Module: Text.PhonotacticLearner.PhonotacticConstraints.Generators
Description: Generation of candidate constraint sets.
Copyright: © 2016-2017 George Steel and Peter Jurgec
License: GPL-2+
Maintainer: george.steel@gmail.com

Functions for generating sets of candidate constraint sets. For basic use, 'CandidateSettings' and 'CandidateGrammar' while the other functions provide more fine-grained control.

The 'classesByGenreraity' function enumerates the classes defined by a feature table in a sensible order, removing duplicate descriptions of the same class. The ug functions then take these classes and then combine them imto globs in various ways. For efficiency, classes are reperesented as @('NaturalClass', 'SegSet' 'SegRef')@ pairs and constraints are output as @('ClassGlob', 'ListGlob' 'SegRef')@ pairs, avoiding the need for repeated conversions and copying of classes.


module Text.PhonotacticLearner.PhonotacticConstraints.Generators (
    CandidateSettings(..), candidateGrammar,
    ugSingleClasses, ugBigrams,
    ugEdgeClasses, ugEdgeBigrams,
    ugLimitedTrigrams, ugLongDistance,

) where

import Text.PhonotacticLearner.PhonotacticConstraints
import Text.PhonotacticLearner.DFST
import Data.Bits
import Data.List
import Data.Array.IArray
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Control.Monad
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Parallel

-- | Settings for grammar generation
data CandidateSettings = CandidateSettings {
    useEdges :: Bool, -- ^ Allow single classes and bigrams restricted to word boundaries.
    useTrigrams :: Maybe [T.Text], -- ^ Allows trigrams as long as at least one class is [] or [±x] where x is in the included list.
    useBroken :: Maybe [T.Text] -- ^ Allows long-distance constraints of the form AB+C where A,C are classes and C = [] or [±x] with x in the list.
} deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Generate a reasonable set of candidate constraints based single classes, bigrams, and the4 additionsl constraint types specified in the settings.
-- First and second return values are the number of classes and candidates in the grammar, and the third is the set of candidates.
candidateGrammar :: FeatureTable sigma -> CandidateSettings -> (Int , Int, [(ClassGlob, ListGlob SegRef)])
candidateGrammar ft (CandidateSettings edges mtri mbroken) = ncls `seq` rnf candidates `seq` (ncls, ncand, candidates) where
    cls = classesByGenerality ft 3
    ncls = length cls
    cand1 = ugSingleClasses cls
    cande1 = if edges then ugEdgeClasses cls else []
    cand2 = ugBigrams cls
    cande2 = if edges then ugEdgeBigrams cls else []
    cand3 = case mtri of
        Nothing -> []
        Just tri -> ugLimitedTrigrams cls (coreClassesFromFeats ft tri)
    candb = case mbroken of
        Nothing -> []
        Just broken -> ugLongDistance cls (coreClassesFromFeats ft broken)
    candidates = cls `pseq` (rnf cande2 `par` rnf cand3 `par` rnf candb `par` join [cand1,cande1,cand2,cande2,cand3,candb])
    ncand = length candidates

-- | Given a number n and a sequence, returns all subsewuences of length n.
ngrams  :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
ngrams  0  _       = [[]]
ngrams  _  []      = []
ngrams  n  (x:xs)  = fmap (x:) (ngrams (n-1) xs) ++ ngrams n xs

segsetFromInteger :: (SegRef,SegRef) -> Integer -> SegSet SegRef
segsetFromInteger b set = fnArray b (\(Seg i) -> testBit set i)

-- | Enumerate all classes (and their inverses) to a certain number of features
-- in descending order of the number of segments the uninverted class contains.
-- Discards duplicates (having the same set of segments).
-- Each segment is returned as a tripple with the (negated for sorting) numbet of segments in the class, the class label, and the set of segments it contains.
classesByGenerality :: FeatureTable sigma -> Int -> [(Int, (NaturalClass, SegSet SegRef))]
classesByGenerality ft maxfeats = force . fmap prepout $ (M.assocs cls)
        prepout ((n, set), cls)= (n, (cls, segsetFromInteger b set))
        b = (srBounds ft)
        sr = range b
        mask = foldl' (.|.) zeroBits [bit i | Seg i <- sr]
        fsets = do
            (fi,fn) <- assocs (featNames ft)
            fs <- [FPlus, FMinus]
            let fset = foldl' (.|.) 0 [bit i | s@(Seg i) <- sr, ftlook ft s fi == fs]
            return ((fs,fn),fset)
        cls = M.fromListWith (const id) . force $ do
            isInv <- [False,True]
            nf <- range (0, maxfeats)
            (fs,sets) <- fmap unzip (ngrams nf fsets)
            let cls = NClass isInv fs
                set = (if isInv then mask else 0) `xor` (foldl' (.&.) mask sets)
                ns = popCount set
            guard (set /= 0)
            return ((negate ns, set), cls)

coreClassesFromFeats :: FeatureTable sigma -> [T.Text] -> [(NaturalClass, SegSet SegRef)]
coreClassesFromFeats ft feats = nubBy (\x y -> snd x == snd y) $ do
    c <- fmap (NClass False) $ [] : (curry return <$> [FPlus,FMinus] <*> feats)
    let sl = classToSeglist ft c
    guard $ or (elems sl)
    return (c,sl)

