{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

module Data.Elf.Constants.Data where

import Data.Binary
import Data.Binary.Put
import Data.Binary.Get
import Data.Bits

import Data.Elf.Constants.TH
import Data.Endian

{- $docs

Constants defined here are declared using Template Haskell so there are no docs.
See the sources or the documents describing ELF file format.

Data types, patterns and instances are generated by @mkDeclarations@ TH macros.
Below is an example of how it works.  The code

$(mkDeclarations BaseWord16 \"TypeName\" \"ValuePrefix\" \"DefaultConstructorName\"
    [ (\"_A\", 0)
    , (\"_B\", 1)

produces this:

    newtype TypeName = TypeName Word16 deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Num, Real, Integral, Bits, FiniteBits)

    instance Show TypeName where
        show (TypeName 0) = (\"ValuePrefix\" ++ "_A")
        show (TypeName 1) = (\"ValuePrefix\" ++ "_B")
        show (TypeName n_a5QI) = (\"DefaultConstructorName\" ++ (\" \" ++ show n_a5QI))

    pattern ValuePrefix_A :: TypeName
    pattern ValuePrefix_A = TypeName 0

    pattern ValuePrefix_B :: TypeName
    pattern ValuePrefix_B = TypeName 1

    pattern DefaultConstructorName :: Word16 -> TypeName
    pattern DefaultConstructorName n_a5QJ = TypeName n_a5QJ

    instance Binary (Le TypeName) where
        get = (Le \<$\> (TypeName \<$\> getWord16le))
        put (Le (TypeName n_a5QK)) = putWord16le n_a5QK

    instance Binary (Be TypeName) where
        get = (Be \<$\> (TypeName \<$\> getWord16be))
        put (Be (TypeName n_a5QL)) = putWord16be n_a5QL

-- | Operating system and ABI for which the object is prepared
$(mkDeclarations BaseWord8 "ElfOSABI" "ELFOSABI" "ELFOSABI_EXT"
    [ ("_SYSV",         0) -- No extensions or unspecified
    , ("_HPUX",         1) -- Hewlett-Packard HP-UX
    , ("_NETBSD",       2) -- NetBSD
    , ("_LINUX",        3) -- Linux
    , ("_SOLARIS",      6) -- Sun Solaris
    , ("_AIX",          7) -- AIX
    , ("_IRIX",         8) -- IRIX
    , ("_FREEBSD",      9) -- FreeBSD
    , ("_TRU64",       10) -- Compaq TRU64 UNIX
    , ("_MODESTO",     11) -- Novell Modesto
    , ("_OPENBSD",     12) -- Open BSD
    , ("_OPENVMS",     13) -- Open VMS
    , ("_NSK",         14) -- Hewlett-Packard Non-Stop Kernel
    , ("_AROS",        15) -- Amiga Research OS
    , ("_ARM",         97) -- ARM
    , ("_STANDALONE", 255) -- Standalone (embedded) application

-- | Object file type
$(mkDeclarations BaseWord16 "ElfType" "ET" "ET_EXT"
    [ ("_NONE", 0) -- Unspecified type
    , ("_REL",  1) -- Relocatable object file
    , ("_EXEC", 2) -- Executable object file
    , ("_DYN",  3) -- Shared object file
    , ("_CORE", 4) -- Core dump object file

