module Mathista.Generator.C where
import Mathista.IL
import Data.List
import Data.List.Utils
import Data.String.Utils
import Text.Regex

vstr s =
    if (startswith "$" s)
       then "mt_tmp_" ++ (replace "$" "" s)
       else "mt_val_" ++ s
len  = show . length

generate :: IL -> String
generate (ILLAssign v indexes dims elems) =
    "mt_lassign(instance, &" ++
    (vstr v) ++ ", " ++
    (len dims)  ++ ", {" ++ (join' dims)  ++ "}, " ++
    (len elems) ++ ", {" ++ (join' elems) ++ "}" ++
        join' xs = intercalate ", " $ map show xs

generate (ILAssign to indexes dims from) =
    "mt_assign(instance, &" ++
    (vstr to)  ++ ", " ++
    (len indexes) ++ ", {" ++ (join' indexes) ++ "}, "  ++
    (len dims)    ++ ", {" ++ (join' dims)    ++ "}, &" ++
    (vstr from) ++ ");"
        join' xs = intercalate ", " $ map show xs

generate (ILCall func args rets) =
    "mt_func_" ++ func ++ "(instance, " ++
    (len args) ++ ", &" ++ (join' args) ++ ", " ++ -- FIXME: it won't works with no arg.
    (len rets) ++ ", &" ++ (join' rets) ++
        join' xs = intercalate ", &" $ map vstr xs

generate (ILFuncDecl name args rets) = ""

generate (ILReturn vs) = error "unimplemented yet"
generate (ILIf v) = "if (mt_cond(" ++ (vstr v) ++ ")) {"
generate (ILElseIf v) = "} else if (mt_cond(" ++ (vstr v) ++ ")) {"
generate (ILElse)    = "} else {"
generate (ILWhile v) = "while (mt_cond(" ++ (vstr v) ++ ")) {"
generate (ILBreak) = "break;"
generate (ILContinue) = "continue;"
generate ILEnd = "}"

extract_vars :: String -> [String]
extract_vars s = uniq $ match_all "(mt_tmp_[0-9]+|mt_val_[a-zA-Z0-9_']+)" s
      match_all re s = case (matchRegexAll (mkRegex re) s) of
          Just (_, _, rest, xs) -> xs ++ (match_all re rest)
          Nothing -> []

generate_c :: String -> [IL] -> String
generate_c name ils = header ++ main
        _main  = foldl (\s il -> s ++ generate il ++ "\n") [] ils
        body = ""
        vars = extract_vars (_main ++ body)
        join'' pre suf xs = intercalate "\n" $
                              map (\x -> pre ++ x ++ suf) xs
        main   = "void mt_main_" ++ name ++ "(mt_instance *instance) {\n" ++
                 join'' "mt_initval(instance, &" ");" vars ++
                 "\n" ++
                 _main ++
        header = "#include <mathista.h>\n" ++
                 join'' "static mt_value " ";" vars ++