Module      : Graphics.Mars.Ply
Description : Converting an array of floats into a PLY surface
Copyright   : (c) Christopher Howard, 2016
License     : GPL-3
Maintainer  : ch.howard@zoho.com

Provides functions to convert an array of floats into a Surface
structure containing vertices and faces, and then into PLY format
text, which can be loaded into a modeling program like Blender.

module Graphics.Mars.Ply
       ( surface
       , Surface()
       , toPly

import Data.Array.IArray
import Data.Array.MArray
import Data.Array.IO
import Graphics.Mars.Array
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Array.Unboxed as U
import Data.Array as A

data Vertex = Vertex Float Float Float
data Face = Face Int Int Int Int

data Surface a = Surface (a Int Vertex) (a Int Face)

vertices :: UArray (Int, Int) Float -> Array Int Vertex
vertices a =
  let b@(i, j) = U.bounds a
      lindex = linearIndex b
      al = [ (lindex (r, c), Vertex (fromIntegral c) (fromIntegral r) e)
           | ((r, c), e) <- U.assocs a ]
      in A.array (lindex i, lindex j) al

faces :: UArray (Int, Int) Float -> Array Int Face
faces a = 
  let b@(i, j) = U.bounds a
      lindex = linearIndex b
      bottomEdge' = bottomEdge a
      rightEdge' = rightEdge a
      l = [ if or [bottomEdge' (r, c), rightEdge' (r, c)]
            then Nothing
            else Just (Face
                        (lindex (r, c))
                        (lindex (r, c + 1))
                        (lindex (r + 1, c + 1))
                        (lindex (r + 1, c)))
           | (r, c) <- U.indices a ]
      l' = map fromJust (filter isJust l)
      in A.listArray (0, length l' - 1) l'

-- |Converts a 2D array of floats into a sheet of polygons, which can be
-- processed by "toPly".
surface :: UArray (Int, Int) Float -> Surface Array
surface a = Surface (vertices a) (faces a)

header :: Surface Array -> String
header (Surface v f) =
  ++ "format ascii 1.0\n"
  ++ "element vertex " ++ show numv ++ "\n"
  ++ "property float32 x\n"
  ++ "property float32 y\n"
  ++ "property float32 z\n"
  ++ "element face " ++ show numf ++ "\n"
  ++ "property list uint8 int32 vertex_index\n"
  ++ "end_header\n"
  where (_, i2) = A.bounds v
        (_, j2) = A.bounds f
        numv = i2 + 1
        numf = j2 + 1
asciiVertices :: Array Int Vertex -> String
asciiVertices a =
  concat (map (\(Vertex x y z) ->
                concat [show x, " ", show y, " ", show z, "\n"])
          (A.elems a))
asciiFaces :: Array Int Face -> String
asciiFaces a =
  concat (map (\(Face i1 i2 i3 i4) ->
                concat ["4 ", show i1, " ", show i2, " ",
                              show i3, " ", show i4, "\n"])
          (A.elems a))

-- |Converts a Surface data structure, which is a sheet of polygons, into an
-- ascii-format PLY file.
toPly :: Surface Array -> String
toPly s@(Surface v f) = header s ++ asciiVertices v ++ asciiFaces f