-- | Target architecture
$(mkDeclarations BaseWord16 "ElfMachine" "EM" "EM_EXT"
    [ ("_NONE",         0) -- No machine
    , ("_M32",          1) -- AT&T WE 32100
    , ("_SPARC",        2) -- SPARC
    , ("_386",          3) -- Intel 80386
    , ("_68K",          4) -- Motorola 68000
    , ("_88K",          5) -- Motorola 88000
    , ("_486",          6) -- Intel i486 (DO NOT USE THIS ONE)
    , ("_860",          7) -- Intel 80860
    , ("_MIPS",         8) -- MIPS I Architecture
    , ("_S370",         9) -- IBM System/370 Processor
    , ("_MIPS_RS3_LE", 10) -- MIPS RS3000 Little-endian
    , ("_SPARC64",     11) -- SPARC 64-bit
    , ("_PARISC",      15) -- Hewlett-Packard PA-RISC
    , ("_VPP500",      17) -- Fujitsu VPP500
    , ("_SPARC32PLUS", 18) -- Enhanced instruction set SPARC
    , ("_960",         19) -- Intel 80960
    , ("_PPC",         20) -- PowerPC
    , ("_PPC64",       21) -- 64-bit PowerPC
    , ("_S390",        22) -- IBM System/390 Processor
    , ("_SPU",         23) -- Cell SPU
    , ("_V800",        36) -- NEC V800
    , ("_FR20",        37) -- Fujitsu FR20
    , ("_RH32",        38) -- TRW RH-32
    , ("_RCE",         39) -- Motorola RCE
    , ("_ARM",         40) -- Advanced RISC Machines ARM
    , ("_ALPHA",       41) -- Digital Alpha
    , ("_SH",          42) -- Hitachi SH
    , ("_SPARCV9",     43) -- SPARC Version 9
    , ("_TRICORE",     44) -- Siemens TriCore embedded processor
    , ("_ARC",         45) -- Argonaut RISC Core, Argonaut Technologies Inc.
    , ("_H8_300",      46) -- Hitachi H8/300
    , ("_H8_300H",     47) -- Hitachi H8/300H
    , ("_H8S",         48) -- Hitachi H8S
    , ("_H8_500",      49) -- Hitachi H8/500
    , ("_IA_64",       50) -- Intel IA-64 processor architecture
    , ("_MIPS_X",      51) -- Stanford MIPS-X
    , ("_COLDFIRE",    52) -- Motorola ColdFire
    , ("_68HC12",      53) -- Motorola M68HC12
    , ("_MMA",         54) -- Fujitsu MMA Multimedia Accelerator
    , ("_PCP",         55) -- Siemens PCP
    , ("_NCPU",        56) -- Sony nCPU embedded RISC processor
    , ("_NDR1",        57) -- Denso NDR1 microprocessor
    , ("_STARCORE",    58) -- Motorola Star*Core processor
    , ("_ME16",        59) -- Toyota ME16 processor
    , ("_ST100",       60) -- STMicroelectronics ST100 processor
    , ("_TINYJ",       61) -- Advanced Logic Corp. TinyJ embedded processor family
    , ("_X86_64",      62) -- AMD x86-64 architecture
    , ("_PDSP",        63) -- Sony DSP Processor
    , ("_FX66",        66) -- Siemens FX66 microcontroller
    , ("_ST9PLUS",     67) -- STMicroelectronics ST9+ 8/16 bit microcontroller
    , ("_ST7",         68) -- STMicroelectronics ST7 8-bit microcontroller
    , ("_68HC16",      69) -- Motorola MC68HC16 Microcontroller
    , ("_68HC11",      70) -- Motorola MC68HC11 Microcontroller
    , ("_68HC08",      71) -- Motorola MC68HC08 Microcontroller
    , ("_68HC05",      72) -- Motorola MC68HC05 Microcontroller
    , ("_SVX",         73) -- Silicon Graphics SVx
    , ("_ST19",        74) -- STMicroelectronics ST19 8-bit microcontroller
    , ("_VAX",         75) -- Digital VAX
    , ("_CRIS",        76) -- Axis Communications 32-bit embedded processor
    , ("_JAVELIN",     77) -- Infineon Technologies 32-bit embedded processor
    , ("_FIREPATH",    78) -- Element 14 64-bit DSP Processor
    , ("_ZSP",         79) -- LSI Logic 16-bit DSP Processor
    , ("_MMIX",        80) -- Donald Knuth's educational 64-bit processor
    , ("_HUANY",       81) -- Harvard University machine-independent object files
    , ("_PRISM",       82) -- SiTera Prism
    , ("_AVR",         83) -- Atmel AVR 8-bit microcontroller
    , ("_FR30",        84) -- Fujitsu FR30
    , ("_D10V",        85) -- Mitsubishi D10V
    , ("_D30V",        86) -- Mitsubishi D30V
    , ("_V850",        87) -- NEC v850
    , ("_M32R",        88) -- Mitsubishi M32R
    , ("_MN10300",     89) -- Matsushita MN10300
    , ("_MN10200",     90) -- Matsushita MN10200
    , ("_PJ",          91) -- picoJava
    , ("_OPENRISC",    92) -- OpenRISC 32-bit embedded processor
    , ("_ARC_A5",      93) -- ARC Cores Tangent-A5
    , ("_XTENSA",      94) -- Tensilica Xtensa Architecture
    , ("_VIDEOCORE",   95) -- Alphamosaic VideoCore processor
    , ("_TMM_GPP",     96) -- Thompson Multimedia General Purpose Processor
    , ("_NS32K",       97) -- National Semiconductor 32000 series
    , ("_TPC",         98) -- Tenor Network TPC processor
    , ("_SNP1K",       99) -- Trebia SNP 1000 processor
    , ("_ST200",      100) -- STMicroelectronics (www.st.com) ST200 microcontroller
    , ("_IP2K",       101) -- Ubicom IP2xxx microcontroller family
    , ("_MAX",        102) -- MAX Processor
    , ("_CR",         103) -- National Semiconductor CompactRISC microprocessor
    , ("_F2MC16",     104) -- Fujitsu F2MC16
    , ("_MSP430",     105) -- Texas Instruments embedded microcontroller msp430
    , ("_BLACKFIN",   106) -- Analog Devices Blackfin (DSP) processor
    , ("_SE_C33",     107) -- S1C33 Family of Seiko Epson processors
    , ("_SEP",        108) -- Sharp embedded microprocessor
    , ("_ARCA",       109) -- Arca RISC Microprocessor
    , ("_UNICORE",    110) -- Microprocessor series from PKU-Unity Ltd. and MPRC of Peking University
    , ("_AARCH64",    183) -- ELF for the Arm 64-bit Architecture (AArch64)

