-- | Matrix datatype and operations.
--   Every provided example has been tested.
module Data.Matrix (
    -- * Matrix type
    Matrix , prettyMatrix
  , nrows , ncols
  , forceMatrix
    -- * Builders
  , matrix
  , fromList , fromLists
  , rowVector
  , colVector
    -- ** Special matrices
  , zero
  , identity
  , permMatrix
    -- * Accessing
  , getElem , (!)
  , getRow  , getCol
  , getDiag
    -- * Manipulating matrices
  , setElem
  , transpose , extendTo
  , mapRow
    -- * Submatrices
    -- ** Splitting blocks
  , submatrix
  , minorMatrix
  , splitBlocks
    -- ** Joining blocks
  , (<|>) , (<->)
  , joinBlocks
    -- * Matrix multiplication
    -- ** About matrix multiplication
    -- $mult

    -- ** Functions
  , multStd
  , multStrassen
  , multStrassenMixed
    -- * Linear transformations
  , scaleMatrix
  , scaleRow
  , combineRows
  , switchRows
    -- * Decompositions
  , luDecomp
    -- * Properties
  , trace , diagProd
    -- ** Determinants
  , detLaplace
  , detLU
  ) where

import Data.Monoid
import Control.DeepSeq
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as MV
import Control.Monad.Primitive (PrimMonad,PrimState)
import Data.List (maximumBy)


-- | Type of matrices.
data Matrix a = M {
   nrows :: !Int -- ^ Number of rows.
 , ncols :: !Int -- ^ Number of columns.
 , mvect ::  V.Vector (V.Vector a)
   } deriving Eq

-- | Just a cool way to output the size of a matrix.
sizeStr :: Int -> Int -> String
sizeStr n m = show n ++ "x" ++ show m

-- | Display a matrix as a 'String' using the 'Show' instance of its elements.
prettyMatrix :: Show a => Matrix a -> String
prettyMatrix m@(M _ _ v) = unlines
 [ "( " <> unwords (fmap (\j -> fill mx $ show $ m ! (i,j)) [1..ncols m]) <> " )" | i <- [1..nrows m] ]
  mx = V.maximum $ fmap (V.maximum . fmap (length . show)) v
  fill k str = replicate (k - length str) ' ' ++ str

instance Show a => Show (Matrix a) where
 show = prettyMatrix

instance NFData a => NFData (Matrix a) where
 rnf (M _ _ v) = rnf v

-- | /O(rows*cols)/. Similar to 'V.force', drop any extra memory.
--   Useful when using 'submatrix' from a big matrix.
forceMatrix :: Matrix a -> Matrix a
forceMatrix (M n m v) = M n m $ V.map V.force $ V.force v


-- | /O(rows*cols)/. The zero matrix of the given size.
-- > zero n m =
-- >                 n
-- >   1 ( 0 0 ... 0 0 )
-- >   2 ( 0 0 ... 0 0 )
-- >     (     ...     )
-- >     ( 0 0 ... 0 0 )
-- >   n ( 0 0 ... 0 0 )
zero :: Num a =>
     Int -- ^ Rows
  -> Int -- ^ Columns
  -> Matrix a
zero n m = M n m $ V.replicate n $ V.replicate m 0

-- | /O(rows*cols)/. Generate a matrix from a generator function.
--   Example of usage:
-- >                                  (  1  0 -1 -2 )
-- >                                  (  3  2  1  0 )
-- >                                  (  5  4  3  2 )
-- > matrix 4 4 $ \(i,j) -> 2*i - j = (  7  6  5  4 )
matrix :: Int -- ^ Rows
       -> Int -- ^ Columns
       -> ((Int,Int) -> a) -- ^ Generator function
       -> Matrix a
matrix n m f = M n m $ V.generate n $ \i -> V.generate m $ \j -> f (i+1,j+1)

-- | /O(rows*cols)/. Identity matrix of the given order.
-- > identity n =
-- >                 n
-- >   1 ( 1 0 ... 0 0 )
-- >   2 ( 0 1 ... 0 0 )
-- >     (     ...     )
-- >     ( 0 0 ... 1 0 )
-- >   n ( 0 0 ... 0 1 )
identity :: Num a => Int -> Matrix a
identity n = matrix n n $ \(i,j) -> if i == j then 1 else 0

