## Changes in * Support for future versions of GHC. Monoid and Monad instances now have canonical form ## Changes in * Support for `QuickCheck >= 2.14`. Test no longer fail * Support for GHC<8.0 dropped ## Changes in * Fixed crash in `invIncompleteBeta` (#68) for some inputs initial approximation was computed incorrectly. ## Changes in * Precision of `incompleteGamma` improved. ## Changes in * Dependency on `vector-th-unbox` is dropped. All instances are written by hand now. ## Changes in * New implementation for `logGamma`. Now it's precise within 2 ulps at full range including zeros at 1 and 2. * Bug with precision loss of `invErf` for parameters near zero is fixed. * Fixed loss of precision in bundled `erf` near zero. (Affect primarily GHCJS) * `factorial` for now uses lookup table * `logFactorial` is optimized a bit (less number of terms is used) * `m_sqrt_eps` constant added. * Module `Numeric.SpecFunctions.Internal` is exposed. * Many improvements for test suite. Tables of expected function values are generated with mpmath, error estimates improved. Test suite itself is migrated to `tasty` from `test-framework`. ## Changes in * Fixes build on windows for GHC<8.0 ## Changes in * GHCJS is now supported * Flag `system-expm1` is set to true by default. Only affects GHC<8.0 ## Changes in * Exported data types for iteration steps in root finding * Defaults for root finding algorithm are documented ## Changes in * Fix license field in cabal file ## Changes in * `Semigroup` and `Monoid` instances added for data types from `Numeric.Sum` * API for finding roots of real functions reworked. 1) All algorithm parameters are now tweakable. 2) Functions for getting list of iterations added. * `Foldable` and `Traversable` instances for `Root` were added. ## Changes in * `log1p` and `expm1` are simply reexported from `GHC.Float`. They're methods of `Floating` type class. * On windows `expm1` is implemented in pure haskell for older GHCs. ## Changes in * Bug fixes and documentation tweaks ## Changes in * `logGamma` now uses Lancsoz approximation and same as `logGammaL`. Old implementation of `logGamma` moved to `Numeric.SpecFunctions.Extra.logGammaAS245`. * Precision of `logGamma` for z<1 improved. * New much more precise implementation for `incompleteGamma` * Dependency on `erf` package dropped. `erf` and `erfc` just do direct calls to C. * `Numeric.SpecFunctions.expm1` added * `Numeric.SpecFunctions.log1pmx` added. * `logGammaCorrection` exported in `Numeric.SpecFunctions.Extra`. * Module `Numeric.Series` added for working with infinite sequences, series summation and evaluation of continued fractions. * Module `statistics: Statistics.Math.RootFinding` copied to `Numeric.RootFinding`. Instances for `binary` and `aeson` dropped. * Root-finding using Newton-Raphson added * `Numeric.MathFunctions.Comparison.ulpDelta` added. It calculates signed distance between two doubles. * Other bug fixes. ## Changes in * Module `statistics: Statistics.Function.Comparison` moved to `Numeric.MathFunctions.Comparison`. Old implementation if `within` compared negative numbers incorrectly. * `addUlps` and `ulpDistance` added to `Numeric.MathFunctions.Comparison`. * `relativeError` and `eqRelErr` added to `Numeric.MathFunctions.Comparison`. * Precision of `logFactorial` is slightly improved. ## Changes in * `logChoose` added for calculation of logarithm of binomial coefficient * `chooseExact` and `logChooseFast` added * `sinc` added ## Changes in * Fix for test suite on 32bit platform ## Changes in 0.1.5 * Numeric.Sum: new module adds accurate floating point summation. ## Changes in 0.1.4 * logFactorial type is genberalized. It accepts any `Integral` type * Evaluation of polynomials using Horner's method where coefficients are store in lists added ## Changes in 0.1.3 * Error function and its inverse added. * Digamma function added * Evaluation of polynomials using Horner's method added. * Crash bug in the inverse incomplete beta fixed.