-- | Section type
$(mkDeclarations BaseWord32 "ElfSectionType" "SHT" "SHT_EXT"
    [ ("_NULL",     0) -- Identifies an empty section header.
    , ("_PROGBITS", 1) -- Contains information defined by the program
    , ("_SYMTAB",   2) -- Contains a linker symbol table
    , ("_STRTAB",   3) -- Contains a string table
    , ("_RELA",     4) -- Contains "Rela" type relocation entries
    , ("_HASH",     5) -- Contains a symbol hash table
    , ("_DYNAMIC",  6) -- Contains dynamic linking tables
    , ("_NOTE",     7) -- Contains note information
    , ("_NOBITS",   8) -- Contains uninitialized space; does not occupy any space in the file
    , ("_REL",      9) -- Contains "Rel" type relocation entries
    , ("_SHLIB",   10) -- Reserved
    , ("_DYNSYM",  11) -- Contains a dynamic loader symbol table

-- | Segment type
$(mkDeclarations BaseWord32 "ElfSegmentType" "PT" "PT_EXT"
    [ ("_NULL",    0) -- Unused entry
    , ("_LOAD",    1) -- Loadable segment
    , ("_DYNAMIC", 2) -- Dynamic linking tables
    , ("_INTERP",  3) -- Program interpreter path name
    , ("_NOTE",    4) -- Note section
    , ("_SHLIB",   5) -- Reserved
    , ("_PHDR",    6) -- Program header table

-- | Attributes of the section
$(mkDeclarations BaseWord64 "ElfSectionFlag" "SHF" "SHF_EXT"
    [ ("_WRITE",     1 `shiftL` 0) -- Section contains writable data
    , ("_ALLOC",     1 `shiftL` 1) -- Section is allocated in memory image of program
    , ("_EXECINSTR", 1 `shiftL` 2) -- Section contains executable instructions

-- | Attributes of the segment
$(mkDeclarations BaseWord32 "ElfSegmentFlag" "PF" "PF_EXT"
    [ ("_X", 1 `shiftL` 0) -- Execute permission
    , ("_W", 1 `shiftL` 1) -- Write permission
    , ("_R", 1 `shiftL` 2) -- Read permission

-- | Symbol type
$(mkDeclarations BaseWord8 "ElfSymbolType" "STT" "STT_EXT"
    [ ("_NoType",  0)
    , ("_Object",  1)
    , ("_Func",    2)
    , ("_Section", 3)
    , ("_File",    4)
    , ("_Common",  5)
    , ("_TLS",     6)
    , ("_LoOS",   10)
    , ("_HiOS",   12)
    , ("_LoProc", 13)
    , ("_HiProc", 15)