-- | Create a matrix from a non-empty list given the desired size.
--   The list must have at least /rows*cols/ elements.
--   An example:
-- >                       ( 1 2 3 )
-- >                       ( 4 5 6 )
-- > fromList 3 3 [1..] =  ( 7 8 9 )
fromList :: Int -- ^ Rows
         -> Int -- ^ Columns
         -> [a] -- ^ List of elements
         -> Matrix a
fromList n m xs = fromLists $ go 1 xs
  go i ys = if i > n
               then []
               else let (r,zs) = splitAt m ys
                    in  r : go (succ i) zs

-- | Create a matrix from an non-empty list of non-empty lists.
--   /Each list must have the same number of elements/.
--   For example:
-- > fromLists [ [1,2,3]      ( 1 2 3 )
-- >           , [4,5,6]      ( 4 5 6 )
-- >           , [7,8,9] ] =  ( 7 8 9 )
fromLists :: [[a]] -> Matrix a
-- Requires further optimization.
fromLists xss = M (length xss) (length $ head xss) $ V.fromList $ fmap V.fromList xss

-- | /O(1)/. Represent a vector as a one row matrix.
rowVector :: V.Vector a -> Matrix a
rowVector v = M 1 (V.length v) $ V.singleton v

-- | /O(rows)/. Represent a vector as a one column matrix.
colVector :: V.Vector a -> Matrix a
colVector v = M (V.length v) 1 $ V.map V.singleton v

-- | /O(rows*cols)/. Permutation matrix.
-- > permMatrix n i j =
-- >               i     j       n
-- >   1 ( 1 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 0 )
-- >   2 ( 0 1 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 0 )
-- >     (     ...   ...   ...     )
-- >   i ( 0 0 ... 0 ... 1 ... 0 0 )
-- >     (     ...   ...   ...     )
-- >   j ( 0 0 ... 1 ... 0 ... 0 0 )
-- >     (     ...   ...   ...     )
-- >     ( 0 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 1 0 )
-- >   n ( 0 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 1 )
-- When @i == j@ it reduces to 'identity' @n@.
permMatrix :: Num a
           => Int -- ^ Size of the matrix.
           -> Int -- ^ Permuted row 1.
           -> Int -- ^ Permuted row 2.
           -> Matrix a -- ^ Permutation matrix.
permMatrix n r1 r2 | r1 == r2 = identity n
permMatrix n r1 r2 = matrix n n f
  f (i,j)
   | i == r1 = if j == r2 then 1 else 0
   | i == r2 = if j == r1 then 1 else 0
   | i == j = 1
   | otherwise = 0


-- | /O(1)/. Get an element of a matrix.
getElem :: Int      -- ^ Row
        -> Int      -- ^ Column
        -> Matrix a -- ^ Matrix
        -> a
getElem i j (M n m v)
 | i > n || j > m = error $ "Trying to get the " ++ show (i,j) ++ " element from a "
                         ++ sizeStr n m ++ " matrix."
 | otherwise = (v V.! (i-1)) V.! (j-1)

-- | Short alias for 'getElem'.
(!) :: Matrix a -> (Int,Int) -> a
m ! (i,j) = getElem i j m

-- | /O(1)/. Get a row of a matrix as a vector.
getRow :: Int -> Matrix a -> V.Vector a
getRow i (M _ _ vs) = vs V.! (i-1)

-- | /O(rows)/. Get a column of a matrix as a vector.
getCol :: Int -> Matrix a -> V.Vector a
getCol j a@(M n _ _) = V.generate n $ \i -> a ! (i+1,j)

-- | /O(min rows cols)/. Diagonal of a /not necessarily square/ matrix.
getDiag :: Matrix a -> V.Vector a
getDiag m = V.generate k $ \i -> m ! (i+1,i+1)
  k = min (nrows m) (ncols m)


msetElem:: PrimMonad m => a -> (Int,Int) -> MV.MVector (PrimState m) (V.Vector a) -> m ()
msetElem x (i,j) m = do
 r <- MV.read m (i-1)
 MV.write m (i-1) $ V.modify (\mv -> MV.write mv (j-1) x) r

-- | /O(1)/. Replace the value of a cell in a matrix.
setElem :: a -- ^ New value.
        -> (Int,Int) -- ^ Position to replace.
        -> Matrix a -- ^ Original matrix.
        -> Matrix a -- ^ Matrix with the given position replaced with the given value.
setElem x p (M n m vs) = M n m $ V.modify (msetElem x p) vs

