module Events ( onEvent ) where import Prelude () import Prelude.MH import Brick import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Graphics.Vty as Vty import Lens.Micro.Platform ( (.=), preuse, _2, singular, _Just ) import qualified Network.Mattermost.Endpoints as MM import Network.Mattermost.Exceptions ( mattermostErrorMessage ) import Network.Mattermost.Lenses import Network.Mattermost.Types import Network.Mattermost.WebSocket import Connection import HelpTopics import State.Channels import State.Common import State.Flagging import State.Messages import State.Reactions import State.Users import Types import Types.Common import Events.ChannelSelect import Events.DeleteChannelConfirm import Events.LeaveChannelConfirm import Events.Main import Events.MessageSelect import Events.PostListOverlay import Events.ShowHelp import Events.UrlSelect import Events.UserListOverlay import Events.ChannelListOverlay import Events.ReactionEmojiListOverlay import Events.TabbedWindow import Events.ManageAttachments onEvent :: ChatState -> BrickEvent Name MHEvent -> EventM Name (Next ChatState) onEvent st ev = runMHEvent st $ do onBrickEvent ev doPendingUserFetches doPendingUserStatusFetches onBrickEvent :: BrickEvent Name MHEvent -> MH () onBrickEvent (AppEvent e) = onAppEvent e onBrickEvent (VtyEvent (Vty.EvKey (Vty.KChar 'l') [Vty.MCtrl])) = do vty <- mh getVtyHandle liftIO $ Vty.refresh vty onBrickEvent (VtyEvent e) = onVtyEvent e onBrickEvent _ = return () onAppEvent :: MHEvent -> MH () onAppEvent RefreshWebsocketEvent = connectWebsockets onAppEvent WebsocketDisconnect = do csConnectionStatus .= Disconnected disconnectChannels onAppEvent WebsocketConnect = do csConnectionStatus .= Connected refreshChannelsAndUsers refreshClientConfig fetchVisibleIfNeeded onAppEvent BGIdle = csWorkerIsBusy .= Nothing onAppEvent (BGBusy n) = csWorkerIsBusy .= Just n onAppEvent (WSEvent we) = handleWSEvent we onAppEvent (RespEvent f) = f onAppEvent (WebsocketParseError e) = do let msg = "A websocket message could not be parsed:\n " <> T.pack e <> "\nPlease report this error at" mhError $ GenericError msg onAppEvent (IEvent e) = do handleIEvent e handleIEvent :: InternalEvent -> MH () handleIEvent (DisplayError e) = postErrorMessage' $ formatError e handleIEvent (LoggingStarted path) = postInfoMessage $ "Logging to " <> T.pack path handleIEvent (LogDestination dest) = case dest of Nothing -> postInfoMessage "Logging is currently disabled. Enable it with /log-start." Just path -> postInfoMessage $ T.pack $ "Logging to " <> path handleIEvent (LogSnapshotSucceeded path) = postInfoMessage $ "Log snapshot written to " <> T.pack path handleIEvent (LoggingStopped path) = postInfoMessage $ "Stopped logging to " <> T.pack path handleIEvent (LogStartFailed path err) = postErrorMessage' $ "Could not start logging to " <> T.pack path <> ", error: " <> T.pack err handleIEvent (LogSnapshotFailed path err) = postErrorMessage' $ "Could not write log snapshot to " <> T.pack path <> ", error: " <> T.pack err formatError :: MHError -> T.Text formatError (GenericError msg) = msg formatError (NoSuchChannel chan) = T.pack $ "No such channel: " <> show chan formatError (NoSuchUser user) = T.pack $ "No such user: " <> show user formatError (AmbiguousName name) = (T.pack $ "The input " <> show name <> " matches both channels ") <> "and users. Try using '" <> userSigil <> "' or '" <> normalChannelSigil <> "' to disambiguate." formatError (ServerError e) = mattermostErrorMessage e formatError (ClipboardError msg) = msg formatError (ConfigOptionMissing opt) = T.pack $ "Config option " <> show opt <> " missing" formatError (ProgramExecutionFailed progName logPath) = T.pack $ "An error occurred when running " <> show progName <> "; see " <> show logPath <> " for details." formatError (NoSuchScript name) = "No script named " <> name <> " was found" formatError (NoSuchHelpTopic topic) = let knownTopics = (" - " <>) <$> helpTopicName <$> helpTopics in "Unknown help topic: `" <> topic <> "`. " <> (T.unlines $ "Available topics are:" : knownTopics) formatError (AsyncErrEvent e) = "An unexpected error has occurred! The exception encountered was:\n " <> T.pack (show e) <> "\nPlease report this error at" onVtyEvent :: Vty.Event -> MH () onVtyEvent e = do case e of (Vty.EvResize _ _) -> -- On resize, invalidate the entire rendering cache since -- many things depend on the window size. -- -- Note: we fall through after this because it is sometimes -- important for modes to have their own additional logic -- to run when a resize occurs, so we don't want to stop -- processing here. mh invalidateCache _ -> return () mode <- gets appMode case mode of Main -> onEventMain e ShowHelp _ -> onEventShowHelp e ChannelSelect -> onEventChannelSelect e UrlSelect -> onEventUrlSelect e LeaveChannelConfirm -> onEventLeaveChannelConfirm e MessageSelect -> onEventMessageSelect e MessageSelectDeleteConfirm -> onEventMessageSelectDeleteConfirm e DeleteChannelConfirm -> onEventDeleteChannelConfirm e PostListOverlay _ -> onEventPostListOverlay e UserListOverlay -> onEventUserListOverlay e ChannelListOverlay -> onEventChannelListOverlay e ReactionEmojiListOverlay -> onEventReactionEmojiListOverlay e ViewMessage -> handleTabbedWindowEvent (csViewedMessage.singular _Just._2) e ManageAttachments -> onEventManageAttachments e ManageAttachmentsBrowseFiles -> onEventManageAttachments e handleWSEvent :: WebsocketEvent -> MH () handleWSEvent we = do myId <- gets myUserId myTId <- gets myTeamId case weEvent we of WMPosted | Just p <- wepPost (weData we) -> when (wepTeamId (weData we) == Just myTId || wepTeamId (weData we) == Nothing) $ do let wasMentioned = maybe False (Set.member myId) $ wepMentions (weData we) addNewPostedMessage $ RecentPost p wasMentioned cId <- use csCurrentChannelId when (postChannelId p /= cId) $ showChannelInSidebar (p^.postChannelIdL) False | otherwise -> return () WMPostEdited | Just p <- wepPost (weData we) -> do editMessage p cId <- use csCurrentChannelId when (postChannelId p == cId) (updateViewed False) when (postChannelId p /= cId) $ showChannelInSidebar (p^.postChannelIdL) False | otherwise -> return () WMPostDeleted | Just p <- wepPost (weData we) -> do deleteMessage p cId <- use csCurrentChannelId when (postChannelId p == cId) (updateViewed False) when (postChannelId p /= cId) $ showChannelInSidebar (p^.postChannelIdL) False | otherwise -> return () WMStatusChange | Just status <- wepStatus (weData we) , Just uId <- wepUserId (weData we) -> setUserStatus uId status | otherwise -> return () WMUserAdded | Just cId <- webChannelId (weBroadcast we) -> when (wepUserId (weData we) == Just myId && wepTeamId (weData we) == Just myTId) $ handleChannelInvite cId | otherwise -> return () WMNewUser | Just uId <- wepUserId $ weData we -> handleNewUsers (Seq.singleton uId) (return ()) | otherwise -> return () WMUserRemoved | Just cId <- wepChannelId (weData we) -> when (webUserId (weBroadcast we) == Just myId) $ removeChannelFromState cId | otherwise -> return () WMTyping | Just uId <- wepUserId $ weData we , Just cId <- webChannelId (weBroadcast we) -> handleTypingUser uId cId | otherwise -> return () WMChannelDeleted | Just cId <- wepChannelId (weData we) -> when (webTeamId (weBroadcast we) == Just myTId) $ removeChannelFromState cId | otherwise -> return () WMDirectAdded | Just cId <- webChannelId (weBroadcast we) -> handleChannelInvite cId | otherwise -> return () -- An 'ephemeral message' is just Mattermost's version of our -- 'client message'. This can be a little bit wacky, e.g. -- if the user types '/shortcuts' in the browser, we'll get -- an ephemeral message even in MatterHorn with the browser -- shortcuts, but it's probably a good idea to handle these -- messages anyway. WMEphemeralMessage | Just p <- wepPost $ weData we -> postInfoMessage (sanitizeUserText $ p^.postMessageL) | otherwise -> return () WMPreferenceChanged | Just prefs <- wepPreferences (weData we) -> mapM_ applyPreferenceChange prefs | otherwise -> return () WMPreferenceDeleted | Just pref <- wepPreferences (weData we) , Just fps <- mapM preferenceToFlaggedPost pref -> forM_ fps $ \f -> updateMessageFlag (flaggedPostId f) False | otherwise -> return () WMReactionAdded | Just r <- wepReaction (weData we) , Just cId <- webChannelId (weBroadcast we) -> addReactions cId [r] | otherwise -> return () WMReactionRemoved | Just r <- wepReaction (weData we) , Just cId <- webChannelId (weBroadcast we) -> removeReaction r cId | otherwise -> return () WMChannelViewed | Just cId <- wepChannelId $ weData we -> refreshChannelById cId | otherwise -> return () WMChannelUpdated | Just cId <- webChannelId $ weBroadcast we -> do mChan <- preuse (csChannel(cId)) when (isJust mChan) $ do refreshChannelById cId updateSidebar | otherwise -> return () WMGroupAdded | Just cId <- webChannelId (weBroadcast we) -> handleChannelInvite cId | otherwise -> return () -- We are pretty sure we should do something about these: WMAddedToTeam -> return () -- We aren't sure whether there is anything we should do about -- these yet: WMUpdateTeam -> return () WMTeamDeleted -> return () WMUserUpdated -> return () WMLeaveTeam -> return () -- We deliberately ignore these events: WMChannelCreated -> return () WMEmojiAdded -> return () WMWebRTC -> return () WMHello -> return () WMAuthenticationChallenge -> return () WMUserRoleUpdated -> return () WMPluginStatusesChanged -> return () WMPluginEnabled -> return () WMPluginDisabled -> return () -- | Refresh client-accessible server configuration information. This -- is usually triggered when a reconnect event for the WebSocket to the -- server occurs. refreshClientConfig :: MH () refreshClientConfig = do session <- getSession doAsyncWith Preempt $ do cfg <- MM.mmGetClientConfiguration (Just "old") session return $ Just $ do csClientConfig .= Just cfg updateSidebar