-- | Symbol binding
$(mkDeclarations BaseWord8 "ElfSymbolBinding" "STB" "STB_EXT"
    [ ("_Local",   0)
    , ("_Global",  1)
    , ("_Weak",    2)
    , ("_LoOS",   10)
    , ("_HiOS",   12)
    , ("_LoProc", 13)
    , ("_HiProc", 15)

-- | Section index
$(mkDeclarations BaseWord16 "ElfSectionIndex" "SHN" "SHN_EXT"
    [ ("_Undef",       0)
    , ("_LoProc", 0xFF00)
    , ("_HiProc", 0xFF1F)
    , ("_LoOS",   0xFF20)
    , ("_HiOS",   0xFF3F)
    , ("_Abs",    0xFFF1)
    , ("_Common", 0xFFF2)

-- | AARCH64 relocation type
$(mkDeclarations BaseWord32 "ElfRelocationType_AARCH64" "R_AARCH64" "R_AARCH64_EXT"

    -- Null relocation codes

    [ ("_NONE",  0  ) -- None
    , ("_NONE_", 256) -- None

    -- Data relocations

    , ("_ABS64",  257) -- S + A     | No overflow check
    , ("_ABS32",  258) -- S + A     | Check that -2^31 <= X < 2^32
    , ("_ABS16",  259) -- S + A     | Check that -2^15 <= X < 2^16
    , ("_PREL64", 260) -- S + A - P | No overflow check
    , ("_PREL32", 261) -- S + A - P | Check that -2^31 <= X < 2^32
    , ("_PREL16", 262) -- S + A - P | Check that -2^15 <= X < 2^16
    , ("_PLT32",  314) -- S + A - P | Check that -2^31 <= X < 2^31 see call and jump relocations

    -- Group relocations to create a 16-, 32-, 48-, or 64-bit unsigned data value or address inline

    , ("_MOVW_UABS_G0",    263) -- S + A | Set a MOV[KZ] immediate field to bits [15: 0] of X; check that 0 <= X < 2^16
    , ("_MOVW_UABS_G0_NC", 264) -- S + A | Set a MOV[KZ] immediate field to bits [15: 0] of X. No overflow check
    , ("_MOVW_UABS_G1",    265) -- S + A | Set a MOV[KZ] immediate field to bits [31:16] of X; check that 0 <= X < 2^32
    , ("_MOVW_UABS_G1_NC", 266) -- S + A | Set a MOV[KZ] immediate field to bits [31:16] of X. No overflow check
    , ("_MOVW_UABS_G2",    267) -- S + A | Set a MOV[KZ] immediate field to bits [47:32] of X; check that 0 <= X < 2^48
    , ("_MOVW_UABS_G2_NC", 268) -- S + A | Set a MOV[KZ] immediate field to bits [47:32] of X. No overflow check
    , ("_MOVW_UABS_G3",    269) -- S + A | Set a MOV[KZ] immediate field to bits [63:48] of X (no overflow check needed)

    -- Group relocations to create a 16, 32, 48, or 64 bit signed data or offset value inline

    , ("_MOVW_SABS_G0", 270) --  S + A | Set a MOV[NZ] immediate field using bits [15: 0] of X; check -2^16 <= X < 2^16
    , ("_MOVW_SABS_G1", 271) --  S + A | Set a MOV[NZ] immediate field using bits [31:16] of X; check -2^32 <= X < 2^32
    , ("_MOVW_SABS_G2", 272) --  S + A | Set a MOV[NZ] immediate field using bits [47:32] of X; check -2^48 <= X < 2^48

