{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} module Main (main) where import qualified Codec.Picture as Picture import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import Data.Monoid import qualified Data.Vector as V import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as VS import Data.Version import Options.Applicative import Menoh import System.FilePath import Text.Printf import Paths_menoh (getDataDir) main :: IO () main = do putStrLn "mnist example" dataDir <- getDataDir opt <- execParser (parserInfo (dataDir "data")) let input_dir = optInputPath opt image_filenames = [ "0.png" , "1.png" , "2.png" , "3.png" , "4.png" , "5.png" , "6.png" , "7.png" , "8.png" , "9.png" ] batch_size = length image_filenames channel_num = 1 height = 28 width = 28 category_num = 10 input_dims, output_dims :: Dims input_dims = [batch_size, channel_num, height, width] output_dims = [batch_size, category_num] images <- forM image_filenames $ \fname -> do ret <- Picture.readImage $ input_dir fname case ret of Left e -> error e Right img -> return $ convert width height img -- Aliases to onnx's node input and output tensor name let mnist_in_name = "139900320569040" mnist_out_name = "139898462888656" -- Load ONNX model data model_data <- makeModelDataFromONNX (optModelPath opt) -- Specify inputs and outputs vpt <- makeVariableProfileTable [(mnist_in_name, DTypeFloat, input_dims)] [(mnist_out_name, DTypeFloat)] model_data optimizeModelData model_data vpt -- Construct computation primitive list and memories model <- makeModel vpt model_data "mkldnn" -- Copy input image data to model's input array writeBuffer model mnist_in_name images -- Run inference run model -- Get output (vs :: [V.Vector Float]) <- readBuffer model mnist_out_name forM_ (zip vs image_filenames) $ \(scores,fname) -> do let j = V.maxIndex scores s = scores V.! j printf "%s = %d : %f\n" fname j s -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- data Options = Options { optInputPath :: FilePath , optModelPath :: FilePath } optionsParser :: FilePath -> Parser Options optionsParser dataDir = Options <$> inputPathOption <*> modelPathOption where inputPathOption = strOption $ long "input" <> short 'i' <> metavar "DIR" <> help "input image path" <> value dataDir <> showDefault modelPathOption = strOption $ long "model" <> short 'm' <> metavar "PATH" <> help "onnx model path" <> value (dataDir "mnist.onnx") <> showDefault parserInfo :: FilePath -> ParserInfo Options parserInfo dir = info (helper <*> versionOption <*> optionsParser dir) $ fullDesc <> header "mnist_example - an example program of Menoh haskell binding" where versionOption :: Parser (a -> a) versionOption = infoOption (showVersion version) $ hidden <> long "version" <> help "Show version" -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- convert :: Int -> Int -> Picture.DynamicImage -> VS.Vector Float convert w h = reorderToNCHW . resize (w,h) . crop . Picture.convertRGB8 crop :: Picture.Pixel a => Picture.Image a -> Picture.Image a crop img = Picture.generateImage (\x y -> Picture.pixelAt img (base_x + x) (base_y + y)) shortEdge shortEdge where shortEdge = min (Picture.imageWidth img) (Picture.imageHeight img) base_x = (Picture.imageWidth img - shortEdge) `div` 2 base_y = (Picture.imageHeight img - shortEdge) `div` 2 -- TODO: Should we do some kind of interpolation? resize :: Picture.Pixel a => (Int,Int) -> Picture.Image a -> Picture.Image a resize (w,h) img = Picture.generateImage (\x y -> Picture.pixelAt img (x * orig_w `div` w) (y * orig_h `div` h)) w h where orig_w = Picture.imageWidth img orig_h = Picture.imageHeight img reorderToNCHW :: Picture.Image Picture.PixelRGB8 -> VS.Vector Float reorderToNCHW img = VS.generate (Picture.imageHeight img * Picture.imageWidth img) f where f i = case Picture.pixelAt img x y of Picture.PixelRGB8 r g b -> (fromIntegral r + fromIntegral g + fromIntegral b) / 3 where (y,x) = i `divMod` Picture.imageWidth img -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------