-- Author:     Andy Stewart <lazycat.manatee@gmail.com>
-- Maintainer: Andy Stewart <lazycat.manatee@gmail.com>
-- Copyright (C) 2010 Andy Stewart, all rights reserved.
-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-- any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-- along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification, DeriveDataTypeable, TypeSynonymInstances, RankNTypes, FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Manatee.Action.Basic where

import Control.Applicative hiding (empty)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar
import Control.Monad.State
import DBus.Client hiding (Signal)
import Data.Text.Lazy (Text)
import Graphics.UI.Gtk hiding (Action, Frame, Window)
import Manatee.Action.Tabbar
import Manatee.Core.DBus
import Manatee.Core.Types
import Manatee.Toolkit.General.Basic
import Manatee.Toolkit.General.List
import Manatee.Toolkit.General.Maybe
import Manatee.Toolkit.General.Process
import Manatee.Toolkit.General.STM
import Manatee.Toolkit.General.Seq
import Manatee.Toolkit.General.State
import Manatee.Toolkit.Gtk.Container
import Manatee.Toolkit.Gtk.Editable
import Manatee.Toolkit.Gtk.Gtk
import Manatee.Toolkit.Widget.Interactivebar
import Manatee.Toolkit.Widget.NotebookTab
import Manatee.Toolkit.Widget.PopupWindow
import Manatee.Types
import Manatee.UI.FocusNotifier
import Manatee.UI.Frame
import Manatee.UI.UIFrame
import Manatee.UI.Window hiding (windowNew)
import System.Posix.Types (ProcessID)

import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Graphics.UI.Gtk as Gtk
import qualified Manatee.Toolkit.Data.ListZipper as LZ

type PageActionInputArgs = (Window, (TVar SignalBoxList, (TVar PageId, TVar SignalBoxId)))

-- | Run action.
runAction :: Environment -> Action -> IO ()
runAction env (Action {actionFun = fun}) =
  envGet env >>= fun >>= envPut env  

(==>) :: forall a b . (ActionInputArgs a, ActionOutputArgs b) => Text -> (a -> IO b) -> (Text, Action)
key ==> command = (key, Action command)

-- | Build socket frame.
socketFrameNew :: IO Gtk.Frame
socketFrameNew = frameNewWithShadowType Nothing

-- | Create new signal box.
signalBoxNew :: UIFrame -> WindowId -> TVar SignalBoxId -> TVar SignalBoxList -> IO SignalBox
signalBoxNew uiFrame windowId signalBoxCounter signalBoxList = do
  -- Ticker signal box counter.
  signalBoxId <- tickTVarIO signalBoxCounter

  -- Create signal box.
  let signalBox = SignalBox signalBoxId uiFrame windowId

  -- Add new SignalBox to list.
  runTVarStateT signalBoxList $ put . Set.insert signalBox

  return signalBox

-- | Clone tabs.
cloneTabs :: Window -> Client -> TVar Tabbar -> TVar SignalBoxList -> TVar SignalBoxId -> [(PageModeName, ProcessID, PageId)] -> IO ()
cloneTabs window client tabbarTVar signalBoxList sId = 
  mapM_ (cloneTab window client tabbarTVar signalBoxList sId)

-- | Clone tab.
cloneTab :: Window -> Client -> TVar Tabbar -> TVar SignalBoxList -> TVar SignalBoxId -> (PageModeName, ProcessID, PageId) -> IO ()
cloneTab  window client tabbarTVar signalBoxList sId (modeName, processId, pageId) = do
  let windowId = windowGetId window
      notebook = windowNotebook window

  -- Create new socket frame.
  uiFrame <- uiFrameStick notebook Nothing
  -- Create signal box.
  signalBox <- signalBoxNew uiFrame windowId sId signalBoxList

  -- Add page id information to tabbar,
  -- then will replace other information after render page create. 
  -- And make sure render page will insert at correct place when call 'daemonHandleNewPageConfirm'.
  modifyTVarIO tabbarTVar (tabbarAddTab windowId modeName (Tab 0 pageId 0 0 uiFrame))
  -- Send `ReparentRenderPage` signal.
  mkRenderSignal client processId CloneRenderPage (CloneRenderPageArgs pageId (signalBoxId signalBox))