    -- Relocations to generate 19, 21 and 33 bit PC-relative addresses

    , ("_LD_PREL_LO19",        273) -- S + A - P             | Set a load-literal immediate value to bits [20:2] of X; check that -2^20 <= X < 2^20
    , ("_ADR_PREL_LO21",       274) -- S + A - P             | Set an ADR immediate value to bits [20:0] of X; check that -2^20 <= X < 2^20
    , ("_ADR_PREL_PG_HI21",    275) -- Page(S + A) - Page(P) | Set an ADRP immediate value to bits [32:12] of the X; check that -2^32 <= X < 2^32
    , ("_ADR_PREL_PG_HI21_NC", 276) -- Page(S + A) - Page(P) | Set an ADRP immediate value to bits [32:12] of the X. No overflow check
    , ("_ADD_ABS_LO12_NC",     277) -- S + A                 | Set an ADD immediate value to bits [11:0] of X. No overflow check. Used with relocations ADR_PREL_PG_HI21 and ADR_PREL_PG_HI21_NC
    , ("_LDST8_ABS_LO12_NC",   278) -- S + A                 | Set an LD/ST immediate value to bits [11:0] of X. No overflow check. Used with relocations ADR_PREL_PG_HI21 and ADR_PREL_PG_HI21_NC
    , ("_LDST16_ABS_LO12_NC",  284) -- S + A                 | Set an LD/ST immediate value to bits [11:1] of X. No overflow check
    , ("_LDST32_ABS_LO12_NC",  285) -- S + A                 | Set the LD/ST immediate value to bits [11:2] of X. No overflow check
    , ("_LDST64_ABS_LO12_NC",  286) -- S + A                 | Set the LD/ST immediate value to bits [11:3] of X. No overflow check
    , ("_LDST128_ABS_LO12_NC", 299) -- S + A                 | Set the LD/ST immediate value to bits [11:4] of X. No overflow check

    -- Relocations for control-flow instructions - all offsets are a multiple of 4

    , ("_TSTBR14",  279) -- S + A - P | Set the immediate field of a TBZ/TBNZ instruction to bits [15:2] of X; check -2^15 <= X < 2^15
    , ("_CONDBR19", 280) -- S + A - P | Set the immediate field of a conditional branch instruction to bits [20:2] of X; check -2^20 <= X< 2^20
    , ("_JUMP26",   282) -- S + A - P | Set a B immediate field to bits [27:2] of X; check that -2^27 <= X < 2^27
    , ("_CALL26",   283) -- S + A - P | Set a CALL immediate field to bits [27:2] of X; check that -2^27 <= X < 2^27

    -- Group relocations to create a 16, 32, 48, or 64 bit PC-relative offset inline

    , ("_MOVW_PREL_G0",    287) -- S + A - P | Set a MOV[NZ]immediate field to bits [15:0] of X
    , ("_MOVW_PREL_G0_NC", 288) -- S + A - P | Set a MOVK immediate field to bits [15:0] of X. No overflow check
    , ("_MOVW_PREL_G1",    289) -- S + A - P | Set a MOV[NZ]immediate field to bits [31:16] of X
    , ("_MOVW_PREL_G1_NC", 290) -- S + A - P | Set a MOVK immediate field to bits [31:16] of X. No overflow check
    , ("_MOVW_PREL_G2",    291) -- S + A - P | Set a MOV[NZ]immediate value to bits [47:32] of X
    , ("_MOVW_PREL_G2_NC", 292) -- S + A - P | Set a MOVK immediate field to bits [47:32] of X. No overflow check
    , ("_MOVW_PREL_G3",    293) -- S + A - P | Set a MOV[NZ]immediate value to bits [63:48] of X

    -- Group relocations to create a 16, 32, 48, or 64 bit GOT-relative offsets inline

    , ("_MOVW_GOTOFF_G0",    300) -- G(GDAT(S + A)) - GOT | Set a MOV[NZ] immediate field to bits [15:0] of X
    , ("_MOVW_GOTOFF_G0_NC", 301) -- G(GDAT(S + A)) - GOT | Set a MOVK immediate field to bits [15:0] of X. No overflow check
    , ("_MOVW_GOTOFF_G1",    302) -- G(GDAT(S + A)) - GOT | Set a MOV[NZ] immediate value to bits [31:16] of X
    , ("_MOVW_GOTOFF_G1_NC", 303) -- G(GDAT(S + A)) - GOT | Set a MOVK immediate value to bits [31:16] of X. No overflow check
    , ("_MOVW_GOTOFF_G2",    304) -- G(GDAT(S + A)) - GOT | Set a MOV[NZ] immediate value to bits [47:32] of X
    , ("_MOVW_GOTOFF_G2_NC", 305) -- G(GDAT(S + A)) - GOT | Set a MOVK immediate value to bits [47:32] of X. No overflow check
    , ("_MOVW_GOTOFF_G3",    306) -- G(GDAT(S + A)) - GOT | Set a MOV[NZ] immediate value to bits [63:48] of X

