{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, ScopedTypeVariables, OverloadedStrings, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, PatternGuards #-} -- | handle cards module Web.MangoPay.Cards where import Web.MangoPay.Documents import Web.MangoPay.Monad import Web.MangoPay.Types import Web.MangoPay.Users import Data.Conduit import Data.Text import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import Data.Aeson import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (POSIXTime, getPOSIXTime) import Control.Applicative import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as HT import qualified Network.HTTP.Conduit as H import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import qualified Data.Conduit.List as EL (consume) import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as HM import Control.Exception.Base (throw) -- | card registration ID type CardRegistrationID=Text -- | perform the full registration of a card fullRegistration :: (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadResource m) => AnyUserID -> Currency -> CardInfo -> AccessToken -> MangoPayT m CardRegistration fullRegistration uid currency cardInfo at=do -- create registration let cr1=mkCardRegistration uid currency cr2<-storeCardRegistration cr1 at -- register it cr3<-registerCard cardInfo cr2 -- save registered version storeCardRegistration cr3 at -- | create or edit a card registration storeCardRegistration :: (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadResource m) => CardRegistration -> AccessToken -> MangoPayT m CardRegistration storeCardRegistration cr at= case crId cr of Nothing-> do url<-getClientURL "/cardregistrations" postExchange url (Just at) cr Just i-> do url<-getClientURLMultiple ["/cardregistrations/",i] let Object m=toJSON cr putExchange url (Just at) $ Object $ HM.filterWithKey (\k _->k=="RegistrationData") m -- | credit card information data CardInfo = CardInfo { ciNumber :: Text ,ciExpire :: Text ,ciCSC :: Text } deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,Typeable) -- | register a card with the registration URL registerCard :: (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadResource m) => CardInfo -> CardRegistration -> MangoPayT m CardRegistration registerCard ci cr | Just url <- crCardRegistrationURL cr, Just pre <- crPreregistrationData cr, Just ak <- crAccessKey cr=do req <-liftIO $ H.parseUrl $ unpack url mgr<-getManager let b=HT.renderQuery False $ HT.toQuery [ "accessKeyRef" ?+ ak ,"data" ?+ pre ,"cardNumber" ?+ ciNumber ci ,"cardExpirationDate" ?+ ciExpire ci ,"cardCvx" ?+ ciCSC ci] let req'=req {H.method=HT.methodPost , H.requestHeaders=[("content-type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded")] , H.requestBody=H.RequestBodyBS b} res<- H.http req' mgr reg <- H.responseBody res $$+- EL.consume let t=TE.decodeUtf8 $ BS.concat reg if "data=" `isPrefixOf` t then return cr{crRegistrationData=Just t} else do pt<-liftIO getPOSIXTime throw $ MpAppException $ MpError "" "RegistrationError" t $ Just pt registerCard _ _=do pt<-liftIO getPOSIXTime throw $ MpAppException $ MpError "" "IllegalState" "CardRegistration not ready" $ Just pt -- | helper function to create a new card registration mkCardRegistration :: AnyUserID -> Currency -> CardRegistration mkCardRegistration uid currency=CardRegistration Nothing Nothing Nothing uid currency Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing -- | a card registration data CardRegistration = CardRegistration { crId :: Maybe CardRegistrationID -- ^ The Id of the object ,crCreationDate :: Maybe POSIXTime -- ^ The creation date of the object ,crTag :: Maybe Text -- ^ Custom data ,crUserId :: AnyUserID -- ^ The ID of the author ,crCurrency :: Currency -- ^ The currency of the card registrated ,crAccessKey :: Maybe Text -- ^ This key has to be sent with the