-- | Synchronization tab name.
syncTabName :: Environment -> WindowId -> IO ()
syncTabName env windowId = do
  (tabbar, (BufferList bufferList)) <- envGet env

  tabbarGetTabInfo tabbar windowId 
    ?>= \ (modeName, tabSeq) -> 
        M.lookup modeName bufferList 
    ?>= \ seqBuffer -> do
        let nameList = map bufferName $ F.toList seqBuffer
        zipWithIndexM_ nameList $ \name index -> do
            maybeIndex tabSeq index ?>= \tab -> 
                notebookTabSetName (uiFrameNotebookTab $ tabUIFrame tab) name

-- | Get current interactivebar.
getCurrentInteractivebar :: Environment -> IO (Maybe Interactivebar)
getCurrentInteractivebar env = 
  getCurrentUIFrame env >?>=> 
      (return . Just . uiFrameInteractivebar)

-- | Get current uiFrame.
getCurrentUIFrame :: Environment -> IO (Maybe UIFrame)
getCurrentUIFrame env = 
  getCurrentTab env >?>=> \ tab -> return $ Just (tabUIFrame tab)

-- | Get page mode name of specify window.
getWindowPageModeName :: Environment -> Window -> IO (Maybe PageModeName)  
getWindowPageModeName env window = do
  tabbar <- envGet env
  return $ tabbarGetPageModeName tabbar (windowGetId window)

-- | Get current tab.
getCurrentTab :: Environment -> IO (Maybe Tab)
getCurrentTab env = do
  (tabbar, window) <- envGet env

  tabbarGetTabSeq tabbar (windowGetId window) ?>=> \ tabSeq -> do
      currentPageIndex <- notebookGetCurrentPage (windowNotebook window)
      return $ maybeIndex tabSeq currentPageIndex

-- | Get next window.
getNextWindow :: WindowList -> Maybe Window       
getNextWindow windowList
    | LZ.length windowList <= 1
        = Nothing
    | otherwise
        = LZ.getRightCircular windowList

-- | Action in next window.
withNextWindow :: Environment -> (Window -> IO ()) -> IO ()
withNextWindow env action = do
  windowList <- envGet env
  case getNextWindow windowList of
    Just win -> action win
    Nothing  -> message env "Just current window exist."

-- | Display message.
message :: Environment -> String -> IO ()
message env output = 
  getCurrentUIFrame env >?>= \frame ->
    uiFrameShowOutputbar frame output

-- | Focus current tab..
focusCurrentTab :: Environment -> IO ()
focusCurrentTab env = do
  client <- envGet env
  -- Exit popup window.
  popupWindowExit_ env

  -- Send `FocusRenderPage` signal to focus page.
  getCurrentTab env >?>= \ Tab {tabProcessId = processId
                               ,tabPlugId    = plugId} ->
          mkRenderSignal client processId FocusRenderPage (FocusRenderPageArgs plugId)

-- | Init anything view.
anythingInitStartup :: Frame -> VBox -> Interactivebar -> IO ()
anythingInitStartup frame anythingBox interactivebar = do
  -- Clean first.
  containerRemoveAll frame
  containerRemoveAll anythingBox

  -- Add box and interactivebar.
  interactivebarSetTitle interactivebar "Search "
  interactivebarSetContent interactivebar "" -- clean input
  interactivebarShow anythingBox interactivebar
  frame `containerAdd` anythingBox
  widgetShowAll anythingBox

  -- Start anything process.
  startupAnything (SpawnAnythingProcessArgs GlobalSearchArgs)

-- | Remove tabs match window id. 
removeTabs :: Tabbar -> Client -> Window -> IO Tabbar    
removeTabs (Tabbar tabbar) client window = do
  let windowId = windowGetId window
      notebook = windowNotebook window
  -- Remove all tab widget from notebook.
  containerRemoveAll notebook

  -- Send tab destroy signal to child process. 
  forM_ (tabbarGetTabList windowId (Tabbar tabbar)) $ 
    \ Tab {tabProcessId = processId
          ,tabPageId    = pageId
          ,tabPlugId    = plugId} -> 
    mkRenderSignal client processId DestroyRenderPage (DestroyRenderPageArgs pageId plugId)

  -- Return new tabbar that remove all tabs match window id.
  return $ tabbarRemoveTabs windowId (Tabbar tabbar)

