manatee-0.0.5: The Haskell/Gtk+ Integrated Live Environment




windowSplitVertically :: Environment -> IO ()Source

Split window vertically.

windowSplitHortizontally :: Environment -> IO ()Source

Split window horizontally.

windowSplit :: WindowNodeDirection -> Environment -> IO ()Source

Spit window with specify direction.

windowSelectNext :: TVar WindowList -> IO ()Source

Select next window and focus page.

windowSelectPrev :: TVar WindowList -> IO ()Source

Select previous window and focus page.

windowCloseCurrent :: Environment -> IO ()Source

Close current window.

windowCloseOthers :: Environment -> IO ()Source

Close all windows except current one.

windowCloseAll :: Environment -> IO ()Source

Close all windows. Will popup global input interactivebar after close all windows.

windowRemove :: Environment -> Window -> IO ()Source

Remove window.

windowChildReparentTabs :: Environment -> Window -> [Tab] -> PageModeName -> IO ()Source

Re-parent tabs of parent in child window.

windowChildCloneTabs :: Environment -> Window -> [Tab] -> PageModeName -> IO ()Source

Clone tabs of parent in child window.

windowEnlargeUp :: Environment -> IO ()Source

Enlarge window up.

windowEnlargeDown :: Environment -> IO ()Source

Enlarge window down.

windowEnlargeLeft :: Environment -> IO ()Source

Enlarge window left.

windowEnlargeRight :: Environment -> IO ()Source

Enlarge window right.

windowEnlarge :: Environment -> IO ()Source

Enlarge window.

windowShrinkUp :: Environment -> IO ()Source

Shrink window up.

windowShrinkDown :: Environment -> IO ()Source

Shrink window down.

windowShrinkLeft :: Environment -> IO ()Source

Shrink window left.

windowShrinkRight :: Environment -> IO ()Source

Shrink window right.

windowShrink :: Environment -> IO ()Source

Shrink window.