-- | /O(rows*cols)/. The transpose of a matrix.
--   Example:
-- >           ( 1 2 3 )   ( 1 4 7 )
-- >           ( 4 5 6 )   ( 2 5 8 )
-- > transpose ( 7 8 9 ) = ( 3 6 9 )
transpose :: Matrix a -> Matrix a
transpose m = matrix (ncols m) (nrows m) $ \(i,j) -> m ! (j,i)

-- | Extend a matrix to a given size adding zeroes.
--   If the matrix already has the required size, nothing happens.
--   The matrix is /never/ reduced in size.
--   Example:
-- >                          ( 1 2 3 0 0 )
-- >              ( 1 2 3 )   ( 4 5 6 0 0 )
-- >              ( 4 5 6 )   ( 7 8 9 0 0 )
-- > extendTo 4 5 ( 7 8 9 ) = ( 0 0 0 0 0 )
extendTo :: Num a
         => Int -- ^ Minimal number of rows.
         -> Int -- ^ Minimal number of columns.
         -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
extendTo n m a = a''
  n'  = n - nrows a
  a'  = if n' <= 0 then a  else a  <-> zero n' (ncols a)
  m'  = m - ncols a
  a'' = if m' <= 0 then a' else a' <|> zero (nrows a') m'


-- | /O(r2-r1)/. Extract a submatrix given row and column limits.
--   Example:
-- >                   ( 1 2 3 )
-- >                   ( 4 5 6 )   ( 2 3 )
-- > submatrix 1 2 2 3 ( 7 8 9 ) = ( 5 6 )
submatrix :: Int    -- ^ Starting row /r1/
             -> Int -- ^ Ending row /r2/
          -> Int    -- ^ Starting column
             -> Int -- ^ Ending column
          -> Matrix a
          -> Matrix a
{-# INLINE submatrix #-}
submatrix r1 r2 c1 c2 (M _ _ vs) = M r' c' $ V.map (V.unsafeSlice (c1-1) c') $ V.unsafeSlice (r1-1) r' vs
   r' = r2-r1+1
   c' = c2-c1+1

-- | Remove a row and a column from a matrix.
--   Example:
-- >                 ( 1 2 3 )
-- >                 ( 4 5 6 )   ( 1 3 )
-- > minorMatrix 2 2 ( 7 8 9 ) = ( 7 9 )
minorMatrix :: Int -- ^ Row @r@ to remove.
            -> Int -- ^ Column @c@ to remove.
            -> Matrix a -- ^ Original matrix.
            -> Matrix a -- ^ Matrix with row @r@ and column @c@ removed.
-- Requires further optimization.
minorMatrix r c (M n m v) = M (n-1) (m-1) $
  V.map (V.ifilter $ \j _ -> j+1 /= c) $
    V.ifilter (\i _ -> i+1 /= r) v

-- | Make a block-partition of a matrix using a given element as reference.
--   The element will stay in the bottom-right corner of the top-left corner matrix.
-- >                 (             )   (      |      )
-- >                 (             )   ( ...  | ...  )
-- >                 (    x        )   (    x |      )
-- > splitBlocks i j (             ) = (-------------) , where x = a_{i,j}
-- >                 (             )   (      |      )
-- >                 (             )   ( ...  | ...  )
-- >                 (             )   (      |      )
--   Note that some blocks can end up empty. We use the following notation for these blocks:
-- > ( TL | TR )
-- > (---------)
-- > ( BL | BR )
--   Where T = Top, B = Bottom, L = Left, R = Right.
--   Implementation is done via slicing of vectors.
splitBlocks :: Int      -- ^ Row of the splitting element.
            -> Int      -- ^ Column of the splitting element.
            -> Matrix a -- ^ Matrix to split.
            -> (Matrix a,Matrix a
               ,Matrix a,Matrix a) -- ^ (TL,TR,BL,BR)
{-# INLINE splitBlocks #-}
splitBlocks i j a@(M n m _) = ( submatrix    1  i 1 j a , submatrix    1  i (j+1) m a
                              , submatrix (i+1) n 1 j a , submatrix (i+1) n (j+1) m a )

-- | Join blocks of the form detailed in 'splitBlocks'.
joinBlocks :: (Matrix a,Matrix a
              ,Matrix a,Matrix a)
           ->  Matrix a
{-# INLINE joinBlocks #-}
joinBlocks (tl,tr,bl,br) = (tl <|> tr)
                           (bl <|> br)

