{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} import RIO import RIO.Orphans import Pantry hiding (Package (..)) import RIO.Directory import RIO.FilePath import qualified RIO.Map as Map import qualified RIO.HashMap as HM import RIO.Process import Data.Yaml (Value (..), decodeEither') import Options.Applicative.Simple hiding (header, value) import qualified Paths_mega_sdist as Paths (version) import qualified RIO.ByteString.Lazy as BL import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BL8 import qualified RIO.Text as T import qualified RIO.List as L import Path (parseAbsDir) import Path.IO (resolveFile') #if MIN_VERSION_aeson(2, 0, 0) import qualified Data.Aeson.KeyMap #endif data App = App { appLogFunc :: !LogFunc , appProcessContext :: !ProcessContext , appResourceMap :: !ResourceMap , appPantryConfig :: !PantryConfig } instance HasLogFunc App where logFuncL = lens appLogFunc (\x y -> x { appLogFunc = y }) instance HasProcessContext App where processContextL = lens appProcessContext (\x y -> x { appProcessContext = y }) instance HasResourceMap App where resourceMapL = lens appResourceMap (\x y -> x { appResourceMap = y }) instance HasPantryConfig App where pantryConfigL = lens appPantryConfig (\x y -> x { appPantryConfig = y }) getPaths :: MonadIO m => Value -> m [FilePath] getPaths value = maybe (error $ "getPaths failed: " ++ show value) return $ do Object top <- return value Object locals <- mylookup "locals" top forM (toList locals) $ \l -> do Object o <- return l String path <- mylookup "path" o return $ T.unpack path where #if MIN_VERSION_aeson(2, 0, 0) mylookup = Data.Aeson.KeyMap.lookup #else mylookup = HM.lookup #endif data Args = Args { toTag :: !Bool , getDiffs :: !Bool , rawDirs :: ![FilePath] , verbose :: !Bool } main :: IO () main = do (args@Args {..}, ()) <- simpleOptions $(simpleVersion Paths.version) "Check Haskell cabal package versions in a mega-repo" "Determines if the code present in this repo is the most current with Hackage" (Args <$> switch ( long "gittag" <> help "Call 'git tag' if all versions are ready for release" ) <*> switch ( long "get-diffs" <> help "Display the diffs between old and new version" ) <*> many ( strArgument (metavar "DIR") ) <*> switch ( long "verbose" <> help "Enable verbose output" ) ) empty lo <- logOptionsHandle stdout verbose pc <- mkDefaultProcessContext stack <- liftIO $ getAppUserDataDirectory "stack" root <- liftIO $ parseAbsDir $ stack "pantry" withLogFunc lo $ \lf -> withResourceMap $ \rm -> runRIO lf $ withPantryConfig root defaultPackageIndexConfig HpackBundled 8 defaultCasaRepoPrefix defaultCasaMaxPerRequest defaultSnapshotLocation #if MIN_VERSION_pantry(0, 10, 0) defaultGlobalHintsLocation #endif $ \pantryConfig -> do let app = App { appLogFunc = lf , appProcessContext = pc , appResourceMap = rm , appPantryConfig = pantryConfig } runRIO app $ main2 args main2 :: Args -> RIO App () main2 Args {..} = do (queryBS, _) <- proc "stack" ["query"] readProcess_ queryValue <- case decodeEither' (BL.toStrict queryBS) of Left e -> error $ "Could not parse 'stack query': " ++ show e Right x -> return x allDirs <- getPaths queryValue dirs <- if null rawDirs then return allDirs else do myPaths <- mapM (fmap addTrailingPathSeparator . canonicalizePath) rawDirs return $ filter (\y -> any (\x -> (x `L.isPrefixOf` y)) myPaths) (map addTrailingPathSeparator allDirs) whenM (doesDirectoryExist "tarballs") $ removeDirectoryRecursive "tarballs" createDirectoryIfMissing True "tarballs" tarballs <- forM dirs $ \dir -> do output <- proc "stack" ["--no-terminal", "sdist", dir] readProcessStderr_ case decodeUtf8' $ BL.toStrict output of Left e -> error $ "Invalid non-UTF8 output: " ++ show e Right text -> case fmap T.unpack $ filter (".tar.gz" `T.isSuffixOf`) $ T.words text of fp:_ -> do let dest = "tarballs" takeFileName fp renameFile fp dest return dest [] -> error $ "Unexpected 'stack sdist' output in dir: " ++ dir ++ "\n\n" ++ T.unpack text m <- Map.unionsWith mappend <$> mapM (go getDiffs) tarballs case Map.lookup NoChanges m of Nothing -> return () Just s -> do logInfo "The following packages from Hackage have not changed:" mapM_ sayPackage $ Map.keys s mapM_ (removeFile . packageFile) $ Map.keys s toColor <- hIsTerminalDevice stdout case Map.lookup DoesNotExist m of Nothing -> return () Just s -> do logInfo "\nThe following new packages exist locally:" forM_ (Map.toList s) $ \(name, mdiff) -> do sayPackage name sayDiff toColor mdiff case Map.lookup NeedsVersionBump m of Nothing -> do logInfo "\nNo version bumps required, good to go!" when toTag $ forM_ (maybe [] Map.keys $ Map.lookup DoesNotExist m) $ \(Package _fp name version) -> let ident = packageIdentifierString $ PackageIdentifier name version msg = "Release: " <> ident in proc "git" ["tag", "-s", ident, "-m", msg] $ \pc -> do logInfo $ display pc runProcess_ pc Just s -> do logInfo "\nThe following packages require a version bump:" forM_ (Map.toList s) $ \(name, mdiff) -> do sayPackage name sayDiff toColor mdiff sayDiff :: Bool -- ^ use color? -> Maybe Diff -> RIO App () sayDiff toColor = mapM_ $ BL.hPut stdout . (if toColor then colorize else id) data Status = DoesNotExist | NoChanges | NeedsVersionBump deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) type Diff = LByteString go :: Bool -- ^ get diffs -> FilePath -> RIO App (Map Status (Map Package (Maybe Diff))) go getDiffs fp = do package <- parsePackage fp (status, mdiff) <- compareTGZ getDiffs (packageName package) (packageVersion package) fp return $ Map.singleton status $ Map.singleton package mdiff data Package = Package { packageFile :: !FilePath , packageName :: !PackageName , packageVersion :: !Version } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) parsePackage :: MonadThrow m => FilePath -> m Package parsePackage fp = case T.stripSuffix ".tar.gz" $ T.pack $ takeFileName fp of Nothing -> error $ "Does not end with .tar.gz: " ++ fp Just s -> case parsePackageIdentifier $ T.unpack s of Nothing -> error $ "Invalid package identifier: " ++ T.unpack s Just (PackageIdentifier name version) -> pure $ Package fp name version sayPackage :: Package -> RIO App () sayPackage (Package _ name version) = logInfo $ fromString $ packageIdentifierString $ PackageIdentifier name version compareTGZ :: Bool -- ^ get diffs? -> PackageName -> Version -- ^ version -> FilePath -- ^ new tarball -> RIO App (Status, Maybe Diff) compareTGZ getDiffs pn v b = withSystemTempDirectory "diff" $ \diff -> do oldDest <- parseAbsDir $ diff "old" newDest <- parseAbsDir $ diff "new" bAbs <- resolveFile' b let pirOrig = PackageIdentifierRevision pn v (CFIRevision (Revision 0)) let mkPli pir = RPLIHackage pir Nothing exists <- (True <$ unpackPackageLocationRaw oldDest (mkPli pirOrig)) `catch` \e -> case e of UnknownHackagePackage{} -> do mpir <- getLatestHackageVersion YesRequireHackageIndex pn UsePreferredVersions for_ mpir $ unpackPackageLocationRaw oldDest . mkPli pure False _ -> throwIO e unpackPackageLocationRaw newDest $ RPLIArchive RawArchive { raLocation = ALFilePath $ ResolvedPath (RelFilePath $ fromString b) bAbs , raHash = Nothing , raSize = Nothing , raSubdir = "" } RawPackageMetadata { rpmName = Nothing , rpmVersion = Nothing , rpmTreeKey = Nothing } (ec, out) <- withWorkingDir diff $ proc "diff" [ "-ruNw" , "old" , "new" ] readProcessStdout let status | ec == ExitSuccess = NoChanges | exists = NeedsVersionBump | otherwise = DoesNotExist mdiff | getDiffs && ec /= ExitSuccess = Just out | otherwise = Nothing return (status, mdiff) colorize :: LByteString -> LByteString colorize = BL.intercalate "\n" . map colorLine . BL.split 10 where colorLine :: LByteString -> LByteString colorLine l = case fst <$> BL8.uncons l of Just '-' -> add "31" l Just '+' -> add "32" l Just '@' -> add "34" l _ -> l add :: LByteString -> LByteString -> LByteString add color l = mconcat [ "\x1b[" , color , "m" , l , "\x1b[0m" ]