-- |
-- Module      : Data.Manifold.Web
-- Copyright   : (c) Justus Sagemüller 2016
-- License     : GPL v3
-- Maintainer  : (@) sagemueller $ geo.uni-koeln.de
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : portable
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ParallelListComp           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LiberalTypeSynonyms        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell            #-}

module Data.Manifold.Web (
              -- * The web data type
              -- ** Construction
            , fromWebNodes, fromShadeTree_auto, fromShadeTree, fromShaded
              -- ** Lookup
            , nearestNeighbour, indexWeb, webEdges, toGraph
              -- ** Decomposition
            , sliceWeb_lin -- , sampleWebAlongLine_lin
              -- ** Local environments
            , localFocusWeb
              -- * Differential equations
              -- ** Fixed resolution
            , filterDEqnSolution_static, iterateFilterDEqn_static
              -- ** Automatic resolution
            , filterDEqnSolutions_adaptive, iterateFilterDEqn_adaptive
              -- * Misc
            , ConvexSet(..), ellipsoid
            ) where

import Data.List hiding (filter, all, elem, sum, foldr1)
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Vector as Arr
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as UArr
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.List.FastNub (fastNubBy)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.Semigroup
import Control.DeepSeq

import Data.VectorSpace
import Data.LinearMap.HerMetric
import Data.Tagged
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Fixed (mod')

import Data.Manifold.Types
import Data.Manifold.Types.Primitive
import Data.Manifold.PseudoAffine
import Data.Manifold.TreeCover
import Data.SetLike.Intersection
import Data.Manifold.Riemannian
import qualified Prelude as Hask hiding(foldl, sum, sequence)
import qualified Control.Applicative as Hask
import qualified Control.Monad       as Hask hiding(forM_, sequence)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Control.Monad.Trans.List
import qualified Data.Foldable       as Hask
import Data.Foldable (all, toList)
import qualified Data.Traversable as Hask
import Data.Traversable (forM)
import Data.Graph

import Control.Category.Constrained.Prelude hiding
     ((^), all, elem, sum, forM, Foldable(..), foldr1, Traversable, traverse)
import Control.Arrow.Constrained
import Control.Monad.Constrained hiding (forM)
import Data.Foldable.Constrained
import Data.Traversable.Constrained (Traversable, traverse)

import Control.Comonad (Comonad(..))
import Lens.Micro ((&), (%~), (^.), (.~))
import Lens.Micro.TH

import GHC.Generics (Generic)

type WebNodeId = Int

data Neighbourhood x = Neighbourhood {
     neighbours :: UArr.Vector WebNodeId
   , localScalarProduct :: Metric x
  deriving (Generic)

instance (NFData x, NFData (HerMetric (Needle x))) => NFData (Neighbourhood x)

-- | A 'PointsWeb' is almost, but not quite a mesh. It is a stongly connected†
--   directed graph, backed by a tree for fast nearest-neighbour lookup of points.
--   †In general, there can be disconnected components, but every connected
--   component is strongly connected.
data PointsWeb :: * -> * -> * where
   PointsWeb :: {
       webNodeRsc :: ShadeTree x
     , webNodeAssocData :: Arr.Vector (y, Neighbourhood x)
     } -> PointsWeb x y
  deriving (Generic, Hask.Functor, Hask.Foldable, Hask.Traversable)

instance (NFData x, NFData (HerMetric (Needle x)), NFData (Needle' x), NFData y) => NFData (PointsWeb x y)

instance Foldable (PointsWeb x) (->) (->) where
  ffoldl = uncurry . Hask.foldl' . curry
  foldMap = Hask.foldMap
instance Traversable (PointsWeb x) (PointsWeb x) (->) (->) where
  traverse f (PointsWeb rsc asd)
           = fmap (PointsWeb rsc . (`Arr.zip`ngss) . Arr.fromList)
              . traverse f $ Arr.toList ys
   where (ys,ngss) = Arr.unzip asd

type MetricChoice x = Shade x -> Metric x

fromWebNodes ::  x y . WithField  Manifold x
                    => (MetricChoice x) -> [(x,y)] -> PointsWeb x y
fromWebNodes mf = fromShaded mf . fromLeafPoints . map (uncurry WithAny . swap)

