Type-safe linear algebra library ================================ - General matrix types are implemented in native Haskell. - The dimensions of matrices are statically typed. - Provides bindings to high performance C++ linear algebra libraries such Eigen and Spectra. Following GHC extensions may be needed: - ScopedTypeVariables - RankNTypes - TypeFamilies - DataKinds Example ------- ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} import Data.Matrix.Static.LinearAlgebra import qualified Data.Matrix.Static.Generic as G import qualified Data.Matrix.Static.Dense as D import qualified Data.Matrix.Static.Sparse as S import Data.Singletons.Prelude hiding ((@@)) import Data.Singletons.TypeLits import Data.Complex import System.Random import Control.Monad import Data.Type.Equality f :: (SingI n, (2 <= n - 2) ~ 'True) => Matrix n n Double -> Matrix n n (Complex Double) f m = let (d, v) = eigs (sing :: Sing 2) m in v @@ S.diag d @@ G.transpose v main :: IO () main = do n <- randomRIO (2, 6) vals <- replicateM (n*n) $ randomRIO (-100,100) :: IO [Double] withSomeSing (fromIntegral n) $ \sn@(SNat :: Sing n) -> let s0 = SNat :: Sing 2 sn2 = sn %- s0 in case testEquality (s0 %<= sn2) STrue of Just Refl -> do let mat = G.fromList vals :: Matrix n n Double print $ f mat Nothing -> error $ "Requiring Matrix size >= 4, but got: " <> show n ```