-- | Exit all render processes.
exitAllRenderProcess :: Environment -> IO ()
exitAllRenderProcess env = do
  (client, bufferListTVar) <- envGet env
  modifyTVarIOM bufferListTVar $ \ (BufferList bufferList) -> do
    -- Send dbus signal `ExitRenderProcess` to all render processes.
    forM_ (M.toList bufferList) $ \ (_, bufferSeq) -> 
      forM_ (F.toList bufferSeq) $ \ Buffer {bufferProcessId = processId
                                            ,bufferPageId    = pageId} -> 
         mkRenderSignal client processId ExitRenderProcess (ExitRenderProcessArgs pageId)
    -- Clean up buffer list.
    return $ BufferList M.empty

-- | Switch focus.
focusSwitch :: Environment -> IO ()  
focusSwitch env = do
  focusStatus <- getFocusStatus env
  case focusStatus of
    FocusLocalInteractivebar -> focusCurrentTab env
    FocusWindow -> envGet env >>= focusInteractivebar

-- | Focus tab.
focusTab :: Environment -> IO ()
focusTab env = do
  focusStatus <- getFocusStatus env
  case focusStatus of
    FocusWindow -> do
      focusCurrentTab env
      envGet env >>= highlightCurrentWindow
    FocusLocalInteractivebar -> 
      envGet env >>= highlightCurrentWindow
    FocusInitInteractivebar -> 
      editableFocus $interactivebarEntry $ envInitInteractivebar env 

-- | Is focus on init interactivebar.
isFocusOnInitInteractivebar :: VBox -> IO Bool  
isFocusOnInitInteractivebar = widgetHasParent 

-- | Get focus status.
getFocusStatus :: Environment -> IO FocusStatus
getFocusStatus env = do
  let initBox = envInitBox env
  ifM (isFocusOnInitInteractivebar initBox)
      (return FocusInitInteractivebar)
        currentUIFrame <- getCurrentUIFrame env
        case currentUIFrame of
          Nothing -> (return FocusWindow) -- focus window when can't found page 
          Just uiFrame -> 
              ifM (uiFrameIsFocusInteractivebar uiFrame)
                      (return FocusLocalInteractivebar)
                      (return FocusWindow))

-- | Highlight window.
highlightCurrentWindow :: (Window, TVar FocusNotifierList) -> IO ()
highlightCurrentWindow (window, focusNotifierList) =  
  focusNotifierShow (windowGetId window) focusNotifierList

-- | Focus input.
focusInteractivebar :: (Environment, PopupWindow) -> IO ()
focusInteractivebar (env, popupWindow) = 
  getCurrentUIFrame env >?>= \uiFrame -> do
    let interactivebar = uiFrameInteractivebar uiFrame
    -- Show interactivebar.
    interactivebarSetTitle interactivebar "Search "  
    interactivebarSetContent interactivebar "" -- clean input
    uiFrameShowInteractivebar uiFrame
    -- When PopupWindow is invisible startup anythingView process.
    whenM (not <$> popupWindowIsVisible popupWindow)
                -- Activate popup window.
                popupWindowActivate popupWindow interactivebar
                -- Start anything process.
                startupAnything (SpawnAnythingProcessArgs GlobalSearchArgs))

-- | Startup anything. 
startupAnything :: SpawnProcessArgs -> IO ()
startupAnything args =
  runProcess_ "manatee-anything" [show args]

-- | Activate popup window.
popupWindowActivate :: PopupWindow -> Interactivebar -> IO ()
popupWindowActivate popupWindow interactivebar = do
  let entry = interactivebarEntry interactivebar
  -- Stick entry.
  popupWindowStickParent popupWindow entry 
  -- Set minimize size hide popupwindow.
  popupWindowSetAllocation popupWindow (Rectangle 0 0 1 1)
  -- Show popup window.
  popupWindowShow popupWindow

-- | Exit input.
exitInteractivebar :: Environment -> IO ()
exitInteractivebar env = 
    getCurrentUIFrame env >?>= \uiFrame -> do
      interactivebarExit (uiFrameBox uiFrame) (uiFrameInteractivebar uiFrame)
      popupWindowExit_ env

