0.6 --- * Added support for building with GHC 7.10 * doc: update manual-generating scripts to assume "mb" is installed a cabal sandbox * Propagate Pandoc loading errors to top level via EitherT * Fix read-then-close (lazy IO) (thanks Thomas M. DuBuisson (thomas.dubuisson@gmail.com)) * Un-bitrot (wrt system-filepath and old-locale/pandoc) (thanks Thomas M. DuBuisson (thomas.dubuisson@gmail.com)) * Update to use Pandoc 1.12, JuicyPixels 3.1 * Render images at double DPI, then shrink in the HTML (read: support retina displays!) * Stop using greadlink in manual scripts * Move Mathjax configuration from Haskell code to page template (fixes #11) * Add browser reloading support to blog regeneration * Add built-in HTTP server in listen mode * manual: actually run "mb" to generate "mb" output in the manual * Discontinue support for Gnuplot * Start to use fsnotify * Added manual * mathjax: include cancel extension * bugfix: use correct indexing when generating next/prev post links * Remove support for gladtex * bugfix: only consider .html files when checking for modified templates * Feature: parse date from blog post header and include in RSS feed * Feature: add support for page-wide TeX macro blocks (#tex-macros) for both Mathjax and TikZ * Add more packages to TikZ preamble, enable AMS extensions in mathjax * Mathjax: turn on AMS equation numbering, also print tikz source on tikz failure * tikz: add calc tikzlibrary * Rename -h/--html-dir to -o/--output-dir, add -h/--help and -v/--version * CHANGE: rename MB_BASE_DIR to MB_DATA_DIR, --baseDir to --data-dir; also remove default output directory behavior * Fixed typos in the documentation (thanks Peter Simons (peter.1.simons@nokia.com))