40600.0.0 ========= * Updated for mattermost-api version 40600.0.0. 40400.0.0 ========= * Updated for mattermost-api version 40400.0.0. 40000.1.0 ========= * Updated for mattermost-api version 40000.1.0. 40000.0.1 ========= * Version bump only to match mattermost-api and matterhorn package versions. 40000.0.0 ========= * Version bump only to match mattermost-api and matterhorn package versions. 31000.0.0 ========= * Updated for mattermost-api version 31000.0.0 * Updated genPostType to genType to match upstream type change * Updated postPropAttachment generator * Remove -Werror for Hackage uploads 30802.1.0 ========= * Switched from Arbitrary instances to Gen x functions. * Removed dependency on quickcheck-instances * Updated for mattermost-api version 30802.1.0 30802.0.0 ========= * Updated for mattermost-api version 30802.0.0 30701.1.0 ========= * First version.