fromTopWebNodes ::  x y . WithField  Manifold x
                    => (MetricChoice x) -> [((x,[Needle x]),y)] -> PointsWeb x y
fromTopWebNodes mf = fromTopShaded mf . fromLeafPoints
                   . map (uncurry WithAny . swap . regroup')

fromShadeTree_auto ::  x . WithField  Manifold x => ShadeTree x -> PointsWeb x ()
fromShadeTree_auto = fromShaded (recipMetric . _shadeExpanse) . constShaded ()

fromShadeTree ::  x . WithField  Manifold x
     => (Shade x -> Metric x) -> ShadeTree x -> PointsWeb x ()
fromShadeTree mf = fromShaded mf . constShaded ()

fromShaded ::  x y . WithField  Manifold x
     => (MetricChoice x) -- ^ Local scalar-product generator. You can always
                              --   use @'recipMetric' . '_shadeExpanse'@ (but this
                              --   may give distortions compared to an actual
                              --   Riemannian metric).
     -> (x`Shaded`y)          -- ^ Source tree.
     -> PointsWeb x y
fromShaded metricf = fromTopShaded metricf . fmapShaded ([],)

fromTopShaded ::  x y . WithField  Manifold x
     => (MetricChoice x)
     -> (x`Shaded`([Needle x], y))  -- ^ Source tree, with a priori topology information
                                    --   (needles pointing to already-known neighbour candidates)
     -> PointsWeb x y
fromTopShaded metricf shd = PointsWeb shd' assocData 
 where shd' = stripShadedUntopological shd
       assocData = Hask.foldMap locMesh $ twigsWithEnvirons shd
       locMesh :: ( (Int, ShadeTree (x`WithAny`([Needle x], y)))
                  , [(Int, ShadeTree (x`WithAny`([Needle x], y)))])
                   -> Arr.Vector (y, Neighbourhood x)
       locMesh ((i₀, locT), neighRegions) = Arr.map findNeighbours $ Arr.fromList locLeaves
        where locLeaves :: [ (Int, x`WithAny`([Needle x], y)) ]
              locLeaves = map (first (+i₀)) . zip [0..] $ onlyLeaves locT
              vicinityLeaves :: [(Int, x)]
              vicinityLeaves = Hask.foldMap
                                (\(i₀n, ngbR) -> map ((+i₀n) *** _topological)
                                               . zip [0..]
                                               $ onlyLeaves ngbR
                                ) neighRegions
              findNeighbours :: (Int, x`WithAny`([Needle x], y)) -> (y, Neighbourhood x)
              findNeighbours (i, WithAny (vns,y) x)
                         = (y, Neighbourhood
                                 (UArr.fromList $ fst<$>execState seek mempty)
                                 locRieM )
               where seek :: State [(Int, (Needle x, Needle' x))] ()
                     seek = do
                        Hask.forM_ ( fastNubBy (comparing fst)
                                      $ map (second _topological) locLeaves
                                           ++ vicinityLeaves ++ aprioriNgbs )
                                  $ \(iNgb, xNgb) ->
                           when (iNgb/=i) `id`do
                              let (Option (Just v)) = xNgb.-~.x
                              oldNgbs <- get
                              when (all (\(_,(_,nw)) -> visibleOverlap nw v) oldNgbs) `id`do
                                 let w = w₀ ^/ (w₀<.>^v)
                                      where w₀ = toDualWith locRieM v
                                 put $ (iNgb, (v,w))
                                       : [ neighbour
                                         | neighbour@(_,(nv,_))<-oldNgbs
                                         , visibleOverlap w nv
                     aprioriNgbs :: [(Int, x)]
                     aprioriNgbs = catMaybes
                                    [ getOption $ (second $ const xN) <$>
                                          positionIndex (pure locRieM) shd' xN
                                    | v <- vns
                                    , let xN = x.+~^v :: x ]
              visibleOverlap :: Needle' x -> Needle x -> Bool
              visibleOverlap w v = o < 1
               where o = w<.>^v
              locRieM :: Metric x
              locRieM = case pointsCovers . map _topological
                                  $ onlyLeaves locT
                                   ++ Hask.foldMap (onlyLeaves . snd) neighRegions of
                          [sh₀] -> metricf sh₀

indexWeb :: WithField  Manifold x => PointsWeb x y -> WebNodeId -> Option (x,y)
indexWeb (PointsWeb rsc assocD) i
  | i>=0, i<Arr.length assocD
  , Right (_,x) <- indexShadeTree rsc i  = pure (x, fst (assocD Arr.! i))
  | otherwise                            = empty