    -- GOT-relative data relocations

    , ("_GOTREL64", 307) -- S + A - GOT | Set the data to a 64-bit offset relative to the GOT.
    , ("_GOTREL32", 308) -- S + A - GOT | Set the data to a 32-bit offset relative to GOT, treated as signed; check that -2^31 <= X < 2^31

    -- GOT-relative instruction relocations

    , ("_GOT_LD_PREL19",     309) -- G(GDAT(S + A))- P             | Set a load-literal immediate field to bits [20:2] of X; check –2^20 <= X < 2^20
    , ("_LD64_GOTOFF_LO15",  310) -- G(GDAT(S + A))- GOT           | Set a LD/ST immediate field to bits [14:3] of X; check that 0 <= X < 2^15 , X&7 = 0
    , ("_ADR_GOT_PAGE",      311) -- Page(G(GDAT(S + A)))- Page(P) | Set the immediate value of an ADRP to bits [32:12] of X; check that –2^32 <= X < 2^32
    , ("_LD64_GOT_LO12_NC",  312) -- G(GDAT(S + A))                | Set the LD/ST immediate field to bits [11:3] of X. No overflow check; check that X&7 = 0
    , ("_LD64_GOTPAGE_LO15", 313) -- G(GDAT(S + A))- Page(GOT)     | Set the LD/ST immediate field to bits [14:3] of X; check that 0 <= X < 2^15, X&7 = 0

    -- Local Dynamic TLS relocations

    , ("_TLSLD_ADR_PREL21",             517) -- G(GLDM(S))) - P            | Set an ADR immediate field to  bits [20:0] of X; check –2^20 <= X < 2^20
    , ("_TLSLD_ADR_PAGE21",             518) -- Page(G(GLDM(S))) - Page(P) | Set an ADRP immediate field to bits [32:12] of X; check –2^32 <= X < 2^32
    , ("_TLSLD_ADD_LO12_NC",            519) -- G(GLDM(S))                 | Set an ADD immediate field to bits [11:0] of X. No overflow check
    , ("_TLSLD_MOVW_G1",                520) -- G(GLDM(S)) - GOT           | Set a MOV[NZ] immediate field to bits [31:16] of X
    , ("_TLSLD_MOVW_G0_NC",             521) -- G(GLDM(S)) - GOT           | Set a MOVK immediate field to bits [15:0] of X. No overflow check
    , ("_TLSLD_LD_PREL19",              522) -- G(GLDM(S)) - P             | Set a load-literal immediate field to bits [20:2] of X; check –2^20 <= X < 2^20
    , ("_TLSLD_MOVW_DTPREL_G2",         523) -- DTPREL(S+A)                | Set a MOV[NZ] immediate field to bits [47:32] of X
    , ("_TLSLD_MOVW_DTPREL_G1",         524) -- DTPREL(S+A)                | Set a MOV[NZ] immediate field to bits [31:16] of X
    , ("_TLSLD_MOVW_DTPREL_G1_NC",      525) -- DTPREL(S+A)                | Set a MOVK immediate field to bits [31:16] of X. No overflow check
    , ("_TLSLD_MOVW_DTPREL_G0",         526) -- DTPREL(S+A)                | Set a MOV[NZ] immediate field to bits [15:0] of X
    , ("_TLSLD_MOVW_DTPREL_G0_NC",      527) -- DTPREL(S+A)                | Set a MOVK immediate field to bits [15:0] of X. No overflow check
    , ("_TLSLD_ADD_DTPREL_HI12",        528) -- DTPREL(S+A)                | Set an ADD immediate field to bits [23:12] of X; check 0 <= X < 2^24
    , ("_TLSLD_ADD_DTPREL_LO12",        529) -- DTPREL(S+A)                | Set an ADD immediate field to bits [11:0] of X; check 0 <= X < 2^12
    , ("_TLSLD_ADD_DTPREL_LO12_NC",     530) -- DTPREL(S+A)                | Set an ADD immediate field to bits [11:0] of X. No overflow check
    , ("_TLSLD_LDST8_DTPREL_LO12",      531) -- DTPREL(S+A)                | Set a LD/ST offset field to bits [11:0] of X; check 0 <= X < 2^12
    , ("_TLSLD_LDST8_DTPREL_LO12_NC",   532) -- DTPREL(S+A)                | Set a LD/ST offset field to bits [11:0] of X. No overflow check
    , ("_TLSLD_LDST16_DTPREL_LO12",     533) -- DTPREL(S+A)                | Set a LD/ST offset field to bits [11:1] of X; check 0 <= X < 2^12
    , ("_TLSLD_LDST16_DTPREL_LO12_NC",  534) -- DTPREL(S+A)                | Set a LD/ST offset field to bits [11:1] of X. No overflow check
    , ("_TLSLD_LDST32_DTPREL_LO12",     535) -- DTPREL(S+A)                | Set a LD/ST offset field to bits [11:2] of X; check 0 <= X < 2^12
    , ("_TLSLD_LDST32_DTPREL_LO12_NC",  536) -- DTPREL(S+A)                | Set a LD/ST offset field to bits [11:2] of X. No overflow check
    , ("_TLSLD_LDST64_DTPREL_LO12",     537) -- DTPREL(S+A)                | Set a LD/ST offset field to bits [11:3] of X; check 0 <= X < 2^12
    , ("_TLSLD_LDST64_DTPREL_LO12_NC",  538) -- DTPREL(S+A)                | Set a LD/ST offset field to bits [11:3] of X. No overflow check
    , ("_TLSLD_LDST128_DTPREL_LO12",    572) -- DTPREL(S+A)                | Set a LD/ST offset field to bits [11:4] of X; check 0 <= X < 2^12
    , ("_TLSLD_LDST128_DTPREL_LO12_NC", 573) -- DTPREL(S+A)                | Set a LD/ST offset field to bits [11:4] of X. No overflow check

