# Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling - ChangeLog ## Unreleased changes ## 0.3.0 - New shorter example/test for dating trees. - `noData` allows running a chain without likelihood function. - Give proposal parameters `PName`, `PDescription`, and `PWeight` newtype wrappers. - Give `Tune` a data type. - Allow periodical cleansing of state (`Cleaner`). - Add description string to proposals, so that they can be identified in an easier way. - Add simplices and proposals on simplices. - `slideUniform` renamed to `slideUniformSymmetric`. - Merge tools into internal. - Do not export internal modules. ## 0.2.4 - **Change order of arguments for proposals**. - 'slideStem' was renamed to 'slideBranch'. - Change ProposalSimple from newtype to type. - Contravariant instances of parameter and batch monitors. Use `(>$<)` instead of `(@.)` and `(@#)`. - Add `gammaDirichlet` prior for partitioned dating analyses. ## 0.2.3 - Contrary proposals. - Change how monitors are lifted (use normal function, not a lens). - Priors. - Remove concurrent monitors (was slow). - Improve MCMC sampler output. ## 0.2.2 - Move away from hpack. ## 0.2.1 - Consistently use ByteString instead of Text. - Verbosity levels. - Improved handling of proposals, moves, and monitors. - Bactrian moves. - Many small changes. ## 0.1.3 Many changes; notably it is now possible to continue a Markov chain run.