-- Copyright (c) 2013, GREE, Inc. All rights reserved.
-- authors: Kiyoshi Ikehara <kiyoshi.ikehara@gree.net>

{-| Statistic information

Please refer to <https://github.com/memcached/memcached/blob/master/doc/protocol.txt> for detail.
module Network.Memcache.Stats (
  , getPid
  , getUptime
  , getTime
  , getVersion
  , getPointerSize
  , getRusageUser
  , getRusageSystem
  , getCurrItems
  , getTotalItems
  , getBytes
  , getCurrConnections
  , getTotalConnections
  , getConnectionStructures
  , getCmdGet
  , getCmdSet
  , getGetHits
  , getGetMisses
  , getEvictions
  , getBytesRead
  , getBytesWritten
  , getLimitMaxbytes
  , getThreads
  ) where

import Data.Int
import Data.Word
import Data.List.Split

import Network.Memcache.Client

  get any stats value as a string
getValue :: String -> StatsList -> Maybe String
getValue key statsList = lookup key statsList

  pid (32u)
getPid :: StatsList -> Maybe Word32
getPid = getValueAs "pid"

  uptime (32u)
getUptime :: StatsList -> Maybe Word32
getUptime = getValueAs "uptime"

  time (32u)
  unix time
getTime :: StatsList -> Maybe Word32
getTime = getValueAs "time"

  version (string)
getVersion :: StatsList -> Maybe String
getVersion = getValue "version"

  pointer_size (32)
getPointerSize :: StatsList -> Maybe Int32
getPointerSize = getValueAs "pointer_size"

  rusage_user (32u.32u)
getRusageUser :: StatsList -> Maybe (Word32, Word32)
getRusageUser sl = do
  ru <- getValue "rusage_user" sl
  case splitOn "." ru of
    (second:microsec:[]) -> return (read second, read microsec)
    _ -> fail "invalid rusage_user"

  rusage_system (32u.32u)
getRusageSystem :: StatsList -> Maybe (Word32, Word32)
getRusageSystem sl = do
  ru <- getValue "rusage_system" sl
  case splitOn "." ru of
    (second:microsec:[]) -> return (read second, read microsec)
    _ -> fail "invalid rusage_system"

  curr_items (32u)
getCurrItems :: StatsList -> Maybe Word64
getCurrItems = getValueAs "curr_items"

  total_items (32u)
getTotalItems :: StatsList -> Maybe Word64
getTotalItems = getValueAs "total_items"

  bytes (64u)
getBytes :: StatsList -> Maybe Word64
getBytes = getValueAs "bytes"

  curr_connections (32u)
getCurrConnections :: StatsList -> Maybe Word32
getCurrConnections = getValueAs "curr_connections"

  total_connections (32u)
getTotalConnections :: StatsList -> Maybe Word32
getTotalConnections = getValueAs "total_connections"

  connection_structures (32u)
getConnectionStructures :: StatsList -> Maybe Word32
getConnectionStructures = getValueAs "connection_structures"

-- reserved_fds

  cmd_get (64u)
getCmdGet :: StatsList -> Maybe Word64
getCmdGet = getValueAs "cmd_get"

  cmd_set (64u)
getCmdSet :: StatsList -> Maybe Word64
getCmdSet = getValueAs "cmd_set"

  get_hits (64u)
getGetHits :: StatsList -> Maybe Word64
getGetHits = getValueAs "get_hits"

  get_misses (64u)
getGetMisses :: StatsList -> Maybe Word64
getGetMisses = getValueAs "get_misses"

  evictions (64u)
getEvictions :: StatsList -> Maybe Word64
getEvictions = getValueAs "evictions"

  bytes_read (64u)
getBytesRead :: StatsList -> Maybe Word64
getBytesRead = getValueAs "bytes_read"

  bytes_written (64u)
getBytesWritten :: StatsList -> Maybe Word64
getBytesWritten = getValueAs "bytes_written"

  limit_maxbytes (32u)
getLimitMaxbytes :: StatsList -> Maybe Word64
getLimitMaxbytes = getValueAs "limit_maxbytes"

  threads (32u)
getThreads :: StatsList -> Maybe Word32
getThreads = getValueAs "threads"


getValueAs :: (Read a) => String -> StatsList -> Maybe a
getValueAs key statsList = do
  value <- getValue key statsList
  return (read value)