-- Copyright (c) 2013, GREE, Inc. All rights reserved.
-- authors: Kiyoshi Ikehara <kiyoshi.ikehara@gree.net>

{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}

{- | This is a utility module for client application.
module Network.Memcache.Client (
  , StatsList
  , Nodekey
  , Key(..)
  , Value(..)
  , openClient
  , closeClient
  , clientNodekey
  , clientSocket
  -- Utility
  , withClient
  , withClients
  , forEachClient
  -- Query Operations
  , set
  , setEx
  , cas
  , casEx
  , add
  , addEx
  , replace
  , replaceEx
  , get
  , gets
  , delete
  , incr
  , decr
  -- Other Operations
  , flushAll
  , stats
  , statsWithArgs
  ) where

import Prelude hiding (catch)
import System.IO
import Network
import Data.List.Split
import Control.Exception
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Word
import Data.Hashable

import Network.Memcache.Types
import Network.Memcache.Op
import Network.Memcache.Response
import Network.Memcache.IO

{- | Client is a handler corresponding to a memcached session.
data Client = MemcachedClient {
    -- | Get the hostname and port pair from a handler
    clientNodekey :: String
    -- | Get the socket from a handler
  , clientSocket :: Handle

{- | Key class
class (Hashable a) => Key a where
  toBS :: a -> BS.ByteString

instance Key String where
  toBS = BS.pack

instance Key BS.ByteString where
  toBS k = k

{- | Value class
class Value a where
  serializeValue :: a -> BS.ByteString
  deserializeValue :: BS.ByteString -> Either String a

instance Value String where
  serializeValue = BS.pack
  deserializeValue v = Right (BS.unpack v)

instance Value BS.ByteString where
  serializeValue v = v
  deserializeValue v = Right v

{- | Open a client session and return a client handler.
openClient :: (MonadIO m)
              => Nodekey          -- ^ node key (eg. \"\")
              -> m (Maybe Client) -- ^ client handler
openClient nodekey = case hostnameAndPort nodekey of
  Just (hostname, port) -> do
    socket <- liftIO $ connectTo hostname (PortNumber (fromIntegral port))
    return $ Just $ MemcachedClient nodekey socket
  Nothing -> return Nothing

{- | Close a client session.
closeClient :: (MonadIO m)
               => Client -- ^ a client handler
               -> m ()
closeClient client = liftIO $ do
    closeClient' `catch` ignoreException ()
    hClose hSocket
    hSocket = clientSocket client

    closeClient' = do
      BS.hPutStr hSocket $ BS.pack "quit\r\n"
      hFlush hSocket

{- | Connect and execute an action.
withClient :: Nodekey                     -- ^ a node
              -> (Client -> IO (Maybe a)) -- ^ an action to be executed with a memcache session
              -> IO (Maybe a)             -- ^ the result of the given action
withClient nodekey = withClients [nodekey]

{- | Connect to one of given hosts and execute an action.

> import Network.Memcache
> main = do
>   mValue <- withClient "" $ \client -> get client "key"
>   case mValue of
>     Nothing -> putStrLn "(no value)"
>     Just value -> putStrLn value

Note that this function doesn't retry the action when it fails.

withClients :: [Nodekey]                   -- ^ a node list
               -> (Client -> IO (Maybe a)) -- ^ an action to be executed with a memcache session
               -> IO (Maybe a)             -- ^ the result of the given action
withClients nodekeys act = bracket (allocate nodekeys) release invoke
    allocate :: [Nodekey] -> IO (Maybe Client)
    allocate [] = return Nothing
    allocate (n:ns) = do
      r <- openClient n `catch` ignoreException Nothing
      case r of
        Nothing -> allocate ns
        client -> return client

    release client = case client of
      Just c -> closeClient c
      Nothing -> return ()

    invoke client = case client of
      Just c -> act c
      Nothing -> return Nothing

{- | Connect to the given hosts one by one and execute the action for each client.

If you'd like to clear all the data in your cluster, you can use this function to issue \"flush_all\" command to each memcache node.