-- | Given a set of classes, return a set of globs matching those classes.
ugSingleClasses :: [(Int, (NaturalClass, SegSet SegRef))] -> [(ClassGlob, ListGlob SegRef)]
ugSingleClasses cls = fmap snd . sortOn fst . force $ do
    (w,(c,l)) <- cls
    guard (not (isInverted c))
    let g = ClassGlob False False [(GSingle,c)]
        lg = ListGlob False False [(GSingle,l)]
    return (w,(g,lg))

-- | Given a set of classes, return a set of globs matching those globs at word boundaries. At most one class may be inverted.
ugEdgeClasses :: [(Int, (NaturalClass, SegSet SegRef))] -> [(ClassGlob, ListGlob SegRef)]
ugEdgeClasses cls = fmap snd . sortOn fst . force $ do
    (w,(c,l)) <- cls
    guard (not (isInverted c))
    (isinit,isfin) <- [(False,True),(True,False)]
    let g = ClassGlob isinit isfin [(GSingle,c)]
        lg = ListGlob isinit isfin [(GSingle,l)]
    return (w,(g,lg))

-- | Given a set of classes, return a set pf globs matching class pairs, ordered by total weight. At most one class may be inverted.
ugBigrams :: [(Int, (NaturalClass, SegSet SegRef))] -> [(ClassGlob, ListGlob SegRef)]
ugBigrams cls = fmap snd . sortOn fst . force $ do
    (w1,(c1,l1)) <- cls
    (w2,(c2,l2)) <- cls
    guard (not (isInverted c1 && isInverted c2))
    let g = ClassGlob False False [(GSingle,c1),(GSingle,c2)]
        lg = ListGlob False False [(GSingle,l1),(GSingle,l2)]
    return (w1+w2,(g,lg))

-- | Given a set of classes, return a set pf globs matching class pairs at word boundaries, ordered by total weight. At most one class may be inverted.
ugEdgeBigrams :: [(Int, (NaturalClass, SegSet SegRef))] -> [(ClassGlob, ListGlob SegRef)]
ugEdgeBigrams cls = fmap snd . sortOn fst . force $ do
    (w1,(c1,l1)) <- cls
    (w2,(c2,l2)) <- cls
    guard (not (isInverted c1 && isInverted c2))
    (isinit,isfin) <- [(False,True),(True,False)]
    let g = ClassGlob isinit isfin [(GSingle,c1),(GSingle,c2)]
        lg = ListGlob isinit isfin [(GSingle,l1),(GSingle,l2)]
    return (w1+w2,(g,lg))

-- | Given a set of classes ansd a smaller subset, return a set of globs matching trigrams of classes from the set where at least one class is contained in the subset.  At most one class may be inverted.
ugLimitedTrigrams :: [(Int, (NaturalClass, SegSet SegRef))] -> [(NaturalClass, SegSet SegRef)] -> [(ClassGlob, ListGlob SegRef)]
ugLimitedTrigrams cls rcls = fmap snd . sortOn fst . force $ do
    let rcls' = S.fromList (fmap fst rcls)
    (w1,(c1,l1)) <- cls
    (w2,(c2,l2)) <- cls
    (w,(c3,l3)) <- case () of
         () | S.member c1 rcls' -> do
                (w3,(c3',l3')) <- cls
                guard (not (isInverted c2 && isInverted c3'))
                return (w2+w3, (c3',l3'))
            | S.member c2 rcls' -> do
                (w3,(c3',l3')) <- cls
                guard (not (isInverted c1 && isInverted c3'))
                return (w1+w3, (c3',l3'))
            | otherwise -> do
                guard (not (isInverted c1 && isInverted c2))
                (c3',l3') <- rcls
                return (w1+w2, (c3',l3'))
    let g = ClassGlob False False [(GSingle,c1),(GSingle,c2),(GSingle,c3)]
        lg = ListGlob False False [(GSingle,l1),(GSingle,l2),(GSingle,l3)]
    return (w, (g,lg))

-- | Given two sets of classes, return globs matching a pair oc slasses in the first set separated by any number of occurrences of a class in the second set.  At most one class may be inverted. At most one class may be inverted.
-- This can lead to fairly large grammar DFAs when multiple such constraints are merged.
ugLongDistance :: [(Int, (NaturalClass, SegSet SegRef))] -> [(NaturalClass, SegSet SegRef)] -> [(ClassGlob, ListGlob SegRef)]
ugLongDistance cls rcls = fmap snd . sortOn fst . force $ do
    (w1,(c1,l1)) <- cls
    (c2,l2) <- rcls
    (w3,(c3,l3)) <- cls
    let w = w1+w3
        g = ClassGlob False False [(GSingle,c1),(GPlus,c2),(GSingle,c3)]
        lg = ListGlob False False [(GSingle,l1),(GPlus,l2),(GSingle,l3)]
    return (w, (g,lg))

{-ugMiddleHayesWilson :: [(Int, NaturalClass,SegSet SegRef)] -> [(NaturalClass,SegSet SegRef)] -> [(ClassGlob, ListGlob SegRef)]
ugMiddleHayesWilson cls rcls = join [ ugSingleClasses cls
                                    , ugBigrams cls
                                    , ugLimitedTrigrams cls rcls]

-- | Combine the above functions (not including 'ugLongDistance') into the original candidate generator from the Hayes and Wilson paper.
ugHayesWilson :: [(Int, (NaturalClass, SegSet SegRef))] -> [(NaturalClass, SegSet SegRef)] -> [(ClassGlob, ListGlob SegRef)]
ugHayesWilson cls rcls = join [ ugSingleClasses cls
                                  , ugEdgeClasses cls
                                  , ugBigrams cls
                                  , ugEdgeBigrams cls
                                  , ugLimitedTrigrams cls rcls]