-- | Horizontally join two matrices. Visually:
-- > ( A ) <|> ( B ) = ( A | B )
-- Where both matrices /A/ and /B/ have the same number of rows.
(<|>) :: Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
{-# INLINE (<|>) #-}
(M n m vs) <|> (M n' m' vs')
 | n /= n' = error $ "Horizontal join of " ++ sizeStr n m ++ " and "
                  ++ sizeStr n' m' ++ " matrices."
 | otherwise = M n (m+m') $ V.zipWith (V.++) vs vs'

-- | Vertically join two matrices. Visually:
-- >                   ( A )
-- > ( A ) <-> ( B ) = ( - )
-- >                   ( B )
-- Where both matrices /A/ and /B/ have the same number of columns.
(<->) :: Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
{-# INLINE (<->) #-}
(M n m v) <-> (M n' m' v')
 | m /= m' = error $ "Vertical join of " ++ sizeStr n m ++ " and "
                  ++ sizeStr n' m' ++ " matrices."
 | otherwise = M (n+n') m $ v V.++ v'


{- $mult

Three methods are provided for matrix multiplication.

* 'multStd':
     Matrix multiplication following directly the definition.
     This is the best choice when you know for sure that your
     matrices are small.

* 'multStrassen':
     Matrix multiplication following the Strassen's algorithm.
     Complexity grows slower but also some work is added
     partitioning the matrix. Also, it only works on square
     matrices of order @2^n@, so if this condition is not
     met, it is zero-padded until this is accomplished.
     Therefore, its use it is not recommended.

* 'multStrassenMixed':
     This function mixes the 'multStd' and 'multStrassen' methods.
     It provides a better performance in general. Method @(@'*'@)@
     of the 'Num' class uses this function because it gives the best
     average performance. However, if you know for sure that your matrices are
     small, you should use 'multStd' instead, since
     'multStrassenMixed' is going to switch to that function anyway.


-- | Standard matrix multiplication by definition.
multStd :: Num a => Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
multStd a1@(M n m _) a2@(M n' m' _)
   -- Checking that sizes match...
   | m /= n' = error $ "Multiplication of " ++ sizeStr n m ++ " and "
                    ++ sizeStr n' m' ++ " matrices."
   | otherwise = multStd_ a1 a2

-- | Standard matrix multiplication by definition, without checking if sizes match.
multStd_ :: Num a => Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
multStd_ a1@(M n m _) a2@(M _ m' _) = matrix n m' $ \(i,j) -> sum [ a1 ! (i,k) * a2 ! (k,j) | k <- [1 .. m] ]

first :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> a
first f = go
  go (x:xs) = if f x then x else go xs
  go [] = error "first: no element match the condition."

-- | Strassen's algorithm over square matrices of order @2^n@.
strassen :: Num a => Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
-- Trivial 1x1 multiplication.
strassen (M 1 1 v) (M 1  1  v') = M 1 1 $ V.zipWith (V.zipWith (*)) v v'
-- General case guesses that the input matrices are square matrices
-- whose order is a power of two.
strassen a b = joinBlocks (c11,c12,c21,c22)
  -- Size of the subproblem is halved.
  n = div (nrows a) 2
  -- Split of the original problem into smaller subproblems.
  (a11,a12,a21,a22) = splitBlocks n n a
  (b11,b12,b21,b22) = splitBlocks n n b
  -- The seven Strassen's products.
  p1 = strassen (a11 + a22) (b11 + b22)
  p2 = strassen (a21 + a22)  b11
  p3 = strassen  a11        (b12 - b22)
  p4 = strassen        a22  (b21 - b11)
  p5 = strassen (a11 + a12)        b22
  p6 = strassen (a21 - a11) (b11 + b12)
  p7 = strassen (a12 - a22) (b21 + b22)
  -- Merging blocks
  c11 = p1 + p4 - p5 + p7
  c12 = p3 + p5
  c21 = p2 + p4
  c22 = p1 - p2 + p3 + p6

-- | Strassen's matrix multiplication.
multStrassen :: Num a => Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
multStrassen a1@(M n m _) a2@(M n' m' _)
   | m /= n' = error $ "Multiplication of " ++ sizeStr n m ++ " and "
                    ++ sizeStr n' m' ++ " matrices."
   | otherwise =
       let mx = maximum [n,m,n',m']
           n2  = first (>= mx) $ fmap (2^) [(0 :: Int)..]
           b1 = extendTo n2 n2 a1
           b2 = extendTo n2 n2 a2
       in  submatrix 1 n 1 m' $ strassen b1 b2