    -- Initial Exec TLS relocations

    , ("_TLSIE_MOVW_GOTTPREL_G1",      539) -- G(GTPREL(S+A)) -               | GOT Set a MOV[NZ] immediate field to bits [31:16] of X
    , ("_TLSIE_MOVW_GOTTPREL_G0_NC",   540) -- G(GTPREL(S+A)) -               | GOT Set MOVK immediate to bits [15:0] of X. No overflow check
    , ("_TLSIE_ADR_GOTTPREL_PAGE21",   541) -- Page(G(GTPREL(S+A))) - Page(P) | Set an ADRP immediate field to bits [32:12] of X; check –2^32 <= X < 2^32
    , ("_TLSIE_LD64_GOTTPREL_LO12_NC", 542) -- G(GTPREL(S+A))                 | Set an LD offset field to bits [11:3] of X. No overflow check; check that X&7=0
    , ("_TLSIE_LD_GOTTPREL_PREL19",    543) -- G(GTPREL(S+A)) - P             | Set a load-literal immediate to bits [20:2] of X; check –2^20 <= X < 2^20

    -- Local Exec TLS relocations

    , ("_TLSLE_MOVW_TPREL_G2",         544) -- TPREL(S+A) | Set a MOV[NZ] immediate field to bits [47:32] of X
    , ("_TLSLE_MOVW_TPREL_G1",         545) -- TPREL(S+A) | Set a MOV[NZ] immediate field to bits [31:16] of X
    , ("_TLSLE_MOVW_TPREL_G1_NC",      546) -- TPREL(S+A) | Set a MOVK immediate field to bits [31:16] of X. No overflow check
    , ("_TLSLE_MOVW_TPREL_G0",         547) -- TPREL(S+A) | Set a MOV[NZ] immediate field to bits [15:0] of X
    , ("_TLSLE_MOVW_TPREL_G0_NC",      548) -- TPREL(S+A) | Set a MOVK immediate field to bits [15:0] of X. No overflow check
    , ("_TLSLE_ADD_TPREL_HI12",        549) -- TPREL(S+A) | Set an ADD immediate field to bits [23:12] of X; check 0 <= X < 2^24
    , ("_TLSLE_ADD_TPREL_LO12",        550) -- TPREL(S+A) | Set an ADD immediate field to bits [11:0] of X; check 0 <= X < 2^12
    , ("_TLSLE_ADD_TPREL_LO12_NC",     551) -- TPREL(S+A) | Set an ADD immediate field to bits [11:0] of X. No overflow check
    , ("_TLSLE_LDST8_TPREL_LO12",      552) -- TPREL(S+A) | Set a LD/ST offset field to bits [11:0] of X; check 0 <= X < 2^12
    , ("_TLSLE_LDST8_TPREL_LO12_NC",   553) -- TPREL(S+A) | Set a LD/ST offset field to bits [11:0] of X. No overflow check
    , ("_TLSLE_LDST16_TPREL_LO12",     554) -- TPREL(S+A) | Set a LD/ST offset field to bits [11:1] of X; check 0 <= X < 2^12
    , ("_TLSLE_LDST16_TPREL_LO12_NC",  555) -- TPREL(S+A) | Set a LD/ST offset field to bits [11:1] of X. No overflow check
    , ("_TLSLE_LDST32_TPREL_LO12",     556) -- TPREL(S+A) | Set a LD/ST offset field to bits [11:2] of X; check 0 <= X < 2^12
    , ("_TLSLE_LDST32_TPREL_LO12_NC",  557) -- TPREL(S+A) | Set a LD/ST offset field to bits [11:2] of X. No overflow check
    , ("_TLSLE_LDST64_TPREL_LO12",     558) -- TPREL(S+A) | Set a LD/ST offset field to bits [11:3] of X; check 0 <= X < 2^12
    , ("_TLSLE_LDST64_TPREL_LO12_NC",  559) -- TPREL(S+A) | Set a LD/ST offset field to bits [11:3] of X. No overflow check
    , ("_TLSLE_LDST128_TPREL_LO12",    570) -- TPREL(S+A) | Set a LD/ST offset field to bits [11:4] of X; check 0 <= X < 2^12
    , ("_TLSLE_LDST128_TPREL_LO12_NC", 571) -- TPREL(S+A) | Set a LD/ST offset field to bits [11:4] of X. No overflow check