>  main = do
>    ret <- forEachClient ["", ""] $ flushAll
>    print ret

forEachClient :: [Nodekey]                   -- ^ a node list
                 -> (Client -> IO (Maybe a)) -- ^ an action to be executed with a memcache session
                 -> IO ([Maybe a])           -- ^ the result of the given action
forEachClient clients act = do
  mapM (\c -> withClient c act) clients

-------------------------------- Query Operations

{- | Set an item
set :: (MonadIO m, Key k, Value v)
       => Client -- ^ a client handler
       -> k      -- ^ a key
       -> v      -- ^ a value
       -> m Bool -- ^ true if the value has been stored
set = set' SetOp

{- | Set an item with exptime
setEx :: (MonadIO m, Key k, Value v)
       => Client -- ^ a client handler
       -> k      -- ^ a key
       -> v      -- ^ a value
       -> Word64 -- ^ exptime
       -> m Bool -- ^ true if the value has been stored
setEx = opEx SetOp

-- a helper function without exptime
set' :: (MonadIO m, Key k, Value v) => (BS.ByteString -> Word32 -> Word64 -> Word64 -> BS.ByteString -> [Option] -> Op) -> Client -> k -> v -> m Bool
set' op client key0 value0 = opEx op client key0 value0 0

-- a helper function with exptime
opEx :: (MonadIO m, Key k, Value v) => (BS.ByteString -> Word32 -> Word64 -> Word64 -> BS.ByteString -> [Option] -> Op) -> Client -> k -> v -> Word64 -> m Bool
opEx op client key0 value0 exptime = do
  let socket = clientSocket client
      key = toBS key0
      value = serializeValue value0
  resp <- liftIO $ do
    send socket $ op key 0 exptime (fromIntegral $ BS.length value) value []
    recv socket :: IO (Maybe Response)
  return (resp == Just Stored)

{- | Cas an item
cas :: (MonadIO m, Key k, Value v)
       => Client -- ^ a client handler
       -> k      -- ^ a key
       -> v      -- ^ a value
       -> Word64 -- ^ a version number got by gets command
       -> m Bool -- ^ true if the value has been stored
cas client key value version = set' (\k f e b v o -> CasOp k f e b version v o) client key value

{- | Cas an item with exptime
casEx :: (MonadIO m, Key k, Value v)
       => Client -- ^ a client handler
       -> k      -- ^ a key
       -> v      -- ^ a value
       -> Word64 -- ^ a version number got by gets command
       -> Word64 -- ^ exptime
       -> m Bool -- ^ true if the value has been stored
casEx client key value version exptime = opEx (\k f e b v o -> CasOp k f e b version v o) client key value exptime

{- | Add an item
add :: (MonadIO m, Key k, Value v)
       => Client -- ^ a client handler
       -> k      -- ^ a key
       -> v      -- ^ a value
       -> m Bool
add = set' AddOp

{- | Add an item with exptime
addEx :: (MonadIO m, Key k, Value v)
       => Client -- ^ a client handler
       -> k      -- ^ a key
       -> v      -- ^ a value
       -> Word64 -- ^ exptime
       -> m Bool
addEx = opEx AddOp

{- | Replace an item
replace :: (MonadIO m, Key k, Value v)
           => Client -- ^ a client handler
           -> k      -- ^ a key
           -> v      -- ^ a value
           -> m Bool -- ^ true if the value has been stored
replace = set' ReplaceOp

{- | Replace an item with exptime
replaceEx :: (MonadIO m, Key k, Value v)
           => Client -- ^ a client handler
           -> k      -- ^ a key
           -> v      -- ^ a value
           -> Word64 -- ^ exptime
           -> m Bool -- ^ true if the value has been stored
replaceEx = opEx ReplaceOp

{- | Get an item
get :: (MonadIO m, Key k, Value v)
       => Client       -- ^ a client handler
       -> k            -- ^ a key
       -> m (Maybe v)  -- ^ the value corresponding to the given key
get client key0 = do
  let socket = clientSocket client
      key = toBS key0
      op = GetOp [key]
  resp <- liftIO $ do
    send socket op
    values <- retrieve socket
    case values of
      ((Value _ _ _ value _):_) -> case deserializeValue value of
        Right v -> return (Just v)
        Left _ -> return (Nothing)
      _ -> return (Nothing)
  return (resp)