unsafeIndexWebData :: PointsWeb x y -> WebNodeId -> y
unsafeIndexWebData (PointsWeb _ asd) i = fst (asd Arr.! i)

webEdges ::  x y . WithField  Manifold x
            => PointsWeb x y -> [((x,y), (x,y))]
webEdges web@(PointsWeb rsc assoc) = (lookId***lookId) <$> toList allEdges
 where allEdges :: Set.Set (WebNodeId,WebNodeId)
       allEdges = Hask.foldMap (\(i,(_, Neighbourhood ngbs _))
                    -> Set.fromList [(min i i', max i i')
                                    | i'<-UArr.toList ngbs ]
                               ) $ Arr.indexed assoc
       lookId i | Option (Just xy) <- indexWeb web i  = xy

data InterpolationIv y = InterpolationIv {
          _interpolationSegRange :: (,)
        , _interpolationFunction ::  -> y

type InterpolationSeq y = [InterpolationIv y]

mkInterpolationSeq_lin :: (x~, Geodesic y)
           => [(x,y)] -> InterpolationSeq y
mkInterpolationSeq_lin [(,), (,)]
       = return $ InterpolationIv
           (\x -> let drel = fromIntv0to1 $ (x-)/(-)
                  in yio drel )
 where Option (Just yio) = geodesicBetween  
mkInterpolationSeq_lin (p₀:p₁:ps)
    = mkInterpolationSeq_lin [p₀,p₁] <> mkInterpolationSeq_lin (p₁:ps)
mkInterpolationSeq_lin _ = []

-- | Fetch a point between any two neighbouring web nodes on opposite
--   sides of the plane, and linearly interpolate the values onto the
--   cut plane.
sliceWeb_lin ::  x y . (WithField  Manifold x, Geodesic x, Geodesic y)
               => PointsWeb x y -> Cutplane x -> [(x,y)]
sliceWeb_lin web = sliceEdgs
 where edgs = webEdges web
       sliceEdgs cp = [ (xi d, yi d)  -- Brute-force search through all edges
                      | ((x₀,y₀), (x₁,y₁)) <- edgs
                      , Option (Just d) <- [cutPosBetween cp (x₀,x₁)]
                      , Option (Just xi) <- [geodesicBetween x₀ x₁]
                      , Option (Just yi) <- [geodesicBetween y₀ y₁]

-- sampleWebAlongLine_lin :: ∀ x y . (WithField ℝ Manifold x, Geodesic x, Geodesic y)
--                => PointsWeb x y -> x -> Needle x -> [(x,y)]
-- sampleWebAlongLine_lin web x₀ dir = sampleWebAlongLines_lin web x₀ [(dir, maxBound)]

data GridPlanes x = GridPlanes {
        _gridPlaneNormal :: Needle' x
      , _gridPlaneSpacing :: Needle x
      , _gridPlanesCount :: Int
data GridSetup x = GridSetup {
        _gridStartCorner :: x
      , _gridSplitDirs :: [GridPlanes x]

cartesianGrid2D :: (x~, y~) => ((x,x), Int) -> ((y,y), Int) -> GridSetup (x,y)
cartesianGrid2D ((x₀,x₁), nx) ((y₀,y₁), ny)
    = GridSetup (x₀,y₀) [ GridPlanes (0,1) (0, (y₁-y₀)/fromIntegral ny) ny
                        , GridPlanes (1,0) ((x₁-x₀)/fromIntegral nx, 0) ny ]

splitToGridLines :: (WithField  Manifold x, Geodesic x, Geodesic y)
          => PointsWeb x y -> GridSetup x -> [((x, GridPlanes x), [(x,y)])]
splitToGridLines web (GridSetup x₀ [GridPlanes dirΩ spcΩ , linePln])
    = [ ((x₀', linePln), sliceWeb_lin web $ Cutplane x₀' (Stiefel1 dirΩ))
      | k <- [0 .. -1]
      , let x₀' = x₀.+~^(fromIntegral k *^ spcΩ) ]

