{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} -- | This module provides the Drawing functionality for the -- ChannelList sidebar. The sidebar is divided vertically into groups -- and each group is rendered separately. -- -- There are actually two UI modes handled by this code: -- -- * Normal display of the channels, with various markers to -- indicate the current channel, channels with unread messages, -- user state (for Direct Message channels), etc. -- -- * ChannelSelect display where the user is typing match characters -- into a prompt at the ChannelList sidebar is showing only those -- channels matching the entered text (and highlighting the -- matching portion). module Matterhorn.Draw.ChannelList (renderChannelList, renderChannelListHeader) where import Prelude () import Matterhorn.Prelude import Brick import Brick.Widgets.Border import Brick.Widgets.Center (hCenter) import Brick.Widgets.Edit ( editContentsL ) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Zipper as TZ import Data.Maybe ( fromJust ) import Lens.Micro.Platform (non) import qualified Network.Mattermost.Types as MM import Matterhorn.Draw.Util import Matterhorn.State.Channels import Matterhorn.Themes import Matterhorn.Types import Matterhorn.Types.Common ( sanitizeUserText ) import qualified Matterhorn.Zipper as Z -- | Internal record describing each channel entry and its associated -- attributes. This is the object passed to the rendering function so -- that it can determine how to render each channel. data ChannelListEntryData = ChannelListEntryData { entrySigil :: Text , entryLabel :: Text , entryHasUnread :: Bool , entryMentions :: Int , entryIsRecent :: Bool , entryIsReturn :: Bool , entryIsCurrent :: Bool , entryIsMuted :: Bool , entryUserStatus :: Maybe UserStatus } sbRenderer :: ScrollbarRenderer n sbRenderer = verticalScrollbarRenderer { renderScrollbarHandleBefore = str "▲" , renderScrollbarHandleAfter = str "▼" } renderChannelListHeader :: ChatState -> MM.TeamId -> Widget Name renderChannelListHeader st tId = vBox [ teamHeader , selfHeader , unreadCountHeader ] where myUsername_ = myUsername st teamHeader = hCenter $ withDefAttr clientEmphAttr $ txt $ "Team: " <> teamNameStr selfHeader = hCenter $ colorUsername myUsername_ myUsername_ (T.singleton statusSigil <> " " <> addUserSigil myUsername_) teamNameStr = T.strip $ sanitizeUserText $ MM.teamDisplayName $ st^.csTeam(tId).tsTeam statusSigil = maybe ' ' userSigilFromInfo me me = userById (myUserId st) st unreadCountHeader = hCenter $ txt $ "Unread: " <> (T.pack $ show unreadCount) unreadCount = sum $ (channelListGroupUnread . fst) <$> Z.toList (st^.csTeam(tId).tsFocus) renderChannelList :: ChatState -> MM.TeamId -> Widget Name renderChannelList st tId = header <=> vpBody where (sbOrientation, sbPad) = case st^.csResources.crConfiguration.configChannelListOrientationL of ChannelListLeft -> (OnLeft, padLeft (Pad 1)) ChannelListRight -> (OnRight, padRight (Pad 1)) myUsername_ = myUsername st channelName e = ClickableChannelListEntry $ channelListEntryChannelId e renderEntry s e = clickable (channelName e) $ renderChannelListEntry tId myUsername_ $ mkChannelEntryData s tId e header = renderChannelListHeader st tId vpBody = withVScrollBarRenderer sbRenderer $ withVScrollBars sbOrientation $ withVScrollBarHandles $ withClickableVScrollBars VScrollBar $ viewport (ChannelListViewport tId) Vertical $ sbPad body body = case teamMode $ st^.csTeam(tId) of ChannelSelect -> let zipper = st^.csTeam(tId).tsChannelSelectState.channelSelectMatches matches = if Z.isEmpty zipper then [hCenter $ txt "No matches"] else (renderChannelListGroup False st (renderChannelSelectListEntry tId (Z.focus zipper)) <$> Z.toList zipper) in vBox matches _ -> cached (ChannelSidebar tId) $ vBox $ (renderChannelListGroup True st renderEntry <$> Z.toList (st^.csTeam(tId).tsFocus)) renderChannelListGroupHeading :: ChannelListGroup -> Widget Name renderChannelListGroupHeading g = let label = channelListGroupLabel g labelStr = case label of ChannelGroupPublicChannels -> "Public Channels" ChannelGroupPrivateChannels -> "Private Channels" ChannelGroupFavoriteChannels -> "Favorite Channels" ChannelGroupDirectMessages -> "Direct Messages" unread = channelListGroupUnread g collapsed = channelListGroupCollapsed g addUnread = if unread > 0 then (<+> (withDefAttr unreadGroupMarkerAttr $ txt "*")) else id addExpand = if collapsed then (<+> (withDefAttr unreadGroupMarkerAttr $ txt "[+]")) else id labelWidget = addExpand $ addUnread $ withDefAttr channelListHeaderAttr $ txt labelStr in hBorderWithLabel $ clickable (ClickableChannelListGroupHeading label) labelWidget renderChannelListGroup :: Bool -- ^ Whether to draw empty groups (just show -- their headings) -> ChatState -> (ChatState -> e -> Widget Name) -> (ChannelListGroup, [e]) -> Widget Name renderChannelListGroup False _ _ (_, []) = emptyWidget renderChannelListGroup _ st renderEntry (group, es) = let heading = renderChannelListGroupHeading group entryWidgets = renderEntry st <$> es in if channelListGroupEntries group > 0 || (channelListGroupCollapsed group) then vBox (heading : entryWidgets) else emptyWidget mkChannelEntryData :: ChatState -> MM.TeamId -> ChannelListEntry -> ChannelListEntryData mkChannelEntryData st tId e = ChannelListEntryData { entrySigil = sigilWithSpace , entryLabel = name , entryHasUnread = unread , entryMentions = mentions , entryIsRecent = recent , entryIsReturn = ret , entryIsCurrent = current , entryIsMuted = muted , entryUserStatus = status } where cId = channelListEntryChannelId e unread = channelListEntryUnread e chan = fromJust $ findChannelById cId (st^.csChannels) recent = isRecentChannel st tId cId ret = isReturnChannel st tId cId current = isCurrentChannel st tId cId muted = channelListEntryMuted e (name, normalSigil, addSpace, status) = case channelListEntryType e of CLChannel -> (chan^.ccInfo.cdDisplayName, Nothing, False, Nothing) CLGroupDM -> (chan^.ccInfo.cdDisplayName, Just " ", True, Nothing) CLUserDM uId -> let u = fromJust $ userById uId st uname = if useNickname st then u^.uiNickName.non (u^.uiName) else u^.uiName in (uname, Just $ T.singleton $ userSigilFromInfo u, True, Just $ u^.uiStatus) sigilWithSpace = sigil <> if addSpace then " " else "" prevEditSigil = "»" sigil = if current then fromMaybe "" normalSigil else case chan^.ccMessageInterface.miEditor.esEphemeral.eesInputHistoryPosition of Just _ -> prevEditSigil Nothing -> let emptyEditor = T.null $ T.concat $ TZ.getText $ chan^.ccMessageInterface.miEditor.esEditor.editContentsL in if emptyEditor then fromMaybe "" normalSigil else prevEditSigil mentions = chan^.ccInfo.cdMentionCount -- | Render an individual Channel List entry (in Normal mode) with -- appropriate visual decorations. renderChannelListEntry :: MM.TeamId -> Text -> ChannelListEntryData -> Widget Name renderChannelListEntry tId myUName entry = body where body = decorate $ decorateEntry entry $ decorateMentions entry $ padRight Max $ entryWidget $ entrySigil entry <> entryLabel entry decorate = if | entryIsCurrent entry -> reportExtent (SelectedChannelListEntry tId) . forceAttr currentChannelNameAttr | entryMentions entry > 0 && not (entryIsMuted entry) -> forceAttr mentionsChannelAttr | entryHasUnread entry -> forceAttr unreadChannelAttr | otherwise -> id entryWidget = case entryUserStatus entry of Just Offline -> withDefAttr clientMessageAttr . txt Just _ -> colorUsername myUName (entryLabel entry) Nothing -> txt -- | Render an individual entry when in Channel Select mode, -- highlighting the matching portion, or completely suppressing the -- entry if it doesn't match. renderChannelSelectListEntry :: MM.TeamId -> Maybe ChannelSelectMatch -> ChatState -> ChannelSelectMatch -> Widget Name renderChannelSelectListEntry tId curMatch st match = let ChannelSelectMatch preMatch inMatch postMatch _ entry = match maybeSelect = if (Just entry) == (matchEntry <$> curMatch) then visible . withDefAttr currentChannelNameAttr else id entryData = mkChannelEntryData st tId entry decorate = if | entryMentions entryData > 0 && not (entryIsMuted entryData) -> withDefAttr mentionsChannelAttr | entryHasUnread entryData -> withDefAttr unreadChannelAttr | otherwise -> id in clickable (ClickableChannelSelectEntry match) $ decorate $ maybeSelect $ decorateEntry entryData $ decorateMentions entryData $ padRight Max $ hBox [ txt $ entrySigil entryData <> preMatch , forceAttr channelSelectMatchAttr $ txt inMatch , txt postMatch ] -- If this channel is the return channel, add a decoration to denote -- that. -- -- Otherwise, if this channel is the most recently viewed channel (prior -- to the currently viewed channel), add a decoration to denote that. decorateEntry :: ChannelListEntryData -> Widget n -> Widget n decorateEntry entry = if entryIsReturn entry then (<+> (withDefAttr recentMarkerAttr $ str returnChannelSigil)) else if entryIsRecent entry then (<+> (withDefAttr recentMarkerAttr $ str recentChannelSigil)) else id decorateMentions :: ChannelListEntryData -> Widget n -> Widget n decorateMentions entry | entryMentions entry > 9 = (<+> str "(9+)") | entryMentions entry > 0 = (<+> str ("(" <> show (entryMentions entry) <> ")")) | entryIsMuted entry = (<+> str "(m)") | otherwise = id recentChannelSigil :: String recentChannelSigil = "<" returnChannelSigil :: String returnChannelSigil = "~"