strmixFactor :: Int
strmixFactor = 75

-- | Strassen's mixed algorithm.
strassenMixed :: Num a => Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
strassenMixed a@(M r _ _) b
 | r < strmixFactor = multStd_ a b
 | odd r = let r' = r + 1
               a' = extendTo r' r' a
               b' = extendTo r' r' b
           in  submatrix 1 r 1 r $ strassenMixed a' b'
 | otherwise = joinBlocks (c11,c12,c21,c22)
  -- Size of the subproblem is halved.
  n = quot r 2
  -- Split of the original problem into smaller subproblems.
  (a11,a12,a21,a22) = splitBlocks n n a
  (b11,b12,b21,b22) = splitBlocks n n b
  -- The seven Strassen's products.
  p1 = strassenMixed (a11 + a22) (b11 + b22)
  p2 = strassenMixed (a21 + a22)  b11
  p3 = strassenMixed  a11        (b12 - b22)
  p4 = strassenMixed        a22  (b21 - b11)
  p5 = strassenMixed (a11 + a12)        b22
  p6 = strassenMixed (a21 - a11) (b11 + b12)
  p7 = strassenMixed (a12 - a22) (b21 + b22)
  -- Merging blocks
  c11 = p1 + p4 - p5 + p7
  c12 = p3 + p5
  c21 = p2 + p4
  c22 = p1 - p2 + p3 + p6

-- | Mixed Strassen's matrix multiplication.
multStrassenMixed :: Num a => Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
multStrassenMixed a1@(M n m _) a2@(M n' m' _)
   | m /= n' = error $ "Multiplication of " ++ sizeStr n m ++ " and "
                    ++ sizeStr n' m' ++ " matrices."
   | n < strmixFactor = multStd_ a1 a2
   | otherwise =
       let mx = maximum [n,m,n',m']
           n2 = if even mx then mx else mx+1
           b1 = extendTo n2 n2 a1
           b2 = extendTo n2 n2 a2
       in  submatrix 1 n 1 m' $ strassenMixed b1 b2


instance Functor Matrix where
 fmap f (M n m v) = M n m $ fmap (fmap f) v

-- | Map a function over a row.
--   Example:
-- >                          ( 1 2 3 )   ( 1 2 3 )
-- >                          ( 4 5 6 )   ( 5 6 7 )
-- > mapRow (\_ x -> x + 1) 2 ( 7 8 9 ) = ( 7 8 9 )
mapRow :: (Int -> a -> a) -- ^ Function takes the current column as additional argument.
        -> Int            -- ^ Row to map.
        -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
mapRow f r (M n m v) =
    M n m $ V.imap (\i rx -> if i+1 == r then V.imap (f . succ) rx else rx) v


instance Num a => Num (Matrix a) where
 fromInteger = M 1 1 . V.singleton . V.singleton . fromInteger
 negate = fmap negate
 abs = fmap abs
 signum = fmap signum
 -- Addition of matrices.
 (M n m v) + (M n' m' v')
   -- Checking that sizes match...
   | n /= n' || m /= m' = error $ "Addition of " ++ sizeStr n m ++ " and "
                               ++ sizeStr n' m' ++ " matrices."
   -- Otherwise, trivial zip.
   | otherwise = M n m $ V.zipWith (V.zipWith (+)) v v'
 -- Multiplication of matrices.
 (*) = multStrassenMixed


-- | Scale a matrix by a given factor.
--   Example:
-- >               ( 1 2 3 )   (  2  4  6 )
-- >               ( 4 5 6 )   (  8 10 12 )
-- > scaleMatrix 2 ( 7 8 9 ) = ( 14 16 18 )
scaleMatrix :: Num a => a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
scaleMatrix = fmap . (*)

-- | Scale a row by a given factor.
--   Example:
-- >              ( 1 2 3 )   (  1  2  3 )
-- >              ( 4 5 6 )   (  8 10 12 )
-- > scaleRow 2 2 ( 7 8 9 ) = (  7  8  9 )
scaleRow :: Num a => a -> Int -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
scaleRow = mapRow . const . (*)

-- | Add to one row a scalar multiple of other row.
--   Example:
-- >                   ( 1 2 3 )   (  1  2  3 )
-- >                   ( 4 5 6 )   (  6  9 12 )
-- > combineRows 2 2 1 ( 7 8 9 ) = (  7  8  9 )
combineRows :: Num a => Int -> a -> Int -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
combineRows r1 l r2 m = mapRow (\j x -> x + l * getElem r2 j m) r1 m