sampleWebAlongGrid_lin ::  x y . (WithField  Manifold x, Geodesic x, Geodesic y)
               => PointsWeb x y -> GridSetup x -> [(x,Option y)]
sampleWebAlongGrid_lin web grid = finalLine =<< splitToGridLines web grid
 where finalLine :: ((x, GridPlanes x), [(x,y)]) -> [(x,Option y)]
       finalLine ((x₀, GridPlanes _ dir nSpl), verts)
          | length verts < 2  = take nSpl $ (,empty)<$>iterate (.+~^dir) x₀
       finalLine ((x₀, GridPlanes _ dir nSpl), verts)  = take nSpl $ go (x₀,0) intpseq 
        where intpseq = mkInterpolationSeq_lin
                         [ (metric metr $ x.-~!x₀, y) | (x,y) <- verts ]
              go (x,_) [] = (,empty)<$>iterate (.+~^dir) x
              go xt (InterpolationIv (_,te) f:fs)
                        = case break ((<te) . snd) $ iterate ((.+~^dir)***(+1)) xt of
                             (thisRange, xtn:_)
                                 -> ((id***pure.f)<$>thisRange) ++ go xtn fs
       Option (Just metr) = inferMetric $ webNodeRsc web
sampleWeb_2Dcartesian_lin :: (x~, y~, Geodesic z)
             => PointsWeb (x,y) z -> ((x,x),Int) -> ((y,y),Int) -> [(y,[(x,Option z)])]
sampleWeb_2Dcartesian_lin web (xspec@(_,nx)) yspec
       = go . sampleWebAlongGrid_lin web $ cartesianGrid2D xspec yspec
 where go [] = []
       go l@(((_,y),_):_) = let (ln,l') = splitAt nx l
                             in (y, map (\((x,_),z) -> (x,z)) ln) : go l'
sampleEntireWeb_2Dcartesian_lin :: (x~, y~, Geodesic z)
             => PointsWeb (x,y) z -> Int -> Int -> [(y,[(x,Option z)])]
sampleEntireWeb_2Dcartesian_lin web nx ny
       = sampleWeb_2Dcartesian_lin web ((x₀,x₁),nx) ((y₀,y₁),ny)
 where x₀ = minimum (fst<$>pts)
       x₁ = maximum (fst<$>pts)
       y₀ = minimum (snd<$>pts)
       y₁ = maximum (snd<$>pts)
       pts = fst . fst <$> toList (localFocusWeb web)

webLocalInfo ::  x y . WithField  Manifold x
            => PointsWeb x y -> PointsWeb x (WebLocally x y)
webLocalInfo origWeb = result
 where result = wli $ localFocusWeb origWeb
       wli (PointsWeb rsc asd) = PointsWeb rsc asd'
        where asd' = Arr.imap localInfo asd
       localInfo i (((x,y), ngbCo), ngbH)
            = ( LocalWebInfo {
                  _thisNodeCoord = x
                , _thisNodeData = y
                , _containingWeb = result
                , _thisNodeId = i
                , _nodeNeighbours = zip (UArr.toList $ neighbours ngbH) ngbCo
                , _nodeLocalScalarProduct = localScalarProduct ngbH
                , _nodeIsOnBoundary = anyUnopposed (localScalarProduct ngbH) ngbCo
                }, ngbH )
       anyUnopposed rieM ngbCo = (`any`ngbCo) $ \(v,_)
                         -> not $ (`any`ngbCo) $ \(v',_)
                              -> toDualWith rieM v <.>^ v' < 0

localFocusWeb :: WithField  Manifold x
                   => PointsWeb x y -> PointsWeb x ((x,y), [(Needle x, y)])
localFocusWeb (PointsWeb rsc asd) = PointsWeb rsc asd''
 where asd' = Arr.imap (\i (y,n) -> case indexShadeTree rsc i of
                                         Right (_,x) -> ((x,y),n) ) asd
       asd''= Arr.map (\((x,y),n) ->
                       (((x,y), [ ( case x'.-~.x of
                                     Option (Just v) -> v
                                  , y')
                                | j<-UArr.toList (neighbours n)
                                , let ((x',y'),_) = asd' Arr.! j
                                ]), n)
                 ) asd'

