{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -F -pgmF htfpp #-} -- | test payins module Web.MangoPay.PayinsTest where import Web.MangoPay import Web.MangoPay.TestUtils import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromJust) import Test.Framework import Test.HUnit (Assertion) -- | test bankwire test_BankWire :: Assertion test_BankWire=do usL<-testMP $ listUsers (Just $ Pagination 1 1) assertEqual 1 (length $ plData usL) let uid=urId $ head $ plData usL let w=Wallet Nothing Nothing (Just "custom") [uid] "my wallet" "EUR" Nothing w2<-testMP $ storeWallet w assertBool (isJust $ wId w2) -- bank wire does not succeed since the real transfer needs to be performed afterwards testEventTypes [PAYIN_NORMAL_CREATED] $ do let bw1=mkBankWire uid uid (fromJust $ wId w2) (Amount "EUR" 100) (Amount "EUR" 1) bw2<-testMP $ storeBankWire bw1 assertBool (isJust $ bwId bw2) assertBool (isJust $ bwBankAccount bw2) bw3<-testMP $ fetchBankWire (fromJust $ bwId bw2) assertEqual (bwId bw2) (bwId bw3) return $ bwId bw2 -- | test a successful card pay in test_CardOK :: Assertion test_CardOK = do usL<-testMP $ listUsers (Just $ Pagination 1 1) assertEqual 1 (length $ plData usL) let uid=urId $ head $ plData usL cr<-testMP $ fullRegistration uid "EUR" testCardInfo1 assertBool (isJust $ crCardId cr) let cid=fromJust $ crCardId cr let w=Wallet Nothing Nothing (Just "custom") [uid] "my wallet" "EUR" Nothing w2<-testMP $ storeWallet w assertBool (isJust $ wId w2) let wid=fromJust $ wId w2 testEventTypes [PAYIN_NORMAL_CREATED,PAYIN_NORMAL_SUCCEEDED] $ do let cp=mkCardPayin uid uid wid (Amount "EUR" 333) (Amount "EUR" 1) "http://dummy" cid cp2<-testMP $ storeCardPayin cp assertBool (isJust $ cpId cp2) assertEqual (Just Succeeded) (cpStatus cp2) w3<-testMP $ fetchWallet wid assertEqual (Just $ Amount "EUR" 332) (wBalance w3) ts1 <- testMP $ listTransactions wid Nothing assertEqual 1 (length $ filter ((cpId cp2==) . txId) $ plData ts1) return $ cpId cp2 -- | test a failed card pay in -- according to test_CardKO :: Assertion test_CardKO = do usL<-testMP $ listUsers (Just $ Pagination 1 1) assertEqual 1 (length $ plData usL) let uid=urId $ head $ plData usL cr<-testMP $ fullRegistration uid "EUR" testCardInfo1 assertBool (isJust $ crCardId cr) let cid=fromJust $ crCardId cr let w=Wallet Nothing Nothing (Just "custom") [uid] "my wallet" "EUR" Nothing w2<-testMP $ storeWallet w assertBool (isJust $ wId w2) let wid=fromJust $ wId w2 testEventTypes [PAYIN_NORMAL_CREATED,PAYIN_NORMAL_FAILED] $ do let cp=mkCardPayin uid uid wid (Amount "EUR" 33394) (Amount "EUR" 0) "http://dummy" cid cp2<-testMP $ storeCardPayin cp assertBool (isJust $ cpId cp2) assertEqual (Just Failed) (cpStatus cp2) assertEqual (Just "009199") (cpResultCode cp2) assertEqual (Just "PSP technical error") (cpResultMessage cp2) w3<-testMP $ fetchWallet wid assertEqual (Just $ Amount "EUR" 0) (wBalance w3) return $ cpId cp2