-- | Switch two rows of a matrix.
--   Example:
-- >                ( 1 2 3 )   ( 4 5 6 )
-- >                ( 4 5 6 )   ( 1 2 3 )
-- > switchRows 1 2 ( 7 8 9 ) = ( 7 8 9 )
switchRows :: Int -- ^ Row 1.
           -> Int -- ^ Row 2.
           -> Matrix a -- ^ Original matrix.
           -> Matrix a -- ^ Matrix with rows 1 and 2 switched.
switchRows r1 r2 (M n m vs) = M n m $ V.modify (\mv -> MV.swap mv (r1-1) (r2-1)) vs



-- | Matrix LU decomposition with /partial pivoting/.
--   The result for a matrix /M/ is given in the format /(U,L,P,d)/ where:
--   * /U/ is an upper triangular matrix.
--   * /L/ is an /unit/ lower triangular matrix.
--   * /P/ is a permutation matrix.
--   * /d/ is the determinant of /P/.
--   * /PM = LU/.
--   These properties are only guaranteed when the input matrix is invertible.
--   An additional property matches thanks to the strategy followed for pivoting:
--   * /L_(i,j)/ <= 1, for all /i,j/.
--   This follows from the maximal property of the selected pivots, which also
--   leads to a better numerical stability of the algorithm.
--   Example:
-- >          ( 1 2 0 )     ( 2 0  2 )   (   1 0 0 )   ( 0 0 1 )
-- >          ( 0 2 1 )     ( 0 2 -1 )   ( 1/2 1 0 )   ( 1 0 0 )
-- > luDecomp ( 2 0 2 ) = ( ( 0 0  2 ) , (   0 1 1 ) , ( 0 1 0 ) , 1 )
luDecomp :: (Ord a, Fractional a) => Matrix a -> (Matrix a,Matrix a,Matrix a,a)
luDecomp a = recLUDecomp a i i 1 1 n
  n = nrows a
  i = identity n

recLUDecomp ::  (Ord a, Fractional a)
            =>  Matrix a -- ^ U
            ->  Matrix a -- ^ L
            ->  Matrix a -- ^ P
            ->  a        -- ^ d
            ->  Int      -- ^ Current row
            ->  Int      -- ^ Total rows
            -> (Matrix a,Matrix a,Matrix a,a)
recLUDecomp u l p d k n =
    if k == n then (u,l,p,d)
              else recLUDecomp u'' l'' p' d' (k+1) n
  -- Pivot strategy: maximum value in absolute value below the current row.
  i  = maximumBy (\x y -> compare (abs $ u ! (x,k)) (abs $ u ! (y,k))) [ k .. n ]
  -- Switching to place pivot in current row.
  u' = switchRows k i u
  l' = M n n $
       V.modify (\mv -> mapM_ (\j -> do
         msetElem (l ! (k,j)) (i,j) mv
         msetElem (l ! (i,j)) (k,j) mv
           ) [1 .. k-1] ) $ mvect l
  p' = switchRows k i p
  -- Permutation determinant
  d' = if i == k then d else negate d
  -- Cancel elements below the pivot.
  (u'',l'') = go u' l' (k+1)
  ukk = u' ! (k,k)
  go u_ l_ j =
    if j > n then (u_,l_)
             else let x = (u_ ! (j,k)) / ukk
                  in  go (combineRows j (-x) k u_) (setElem x (j,k) l_) (j+1)


-- | Sum of the elements in the diagonal. See also 'getDiag'.
--   Example:
-- >       ( 1 2 3 )
-- >       ( 4 5 6 )
-- > trace ( 7 8 9 ) = 15
trace :: Num a => Matrix a -> a
trace = V.sum . getDiag

-- | Product of the elements in the diagonal. See also 'getDiag'.
--   Example:
-- >          ( 1 2 3 )
-- >          ( 4 5 6 )
-- > diagProd ( 7 8 9 ) = 45
diagProd :: Num a => Matrix a -> a
diagProd = V.product . getDiag


-- | Matrix determinant using Laplace expansion.
--   If the elements of the 'Matrix' are instance of 'Ord' and 'Fractional'
--   consider to use 'detLU' in order to obtain better performance.
detLaplace :: Num a => Matrix a -> a
detLaplace (M 1 1 v) = V.head (V.head v)
detLaplace m =
    sum [ (-1)^(i-1) * m ! (i,1) * detLaplace (minorMatrix i 1 m) | i <- [1 .. nrows m] ]

-- | Matrix determinant using LU decomposition.
detLU :: (Ord a, Fractional a) => Matrix a -> a
detLU m = d * diagProd u
  (u,_,_,d) = luDecomp m