nearestNeighbour :: WithField  Manifold x
                      => PointsWeb x y -> x -> Option (x,y)
nearestNeighbour (PointsWeb rsc asd) x = fmap lkBest $ positionIndex empty rsc x
 where lkBest (iEst, (_, xEst)) = (xProx, yProx)
        where (iProx, (xProx, _)) = minimumBy (comparing $ snd . snd)
                                     $ (iEst, (xEst, metricSq locMetr vEst))
                                         : neighbours
              (yProx, _) = asd Arr.! iProx
              (_, Neighbourhood neighbourIds locMetr) = asd Arr.! iEst
              neighbours = [ (i, (xNgb, metricSq locMetr v))
                           | i <- UArr.toList neighbourIds
                           , let Right (_, xNgb) = indexShadeTree rsc i
                                 Option (Just v) = xNgb.-~.x
              Option (Just vEst) = xEst.-~.x

data WebLocally x y = LocalWebInfo {
      _thisNodeCoord :: x
    , _thisNodeData :: y
    , _containingWeb :: PointsWeb x (WebLocally x y)
    , _thisNodeId :: WebNodeId
    , _nodeNeighbours :: [(WebNodeId, (Needle x, y))]
    , _nodeLocalScalarProduct :: Metric x
    , _nodeIsOnBoundary :: Bool
    } deriving (Generic)
makeLenses ''WebLocally

instance Hask.Functor (WebLocally x) where
  fmap f (LocalWebInfo co dt wb id ng sp bn)
       = LocalWebInfo co (f dt) (fmap (fmap f) wb) id (map (second $ second f) ng) sp bn
instance WithField  Manifold x => Comonad (WebLocally x) where
  extract = _thisNodeData
  duplicate lweb = unsafeIndexWebData deepened $ _thisNodeId lweb
   where deepened = webLocalInfo $ _containingWeb lweb

toGraph :: WithField  Manifold x => PointsWeb x y -> (Graph, Vertex -> (x, y))
toGraph wb = second (>>> \(i,_,_) -> case indexWeb wb i of {Option (Just xy) -> xy})
                (graphFromEdges' edgs)
 where edgs :: [(Int, Int, [Int])]
       edgs = Arr.toList
            . Arr.imap (\i (_, Neighbourhood ngbs _) -> (i, i, UArr.toList ngbs))
                    $ webNodeAssocData wb

data ConvexSet x
    = EmptyConvex
    | ConvexSet {
      convexSetHull :: Shade' x
      -- ^ If @p@ is in all intersectors, it must also be in the hull.
    , convexSetIntersectors :: [Shade' x]

ellipsoid :: Shade' x -> ConvexSet x
ellipsoid s = ConvexSet s [s]

intersectors :: ConvexSet x -> Option (NonEmpty (Shade' x))
intersectors (ConvexSet h []) = pure (h:|[])
intersectors (ConvexSet _ (i:sts)) = pure (i:|sts)
intersectors _ = empty

-- | Under intersection.
instance Refinable x => Semigroup (ConvexSet x) where
  a<>b = sconcat (a:|[b])
  sconcat csets
    | Option (Just allIntersectors) <- sconcat <$> Hask.traverse intersectors csets
    , IntersectT ists <- rmTautologyIntersect perfectRefine $ IntersectT allIntersectors
    , Option (Just hull') <- intersectShade's ists
                 = ConvexSet hull' (NE.toList ists)
    | otherwise  = EmptyConvex
   where perfectRefine sh₁ sh₂
           | sh₁`subShade'`sh₂   = pure sh₁
           | sh₂`subShade'`sh₁   = pure sh₂
           | otherwise           = empty

itWhileJust :: (a -> Option a) -> a -> [a]
itWhileJust f x | Option (Just y) <- f x  = x : itWhileJust f y
itWhileJust _ x = [x]

dupHead :: NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty a
dupHead (x:|xs) = x:|x:xs

iterateFilterDEqn_static :: (WithField  Manifold x, Refinable y)
       => DifferentialEqn x y -> PointsWeb x (Shade' y) -> [PointsWeb x (Shade' y)]
iterateFilterDEqn_static f = map (fmap convexSetHull)
                           . itWhileJust (filterDEqnSolutions_static f)
                           . fmap (`ConvexSet`[])

filterDEqnSolution_static :: (WithField  Manifold x, Refinable y)
       => DifferentialEqn x y -> PointsWeb x (Shade' y) -> Option (PointsWeb x (Shade' y))
filterDEqnSolution_static f = localFocusWeb >>> Hask.traverse `id`
                   \((x,shy), ngbs) -> if null ngbs
                     then pure shy
                     else refineShade' shy
                            =<< intersectShade's
                                  ( propagateDEqnSolution_loc f ((x,shy), NE.fromList ngbs) )

