{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

-- |
--  Module      :  Other
--  License     :  Public Domain
--  Maintainer  :  Douglas Burke
--  Stability   :  experimental
--  Portability :  RecordWildCards
-- A mixture of routines.

module Data.MineCraft.Pi.Other
      -- * Queries

      -- * Commands
    , chatPost
    ) where

import Control.Monad (liftM)

import Data.MineCraft.Pi.Types

import Network.MineCraft.Pi.Client
import Network.MineCraft.Pi.Client.Internal

-- | Send a message to MineCraft for it to display.
--   There is no attempt to remove or replace invalid characters. The
--   MineCraft server API uses ASCII and it is likely that new lines
--   are not allowed in the message, although this is not specified.
chatPost :: String -> MCPI ()
chatPost msg = command "chat.post" [msg]

-- | Return the height of the world at this position. The spec says
--   that the input uses the @(x,z)@ coordinates, but I am assuming this
--   is a typo and am using @(x,y)@ instead.
--   It would be easy to test.
getHeight :: IPos -> MCPI Int
getHeight Pos {..} = fromMC `liftM` query "world.getHeight" [toMC _x, toMC _y]





events.block.hits() --> pos,surface,entityId|pos,surface,entityId|... 
                        (pos is x,y,z surface is x,y,z, entityId is int)
