# mathflow(Dependently typed tensorflow modeler) [![Hackage version](https://img.shields.io/hackage/v/mathflow.svg?style=flat)](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/mathflow) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/junjihashimoto/mathflow.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/junjihashimoto/mathflow) This package provides a model of tensor-operations. The model is independent from tensorflow-binding of python and haskell, though this package generates python-code. tensor's dimensions and constraints are described by dependent types. The tensor-operations are based on tensorflow-api. Currently the model can be translated into python-code. To write this package, I refer to [this neural network document](https://blog.jle.im/entry/practical-dependent-types-in-haskell-1.html) and singletons. # Install Install tensorflow of python and this package. ``` > sudo apt install python3 python3-pip > pip3 install -U pip > pip3 install tensorflow > git clone git@github.com:junjihashimoto/mathflow.git > cd mathflow > stack install ``` # Usage ## About model Model has a type of ```Tensor (dimensions:[Nat]) value-type output-type```. * ```dimensions``` are tensor-dimensions. * ```value-type``` is a value type like Integer or Float of [tensorflow-data-types](https://www.tensorflow.org/programmers_guide/dims_types). * ```output-type``` is a type of code which this package generates. PyString-type is used for generating python-code. This package makes tensorflow-graph from the mode. The model's endpoint is always a tensor-type. At first write graph by using arithmetic operators like (+,-,*,/), %* (which is matrix multiply) and tensorflow-functions. Mathflow.{TF,TF.NN,TF.Train} packages define Tensorflow-functions. A example is below. ``` testMatMul :: Tensor '[2,1] Int PyString testMatMul = let n1 = (Tensor "tf.constant([[2],[3]])") :: Tensor '[2,1] Int PyString n2 = (Tensor "tf.constant([[2,0],[0,1]])") :: Tensor '[2,2] Int PyString y = (n2 %* n1) :: Tensor '[2,1] Int PyString in y ``` ## Create model and run it Write tensorflow-model. ``` testMatMul :: Tensor '[2,1] Int PyString testMatMul = let n1 = (Tensor "tf.constant([[2],[3]])") :: Tensor '[2,1] Int PyString n2 = (Tensor "tf.constant([[2,0],[0,1]])") :: Tensor '[2,2] Int PyString y = n2 %* n1 :: Tensor '[2,1] Int PyString in y ``` Run the model. This ```run``` function generates python-code and excecute the code by python. ``` main = do (retcode,stdout,stderr) <- run testMatMul print stdout ```