filterDEqnSolutions_static :: (WithField  Manifold x, Refinable y)
       => DifferentialEqn x y -> PointsWeb x (ConvexSet y) -> Option (PointsWeb x (ConvexSet y))
filterDEqnSolutions_static f = localFocusWeb >>> Hask.traverse `id`
            \((x, shy@(ConvexSet hull _)), ngbs) -> if null ngbs
              then pure shy
              else ((shy<>) . ellipsoid)
                      <$> intersectShade's 
                            ( propagateDEqnSolution_loc f
                               ((x,hull), second convexSetHull<$>NE.fromList ngbs) )
                     >>= \case EmptyConvex -> empty
                               c           -> pure c

data SolverNodeState y = SolverNodeInfo {
      _solverNodeStatus :: ConvexSet y
    , _solverNodeBadness :: 
    , _solverNodeAge :: Int
makeLenses ''SolverNodeState

type OldAndNew d = (Option d, [d])

oldAndNew :: OldAndNew d -> [d]
oldAndNew (Option (Just x), l) = x : l
oldAndNew (_, l) = l

oldAndNew' :: OldAndNew d -> [(Bool, d)]
oldAndNew' (Option (Just x), l) = (True, x) : fmap (False,) l
oldAndNew' (_, l) = (False,) <$> l

