-- | A series with a start value and consecutive next vaules.
module Data.MediaBus.Basics.Series
  ( Series(..)
  , _Next
  , _Start
  , type Series'
  , AsSeries(..)
  , AsSeriesStart(..)
  , AsSeriesNext(..)
  ) where

import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Lens
import Data.Bifunctor
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Test.QuickCheck

-- | A value of a series is either the 'Start' of that series or the 'Next'
-- value in a started series.
data Series a b
  = Next { _seriesValue :: !b}
  | Start { _seriesStartValue :: !a}
  deriving (Eq, Generic)

makePrisms ''Series

-- | A simple version of a series, where the 'Start' value has the same type as
-- the 'Next' value.
type Series' a = Series a a

instance (NFData a, NFData b) =>
         NFData (Series a b)

instance (Show a, Show b) =>
         Show (Series a b) where
  showsPrec d (Start !x) =
    showParen (d > 10) $ showString "START: " . showsPrec 11 x
  showsPrec d (Next !x) = showsPrec d x

instance (Ord a, Ord b) =>
         Ord (Series a b) where
  compare (Next !l) (Next !r) = compare l r
  compare _ _ = EQ

instance (Arbitrary a, Arbitrary b) =>
         Arbitrary (Series a b) where
  arbitrary = do
    isNext <- choose (0.0, 1.0)
    if isNext < (0.95 :: Double)
      then Next <$> arbitrary
      else Start <$> arbitrary

instance Functor (Series a) where
  fmap = over _Next

instance Bifunctor Series where
  first = over _Start
  second = over _Next

-- | A class of types with any kind /start/ and /next/ semantics, not
-- necessarily provided by 'Series'.
class AsSeries s a b | s -> a, s -> b where
  -- | A simple 'Prim' to extract a /start/ value
  seriesStart' :: Prism' s a
  -- | A simple 'Prim' to extract a /next/ value
  seriesNext' :: Prism' s b

instance AsSeries (Either a b) a b where
  seriesStart' = _Left
  seriesNext' = _Right

instance AsSeries (Series a b) a b where
  seriesNext' = _Next
  seriesStart' = _Start

-- | A type class for types that might have a /start/ value.
class (SetSeriesStart s (GetSeriesStart s) ~ s) =>
      AsSeriesStart s where
  type GetSeriesStart s
  type SetSeriesStart s t
  -- | A 'Prism' for /start/ values
  seriesStart :: Prism s (SetSeriesStart s n) (GetSeriesStart s) n

instance AsSeriesStart (Either a b) where
  type GetSeriesStart (Either a b) = a
  type SetSeriesStart (Either a b) n = (Either n b)
  seriesStart = _Left

instance AsSeriesStart (Series a b) where
  type GetSeriesStart (Series a b) = a
  type SetSeriesStart (Series a b) n = (Series n b)
  seriesStart = _Start

-- | A type class for types that might have a /next/ value.
class (SetSeriesNext s (GetSeriesNext s) ~ s) =>
      AsSeriesNext s where
  type GetSeriesNext s
  type SetSeriesNext s t
  -- | A 'Prism' for the /next/ values
  seriesNext :: Prism s (SetSeriesNext s n) (GetSeriesNext s) n

instance AsSeriesNext (Either a b) where
  type GetSeriesNext (Either a b) = b
  type SetSeriesNext (Either a b) n = (Either a n)
  seriesNext = _Right

instance AsSeriesNext (Series a b) where
  type GetSeriesNext (Series a b) = b
  type SetSeriesNext (Series a b) n = (Series a n)
  seriesNext = _Next