-- a helper function
retrieve :: Handle -> IO ([Response])
retrieve h = do
  ret <- retrieve'
  return (reverse ret)
    retrieve' = do
      resp <- recv h :: IO (Maybe Response)
      case resp of
        Just value@(Value {}) -> do
          values <- retrieve h
          return (value:values)
        Just End -> return ([])
        _ -> return ([])

{- | Get an item and its version
gets :: (MonadIO m, Key k, Value v)
        => Client                -- ^ a client handler
        -> k                     -- ^ a key
        -> m (Maybe (v, Word64)) -- ^ the value and version pair corresponding to the key
gets client key0 = do
  let socket = clientSocket client
      key = toBS key0
      op = GetsOp [key]
  resp <- liftIO $ do
    send socket op
    values <- retrieve socket
    case values of
      ((Value _ _ _ value (Just version)):_) -> case deserializeValue value of
        Right v -> return (Just (v, version))
        Left _ -> return (Nothing)
      _ -> return (Nothing)
  return (resp)

{- | Delete an item
delete :: (MonadIO m, Key k)
          => Client -- ^ a client handler
          -> k      -- ^ a key
          -> m Bool -- ^ true if the item has been deleted
delete client key0 = do
  let socket = clientSocket client
      key = toBS key0
  resp <- liftIO $ do
    send socket $ DeleteOp key []
    recv socket :: IO (Maybe Response)
  return (resp == Just Deleted)

{- | Increment an item
incr :: (MonadIO m, Key k)
        => Client        -- ^ a client handler
        -> k             -- ^ a key
        -> Int           -- ^ delta
        -> m (Maybe Int) -- ^ a resulted value
incr client key0 value = do
  let socket = clientSocket client
      key = toBS key0
  resp <- liftIO $ do
    send socket $ IncrOp key (fromIntegral value) []
    recv socket :: IO (Maybe Response)
  case resp of
    Just (Code value') -> return (Just $ fromIntegral value')
    _ -> return (Nothing)

{- | Decrement an item
decr :: (MonadIO m, Key k)
        => Client        -- ^ a client handler
        -> k             -- ^ a key
        -> Int           -- ^ delta
        -> m (Maybe Int) -- ^ a resulted value
decr client key0 value = do
  let socket = clientSocket client
      key = toBS key0
  resp <- liftIO $ do
    send socket $ DecrOp key (fromIntegral value) []
    recv socket :: IO (Maybe Response)
  case resp of
    Just (Code value') -> return (Just $ fromIntegral value')
    _ -> return (Nothing)

-- Other Operations

{- | Flush all items
flushAll :: (MonadIO m)
            => Client             -- ^ a client handler
            -> m (Maybe Response) -- ^ OK if all items has been removed
flushAll client = do
  let socket = clientSocket client
      op = FlushAllOp
  liftIO $ send socket op
  resp <- liftIO $ do
    recv socket :: IO (Maybe Response)
  return (resp)

{- | Acquire statistic information

To get each statistic value from the resulted list, use "Network.Memcache.Stats" module.

stats :: (MonadIO m)
         => Client        -- ^ a client handler
         -> m (StatsList) -- ^ a property list
stats client = statsWithArgs client []

{- | Acquire statistic information with arguments

To get each statistic value from the resulted list, use "Network.Memcache.Stats" module.

statsWithArgs :: (MonadIO m)
                 => Client        -- ^ a client handler
                 -> [String]      -- ^ arguments
                 -> m (StatsList) -- ^ a property list
statsWithArgs client args = do
  let socket = clientSocket client
  liftIO $ send socket $ StatsOp (map BS.pack args)
  resp <- getResponse socket []    
  return (Prelude.reverse resp)
    getResponse sock result = do
      resp <- liftIO $ recv sock
      case resp of
        Just (Stat statName statValue) -> getResponse sock ((BS.unpack statName, BS.unpack statValue):result)
        Just End -> return (result)
        _ -> getResponse sock result


hostnameAndPort :: String -> Maybe (String, Int)
hostnameAndPort nk = case Data.List.Split.splitOn ":" nk of
  (hostname:port:[]) -> Just (hostname, (read port :: Int))
  _ -> Nothing

ignoreException :: a -> SomeException -> IO a
ignoreException ret _e = return ret