Module      : Graphics.Mars.Example
Description : Provides code examples which can be studied or executed.
Copyright   : (c) Christopher Howard, 2016
License     : GPL-3
Maintainer  : ch.howard@zoho.com

Run an example function to view an image, or study the function source code for
to see how the library can be used.
module Graphics.Mars.Example where

import Graphics.Gloss
import Data.Array.Unboxed
import Graphics.Mars.Paint
import Graphics.Mars.Graph
import Graphics.Mars.Display2D
import Graphics.Mars.Ply

-- |Generates an example random walk array and displays it as a 2-dimensional
-- intensity graph
-- @
-- example2D :: IO()
-- example2D = do a <- graph height width radius walkfactor seed iterations scalefactor
--                displayWindow (width, height) black \"Mars\"
--                  (toImage a (lightnessInt hue (minMax (elems a))))
--   where (width, height) = (300, 300)
--         radius = 30
--         walkfactor = 30
--         seed = 9484
--         hue = 272
--         iterations = 200
--         scalefactor = 1
-- @
example2D :: IO()
example2D = do a <- graph height width radius walkfactor seed iterations scalefactor
               displayWindow (width, height) black "Mars"
                 (toImage a (lightnessInt hue (minMax (elems a))))
  where (width, height) = (300, 300)
        radius = 30
        walkfactor = 30
        seed = 9484
        hue = 272
        iterations = 200
        scalefactor = 1

-- |Generates a random walk array, converts it PLY ascii format, and output the
-- PLY to a file called \"out.ply\".
-- @
-- examplePly = do a <- graph height width radius walkfactor seed iterations scalefactor
--                 writeFile \"out.ply\" $ (toPly . surface) a
--   where (width, height) = (400, 400)
--         radius = 10
--         walkfactor = 10
--         seed = 4748830300
--         iterations = 400
--         scalefactor = 1
-- @
examplePly :: IO ()
examplePly = do a <- graph height width radius walkfactor seed iterations scalefactor
                writeFile "out.ply" $ (toPly . surface) a
  where (width, height) = (400, 400)
        radius = 10
        walkfactor = 10
        seed = 4748830300
        iterations = 400
        scalefactor = 1

examplePly2 :: IO ()
examplePly2 = do a <- graph height width radius walkfactor seed iterations scalefactor
                 writeFile "out2.ply" $ (toPly . surface) a
  where (width, height) = (400, 400)
        radius = 10
        walkfactor = 10
        seed = 84934
        iterations = 400
        scalefactor = 1

examplePly3 :: IO ()
examplePly3 = do a <- graph height width radius walkfactor seed iterations scalefactor
                 writeFile "out3.ply" $ (toPly . surface) a
  where (width, height) = (400, 400)
        radius = 10
        walkfactor = 10
        seed = 49409484
        iterations = 2000
        scalefactor = 1

examplePly4 :: IO ()
examplePly4 = do a <- graph height width radius walkfactor seed iterations scalefactor
                 writeFile "out4.ply" $ (toPly . surface) a
  where (width, height) = (600, 600)
        radius = 10
        walkfactor = 20
        seed = 1829384
        iterations = 4000
        scalefactor = 1

-- |Warning: Large output file with 1 million vertices! May take a
-- while to complete, with 40000 iterations.
examplePly5 :: IO ()
examplePly5 = do a <- graph height width radius walkfactor seed iterations scalefactor
                 writeFile "out5.ply" $ (toPly . surface) a
  where (width, height) = (1000, 1000)
        radius = 15
        walkfactor = 15
        seed = 74830949937
        iterations = 40000
        scalefactor = 0.5