-- | Exit popup window and fill envLocalInteractiveLock.
popupWindowExit_ :: Environment -> IO ()
popupWindowExit_ env = do
  popupWindowExit (envAnythingPopupWindow env)
  tryPutMVar (envLocalInteractiveLock env) (Left "Interactivebar exit.")
  tryPutMVar (envGlobalInteractiveLock env) (Left "Interactivebar exit.")
  return ()

-- | Synchronization new tab in window.
tabbarSyncNewTab :: Environment -> WindowId -> DaemonSignalArgs -> IO ()
tabbarSyncNewTab env wId (NewRenderPageConfirmArgs pageId _ _ _ processId modeName _ _) = do
  (tabbarTVar, (Tabbar tabbar, (windowList, (client, (signalBoxList, signalBoxId))))) <- envGet env
  -- Synchronization tab in all same mode window.
  forM_ (M.toList tabbar) $ \ ((windowId, pageModeName), tabSeq) -> 
    -- When window mode same as tab mode and not current window.
    when (windowId /= wId && pageModeName == modeName) $ 
      -- And tab haven't exist in current window.
      unless (any (\x -> tabProcessId x == processId) (F.toList tabSeq)) $
          -- Then clone tab in current window.
          windowListGetWindow windowId windowList ?>= \window -> 
              cloneTab window client tabbarTVar signalBoxList signalBoxId (modeName, processId, pageId)

-- | Get top-level container. 
getToplevelContainer :: Environment -> Container
getToplevelContainer = toContainer . envFrame

-- | Get focus window.
getFocusWindow :: Environment -> IO Window  
getFocusWindow env = do
  let container         = getToplevelContainer env
      focusNotifierList = envFocusNotifierList env
      windowList        = envWindowList env
      windowNodeList    = envWindowNodeList env          

  focusWindow <- windowListGetFocusWindow windowList windowNodeList focusNotifierList container 

  case focusWindow of
    Just window -> return window
    Nothing -> error "getFocusWindow: can't found any window."

instance ActionInputArgs Frame where
    envGet = return . envFrame
instance ActionInputArgs Client where
    envGet = return . envDaemonClient
instance ActionInputArgs Environment where
    envGet = return
instance ActionInputArgs Window where
    envGet = getFocusWindow
instance ActionInputArgs Container where
    envGet = return . getToplevelContainer 
instance ActionInputArgs VBox where
    envGet = return . envInitBox
instance ActionInputArgs Interactivebar where
    envGet = return . envInitInteractivebar
instance ActionInputArgs WindowList where
    envGet = readTVarIO . envWindowList
instance ActionInputArgs WindowNodeList where
    envGet = readTVarIO . envWindowNodeList
instance ActionInputArgs FocusNotifierList where
    envGet = readTVarIO . envFocusNotifierList
instance ActionInputArgs Tabbar where
    envGet = readTVarIO . envTabbar
instance ActionInputArgs BufferList where
    envGet = readTVarIO . envBufferList
instance ActionInputArgs (TVar WindowList) where
    envGet = return . envWindowList
instance ActionInputArgs (TVar WindowNodeList) where
    envGet = return . envWindowNodeList
instance ActionInputArgs (TVar FocusNotifierList) where
    envGet = return . envFocusNotifierList
instance ActionInputArgs (TVar SignalBoxList) where
    envGet = return . envSignalBoxList
instance ActionInputArgs (TVar SignalBoxId) where
    envGet = return . envSignalBoxIdCounter
instance ActionInputArgs (TVar ProcessID) where
    envGet = return . envAnythingProcessId
instance ActionInputArgs (TVar Tabbar) where
    envGet = return . envTabbar
instance ActionInputArgs (TVar BufferList) where
    envGet = return . envBufferList
instance ActionInputArgs (TVar TabCloseHistory) where
    envGet = return . envTabCloseHistory
instance ActionInputArgs ProcessID where
    envGet = readTVarIO . envAnythingProcessId
instance ActionInputArgs PopupWindow where 
    envGet = return . envAnythingPopupWindow
instance ActionOutputArgs WindowList where
    envPut = writeTVarIO . envWindowList
instance ActionOutputArgs WindowNodeList where
    envPut = writeTVarIO . envWindowNodeList
instance ActionOutputArgs Tabbar where 
    envPut = writeTVarIO . envTabbar
instance ActionOutputArgs BufferList where 
    envPut = writeTVarIO . envBufferList