card details and the PreregistrationData ,crPreregistrationData :: Maybe Text -- ^ This passphrase has to be sent with the card details and the AccessKey ,crCardRegistrationURL :: Maybe Text -- ^ The URL where to POST the card details, the AccessKey and PreregistrationData ,crRegistrationData :: Maybe Text -- ^ You get the CardRegistrationData once you posted the card details, the AccessKey and PreregistrationData ,crCardType :: Maybe Text -- ^ « CB_VISA_MASTERCARD » is the only value available yet ,crCardId :: Maybe CardID -- ^ You get the CardId (to process payments) once you edited the CardRegistration Object with the RegistrationData ,crResultCode :: Maybe Text -- ^ The result code of the object ,crResultMessage :: Maybe Text -- ^ The message explaining the result code ,crStatus :: Maybe DocumentStatus -- ^ The status of the object. } deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Typeable) -- | to json as per MangoPay format instance ToJSON CardRegistration where toJSON cr=object ["Tag" .= crTag cr,"UserId" .= crUserId cr ,"Currency" .= crCurrency cr,"RegistrationData" .= crRegistrationData cr ,"CardRegistrationURL" .= crCardRegistrationURL cr] -- | from json as per MangoPay format instance FromJSON CardRegistration where parseJSON (Object v) =CardRegistration <$> v .: "Id" <*> v .: "CreationDate" <*> v .:? "Tag" <*> v .: "UserId" <*> v .: "Currency" <*> v .:? "AccessKey" <*> v .:? "PreregistrationData" <*> v .:? "CardRegistrationURL" <*> v .:? "RegistrationData" <*> v .:? "CardType" <*> v .:? "CardId" <*> v .:? "ResultCode" <*> v .:? "ResultMessage" <*> v .:? "Status" parseJSON _=fail "CardRegistration" -- | fetch a card from its ID fetchCard :: (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadResource m) => CardID -> AccessToken -> MangoPayT m Card fetchCard cid at=do url<-getClientURLMultiple ["/cards/",cid] req<-getGetRequest url (Just at) ([]::HT.Query) getJSONResponse req -- | list all cards for a given user listCards :: (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadResource m) => AnyUserID -> Maybe Pagination -> AccessToken -> MangoPayT m (PagedList Card) listCards uid mp at=do url<-getClientURLMultiple ["/users/",uid,"/cards"] req<-getGetRequest url (Just at) (paginationAttributes mp) getJSONList req -- | validity of a card data CardValidity=UNKNOWN | VALID | INVALID deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,Bounded,Enum,Typeable) -- | to json as per MangoPay format instance ToJSON CardValidity where toJSON =toJSON . show -- | from json as per MangoPay format instance FromJSON CardValidity where parseJSON (String s)=pure $ read $ unpack s parseJSON _ =fail "CardValidity" -- | a registered card data Card=Card { cId :: CardID ,cCreationDate :: POSIXTime ,cTag :: Maybe Text ,cExpirationDate :: Text -- ^ MMYY ,cAlias :: Text -- ^ Example: 497010XXXXXX4414 ,cCardProvider :: Text -- ^ The card provider, it could be « CB », « VISA », « MASTERCARD », etc. ,cCardType :: Text -- ^ « CB_VISA_MASTERCARD » is the only value available yet ,cProduct :: Maybe Text ,cBankCode :: Maybe Text ,cActive :: Bool ,cCurrency :: Currency ,cValidity :: CardValidity -- ^ Once we proceed (or attempted to process) a payment with the card we are able to indicate if it is « valid » or « invalid ». If we didn’t process a payment yet the « Validity » stay at « unknown ». ,cCountry :: Text ,cUserId :: AnyUserID } deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Typeable) -- | from json as per MangoPay format instance FromJSON Card where parseJSON (Object v) =Card <$> v .: "Id" <*> v .: "CreationDate" <*> v .:? "Tag" <*> v .: "ExpirationDate" <*> v .: "Alias" <*> v .: "CardProvider" <*> v .: "CardType" <*> v .:? "Product" <*> v .:? "BankCode" <*> v .: "Active" <*> v .: "Currency" <*> v .: "Validity" <*> v .: "Country" <*> v .: "UserId" parseJSON _=fail "Card"