filterDEqnSolutions_adaptive ::  x y badness
        . (WithField  Manifold x, Refinable y, badness ~ )
       => MetricChoice x      -- ^ Scalar product on the domain, for regularising the web.
       -> DifferentialEqn x y 
       -> (x -> Shade' y -> badness)
             -> PointsWeb x (SolverNodeState y)
                        -> Option (PointsWeb x (SolverNodeState y))
filterDEqnSolutions_adaptive mf f badness' oldState
         = fmap (fromTopWebNodes mf . concat . fmap retraceBonds
                                        . Hask.toList . webLocalInfo . webLocalInfo)
             $ Hask.traverse (uncurry localChange) preproc'd
 where preproc'd :: PointsWeb x ((WebLocally x (SolverNodeState y), [(Shade' y, badness)]))
       preproc'd = fmap addPropagation $ webLocalInfo oldState
        where addPropagation wl
                 | null neighbourHulls = (wl, [])
                 | otherwise           = (wl, map (id&&&badness undefined) propFromNgbs)
               where propFromNgbs = NE.toList $ propagateDEqnSolution_loc f
                                     ( (thisPos, thisShy), NE.fromList neighbourHulls )
                     thisPos = _thisNodeCoord wl :: x
                     thisShy = convexSetHull . _solverNodeStatus $ _thisNodeData wl
                     neighbourHulls = second (convexSetHull . _solverNodeStatus) . snd
                                        <$> _nodeNeighbours wl
       smallBadnessGradient, largeBadnessGradient :: 
       (smallBadnessGradient, largeBadnessGradient)
           = ( badnessGradRated!!(n`div`4), badnessGradRated!!(n*3`div`4) )
        where n = length badnessGradRated
              badnessGradRated = sort [ ngBad / bad
                                      | ( LocalWebInfo {
                                              = SolverNodeInfo _ bad _
                                          , _nodeNeighbours=ngbs        }
                                        , ngbProps) <- Hask.toList preproc'd
                                      , (_, ngBad) <- ngbProps
                                      , ngBad>bad ]
       localChange :: WebLocally x (SolverNodeState y) -> [(Shade' y, badness)]
                             -> Option (OldAndNew (x, SolverNodeState y))
       localChange localInfo@LocalWebInfo{
                         _thisNodeCoord = x
                       , _thisNodeData = SolverNodeInfo
                                            shy@(ConvexSet hull _) prevBadness age
                       , _nodeNeighbours = ngbs
        | null ngbs  = return (pure (x, SolverNodeInfo shy prevBadness (age+1)), [])
        | otherwise  = do
               let neighbourHulls = second (convexSetHull . _solverNodeStatus) . snd
                                       <$> NE.fromList ngbs
                   (environAge, unfreshness)
                      = maximum&&&minimum $ age : (_solverNodeAge . snd . snd <$> ngbs)
               case find (\(_, badnessN)
                               -> badnessN / prevBadness > smallBadnessGradient)
                              $ ngbProps of
                 Nothing | age < environAge   -- point is an obsolete step-stone;
                   -> return (empty,empty)    -- do not further use it.
                 _otherwise -> do
                   shy' <- ((shy<>) . ellipsoid)
                            <$> intersectShade's (fst <$> NE.fromList ngbProps)
                   newBadness <- case shy' of
                      EmptyConvex        -> empty
                      ConvexSet hull' _  -> return $ badness x hull'
                   let updatedNode = SolverNodeInfo shy' newBadness (age+1)
                   stepStones <-
                     if unfreshness < 3
                      then return []
                      else fmap concat . forM (zip (snd<$>ngbs) ngbProps)
                                   $ \( (vN, SolverNodeInfo (ConvexSet hullN _)
                                                          _ ageN)
                                        , (_, nBadnessProp'd) ) -> do
                       case ageN of
                        _  | ageN > 0
                           , badnessGrad <- nBadnessProp'd / prevBadness
                           , badnessGrad > largeBadnessGradient -> do
                                 let stepV = vN^/2
                                     xStep = x .+~^ stepV
                                 shyStep <- intersectShade's $
                                            propagateDEqnSolution_loc f
                                            ( (xStep, hull)
                                            , NE.cons (negateV stepV, hull)
                                                $ fmap (\(vN',hullN')
                                                         -> (vN'^-^stepV, hullN') )
                                                    neighbourHulls )
                                 return [( xStep
                                         , SolverNodeInfo (ellipsoid shyStep)
                                                 (badness xStep shyStep) 1
                        _otherwise -> return []
                   let updated = (x, updatedNode)
                   return $ (pure updated, stepStones)
       totalAge = maximum $ _solverNodeAge . _thisNodeData . fst <$> preproc'd
       errTgtModulation = (1-) . (`mod'`1) . negate . sqrt $ fromIntegral totalAge
       badness x = badness' x . (shadeNarrowness %~ (^* errTgtModulation))
       retraceBonds :: WebLocally x (WebLocally x (OldAndNew (x, SolverNodeState y)))
                       -> [((x, [Needle x]), SolverNodeState y)]
       retraceBonds locWeb@LocalWebInfo{ _thisNodeId = myId
                                       , _thisNodeCoord = xOld
                                       , _nodeLocalScalarProduct = locMetr }
            = [ ( (x, fst<$>neighbourCandidates), snsy)
              | (isOld, (x, snsy)) <- focused
              , let neighbourCandidates
                     = [ (v,nnId)
                       | (_,ngb) <- knownNgbs
                       , (Option (Just v), nnId)
                          <- case oldAndNew $ ngb^.thisNodeData of
                                   [] -> [ (xN.-~.x, nnId)
                                         | (nnId, (_,nnWeb)) <- ngb^.nodeNeighbours
                                         , nnId /= myId
                                         , (xN,_) <- oldAndNew nnWeb ]
                                   l -> [(xN.-~.x, ngb^.thisNodeId) | (xN,_) <- l]
                    possibleConflicts = [ metricSq locMetr v
                                        | (v,nnId)<-neighbourCandidates
                                        , nnId > myId ]
              , isOld || null possibleConflicts
                  || minimum possibleConflicts > oldMinDistSq / 4
        where focused = oldAndNew' $ locWeb^.thisNodeData^.thisNodeData
              knownNgbs = snd <$> locWeb^.nodeNeighbours
              oldMinDistSq = minimum [ metricSq locMetr vOld
                                     | (_,ngb) <- knownNgbs
                                     , let Option (Just vOld) = ngb^.thisNodeCoord .-~. xOld

iterateFilterDEqn_adaptive :: (WithField  Manifold x, Refinable y)
       => MetricChoice x      -- ^ Scalar product on the domain, for regularising the web.
       -> DifferentialEqn x y
       -> (x -> Shade' y -> ) -- ^ Badness function for local results.
             -> PointsWeb x (Shade' y) -> [PointsWeb x (Shade' y)]
iterateFilterDEqn_adaptive mf f badness
    = map (fmap (convexSetHull . _solverNodeStatus))
    . itWhileJust (filterDEqnSolutions_adaptive mf f badness)
    . fmap (\((x,shy),_) -> SolverNodeInfo (ellipsoid shy)
                                           (badness x shy)
    . localFocusWeb