{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

Module      : Database.Memcache.Server
Description : Server Handling
Copyright   : (c) David Terei, 2016
License     : BSD
Maintainer  : code@davidterei.com
Stability   : stable
Portability : GHC

Handles the connections between a Memcached client and a single server.

Memcached expected errors (part of protocol) are returned in the Response,
unexpected errors (e.g., network failure) are thrown as exceptions. While
the Server datatype supports a `failed` and `failedAt` flag for managing
retries, it's up to consumers to use this.
module Database.Memcache.Server (
      -- * Server
        Server(sid, failed), newServer, sendRecv, withSocket, close
    ) where

import Database.Memcache.SASL
import Database.Memcache.Socket

import Control.Exception
import Data.Hashable
import Data.IORef
import Data.Pool
import Data.Time.Clock (NominalDiffTime)
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (POSIXTime)

import Network.BSD (getProtocolNumber, getHostByName, hostAddress)
import Network.Socket (HostName, PortNumber(..))
import qualified Network.Socket as S

-- Connection pool constants.
-- TODO: make configurable
sKEEPALIVE :: NominalDiffTime
sSTRIPES     = 1

-- | Memcached server connection.
data Server = Server {
        -- | ID of server for consistent hashing.
        sid      :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int,
        -- | Connection pool to server.
        pool     :: Pool Socket,
        -- | Hostname of server.
        addr     :: !HostName,
        -- | Port number of server.
        port     :: !PortNumber,
        -- | Credentials for server.
        auth     :: !Authentication,
        -- | When did the server fail? 0 if it is alive.
        failed   :: IORef POSIXTime

        -- TODO: 
        -- weight   :: Double
        -- tansport :: Transport (UDP vs. TCP)
        -- poolLim  :: Int (pooled connection limit)
        -- cnxnBuf   :: IORef ByteString

instance Show Server where
  show Server{..} =
    "Server [" ++ show sid ++ "] " ++ addr ++ ":" ++ show port

instance Eq Server where
    (==) x y = sid x == sid y

instance Ord Server where
    compare x y = compare (sid x) (sid y)

-- | Create a new Memcached server connection.
newServer :: HostName -> PortNumber -> Authentication -> IO Server
newServer host port auth = do
    fat <- newIORef 0
    pSock <- createPool connectSocket releaseSocket
    return Server
        { sid      = serverHash
        , pool     = pSock
        , addr     = host
        , port     = port
        , auth     = auth
        , failed   = fat
    serverHash = hash (host, fromEnum port)

    connectSocket = do
        proto <- getProtocolNumber "tcp"
            (S.socket S.AF_INET S.Stream proto)
            (\s -> do
                h <- getHostByName host
                S.connect s (S.SockAddrInet port $ hostAddress h)
                S.setSocketOption s S.KeepAlive 1
                S.setSocketOption s S.NoDelay 1
                authenticate s auth
                return s

    releaseSocket = S.close

-- | Send and receive a single request/response pair to the Memcached server.
sendRecv :: Server -> Request -> IO Response
{-# INLINE sendRecv #-}
sendRecv svr msg = withSocket svr $ \s -> do
    send s msg
    recv s

-- | Run a function with access to an server socket for using 'send' and
-- 'recv'.
withSocket :: Server -> (Socket -> IO a) -> IO a
{-# INLINE withSocket #-}
withSocket svr = withResource $ pool svr

-- | Close the server connection. If you perform another operation after this,
-- the connection will be re-established.
close :: Server -> IO ()
{-# INLINE close #-}
close srv = destroyAllResources $ pool srv