    -- TLS descriptor relocations

    , ("_TLSDESC_LD_PREL19",  560) -- G(GTLSDESC(S+A)) - P             | Set a load-literal immediate to bits [20:2]; check -2^20 <= X < 2^20 ; check X & 3 = 0
    , ("_TLSDESC_ADR_PREL21", 561) -- G(GTLSDESC(S+A)) - P             | Set an ADR immediate field to bits [20:0]; check -2^20 <= X < 2^20
    , ("_TLSDESC_ADR_PAGE21", 562) -- Page(G(GTLSDESC(S+A))) - Page(P) | Set an ADRP immediate field to bits [32:12] of X; check -2^32 <= X < 2^32
    , ("_TLSDESC_LD64_LO12",  563) -- G(GTLSDESC(S+A))                 | Set an LD offset field to bits [11:3] of X. No overflow check; check X & 7 = 0.
    , ("_TLSDESC_ADD_LO12",   564) -- G(GTLSDESC(S+A))                 | Set an ADD immediate field to bits [11:0] of X. No overflow check.
    , ("_TLSDESC_OFF_G1",     565) -- G(GTLSDESC(S+A)) - GOT           | Set a MOV[NZ] immediate field to bits [31:16] of X; check -2^32 <= X < 2^32.
    , ("_TLSDESC_OFF_G0_NC",  566) -- G(GTLSDESC(S+A)) - GOT           | Set a MOVK immediate field to bits [15:0] of X. No overflow check.
    , ("_TLSDESC_LDR",        567) -- None                             | For relaxation only. Must be used to identify an LDR instruction which loads the TLS descriptor function pointer for S + A if it has no other relocation.
    , ("_TLSDESC_ADD",        568) -- None                             | For relaxation only. Must be used to identify an ADD instruction which computes the address of the TLS Descriptor for S + A if it has no other relocation.
    , ("_TLSDESC_CALL",       569) -- None                             | For relaxation only. Must be used to identify a BLR instruction which performs an indirect call to the TLS descriptor function for S + A.

    -- Dynamic relocations

    , ("_COPY",       1024) --
    , ("_GLOB_DAT",   1025) -- S + A
    , ("_JUMP_SLOT",  1026) -- S + A
    , ("_RELATIVE",   1027) -- Delta(S + A)
    , ("_TLS_DTPMOD", 1028) -- DTPREL(S + A)
    , ("_TLS_DTPREL", 1029) -- LDM(S)
    , ("_TLS_TPREL",  1030) -- TPREL(S + A)
    , ("_TLSDESC",    1031) -- TLSDESC(S + A)
    , ("_IRELATIVE",  1032) -- Indirect(Delta(S) + A)
