hack2.Handler.SnapServer import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E import qualified Data.Text.IO as TextIO import Web.Maid.ApacheMimeTypes (apache_mime_types) import Web.Maid.DefaultCSSStyle (default_css_style) b2u :: String -> String b2u = B.pack > E.decodeUtf8 > T.unpack strip :: String -> String strip = T.pack > T.strip > T.unpack main :: IO () main = do args <- getArgs let { _port = if length args == (0 :: Int) then 3000 else read - first args .fromMaybe "" } maid_mime_exist <- doesFileExist "mime.types" mime_types <- if maid_mime_exist then TextIO.readFile "mime.types" else return default_mime_types let { app = dir_serve - \env -> do let static_app = static (Just ".") [""] (const - return not_found) r <- static_app env -- let 'file' guess the file type if env.pathInfo.B.unpack.unescape_uri.takeExtension.T.pack.belongs_to (parse_user_mimes mime_types.map fst) then return r else if r.status == 200 then do _content_type <- readProcess "file" ["-b", "--mime", "." + env.pathInfo.B.unpack.unescape_uri] "" -- putStrLn _content_type return - r.set_content_type (_content_type.strip.B.pack) else return r } let version = "2013.9.13" br = puts "" br puts - " ❂ Maid Version: " + version br puts - " Usage: maid port" puts - " Example: maid 3000" br puts - " Serving on port: " ++ show _port br let maid_app = use (middleware_stack mime_types) app runWithConfig def {port = _port} - maid_app where dir_serve app = cascade [ app , config (\env -> env {pathInfo = B.pack - pathInfo env.B.unpack / "index.htm"}) app , config (\env -> env {pathInfo = B.pack - pathInfo env.B.unpack / "index.html"}) app , list_dir ] middleware_stack :: T.Text -> [Middleware] middleware_stack mime_types = [ no_favicon , content_length , x_forwarded_for_to_remote_host , simple_access_logger - Nothing , user_mime - map (E.encodeUtf8 *** E.encodeUtf8) - parse_user_mimes mime_types ] parse_user_mimes :: T.Text -> [(T.Text, T.Text)] parse_user_mimes = T.unpack > lines > map strip > reject null > reject (starts_with "#") > map parse_line > catMaybes > map expand_line > concat > map (T.pack *** T.pack) where parse_line :: String -> Maybe (String, [String]) parse_line line = case line.words of (x:y:ys) -> Just (x, y:ys) _ -> Nothing expand_line :: (String, [String]) -> [(String, String)] expand_line (mime, extensions) = extensions.map (,mime) no_favicon :: Middleware no_favicon app = \env -> do -- putStrLn - "pathInfo is: " + env.pathInfo if env.pathInfo.is "/favicon.ico" then return not_found else app env not_found :: Response not_found = def { status = 404 } list_dir :: Application list_dir env = do let _path = "." + env.pathInfo .B.unpack.unescape_uri.b2u if ".." `isInfixOf` _path then return not_found else do directory_exist <- doesDirectoryExist _path if not directory_exist then return not_found else do is_dir <- doesDirectoryExist _path if not is_dir then return not_found else do let ls :: String -> IO [String] ls s = getDirectoryContents s ^ (\\ [".", ".."]) _paths <- ls _path -- print _paths let _full_paths = _paths.map (_path.drop (2 :: Int) /) is_path_dir_flag <- _full_paths.mapM doesDirectoryExist let flagged = zip _paths is_path_dir_flag dirs = flagged.select snd.sort .map_fst (+ "/") files = flagged.reject snd.sort sorted = dirs + files maid_css_exist <- doesFileExist "maid.css" _css <- if maid_css_exist then B.readFile "maid.css" else return (E.encodeUtf8 default_css_style) let _html = B.pack - dir_template sorted (B.unpack _css) (env.path.B.unpack.unescape_uri) return - def { status = 200 } .set_body_bytestring _html .set_content_type "text/html; charset=utf-8" dir_template :: [(String, Bool)] -> String -> String -> String dir_template xs _css current_path = render - html - do head - do meta ! [http_equiv "Content-Type", content "text/html; charset=utf-8"] - return () style - str _css body - do div ! [_class "container"] - do ul - do xs.mapM_ (\(_path, dir_tag) -> li - do let path_dom = a ! [href - "/" / current_path.b2u / _path] - str - _path if dir_tag then div ! [_class "directory"] - path_dom else path_dom ) default_mime_types :: T.Text default_mime_types = apache_mime_types