{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
Module      : Data.MessagePack
Description : Object data type with Serialize instances for it
Copyright   : (c) Rodrigo Setti, 2014
License     : MIT
Maintainer  : rodrigosetti@gmail.com
Stability   : experimental
Portability : portable

@Object@ is a message pack object, and it have constructors for all message
pack types.

The @Serialize@ instances define how Object values may be serialized and
deserialized to message pack binary format, following the specification.
module Data.MessagePack where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
import Control.Monad
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Data.Bits
import Data.Int
import Data.MessagePack.Spec
import Data.Serialize
import Data.Word
import qualified Data.ByteString  as BS
import qualified Data.Map as M

data Object = ObjectNil
            -- | Unsigned integers from the MsgPack protocol: uint 8, uint 16, uint 32, uint 64
            | ObjectUInt   Word64
            -- | Signed integers and fixnums from the MsgPack protocol: positive fixnum, negative fixnum, int 8, int 16, int 32, int 64
            | ObjectInt    Int64
            | ObjectBool   Bool
            | ObjectFloat  Float
            | ObjectDouble Double
            | ObjectString BS.ByteString
            | ObjectBinary BS.ByteString
            | ObjectArray  [Object]
            | ObjectMap    (M.Map Object Object )
            | ObjectExt    !Int8 BS.ByteString
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)

instance NFData Object

instance Serialize Object where
    put (ObjectUInt i)
          | i >= 0   && i < 0x100       = putWord8 uint8  >> putWord8    (fromIntegral i)
          | i >= 0   && i < 0x10000     = putWord8 uint16 >> putWord16be (fromIntegral i)
          | i >= 0   && i < 0x100000000 = putWord8 uint32 >> putWord32be (fromIntegral i)
          | otherwise                   = putWord8 uint64 >> putWord64be (fromIntegral i)

    put (ObjectInt i)
          | i >= 0           && i <= 127        = putWord8 $ fromIntegral i
          | i >= -32         && i <= -1         = putWord8 $ fromIntegral i
          | i >= -0x80       && i < 0x80        = putWord8 int8   >> putWord8    (fromIntegral i)
          | i >= -0x8000     && i < 0x8000      = putWord8 int16  >> putWord16be (fromIntegral i)
          | i >= -0x80000000 && i < 0x80000000  = putWord8 int32  >> putWord32be (fromIntegral i)
          | otherwise                           = putWord8 int64  >> putWord64be (fromIntegral i)

    put ObjectNil          = putWord8 nil

    put (ObjectBool b)     = putWord8 $ if b then true else false

    put (ObjectFloat f)    = putWord8 float32 >> putFloat32be f

    put (ObjectDouble d)   = putWord8 float64 >> putFloat64be d

    put (ObjectString t) =
        header >> putByteString t
        size  = BS.length t
          | size <= 31     = putWord8 $ fixstr .|. fromIntegral size
          | size < 0x100   = putWord8 str8  >> putWord8 (fromIntegral size)
          | size < 0x10000 = putWord8 str16 >> putWord16be (fromIntegral size)
          | otherwise      = putWord8 str32 >> putWord32be (fromIntegral size)

    put (ObjectBinary bytes) =
        header >> putByteString bytes
        size  = BS.length bytes
          | size < 0x100   = putWord8 bin8  >> putWord8 (fromIntegral size)
          | size < 0x10000 = putWord8 bin16 >> putWord16be (fromIntegral size)
          | otherwise      = putWord8 bin32 >> putWord32be (fromIntegral size)

    put (ObjectArray a)    =
        buildArray >> mapM_ put a
        size = length a
          | size <= 15     = putWord8 $ fixarray .|. fromIntegral size
          | size < 0x10000 = putWord8 array16 >> putWord16be (fromIntegral size)
          | otherwise      = putWord8 array32 >> putWord32be (fromIntegral size)

    put (ObjectMap m)      =
        buildMap >> mapM_ put (M.toList m)
        size = M.size m
            | size <= 15     = putWord8 $ fixmap .|. fromIntegral size
            | size < 0x10000 = putWord8 map16 >> putWord16be (fromIntegral size)
            | otherwise      = putWord8 map32 >> putWord32be (fromIntegral size)

    put (ObjectExt t bytes) = header >> putWord8 (fromIntegral t) >> putByteString bytes
        size = BS.length bytes
          | size == 1      = putWord8 fixext1
          | size == 2      = putWord8 fixext2
          | size == 4      = putWord8 fixext4
          | size == 8      = putWord8 fixext8
          | size == 16     = putWord8 fixext16
          | size < 0x100   = putWord8 ext8  >> putWord8 (fromIntegral size)
          | size < 0x10000 = putWord8 ext16 >> putWord16be (fromIntegral size)
          | otherwise      = putWord8 ext32 >> putWord32be (fromIntegral size)

    get =
        getWord8 >>= getObject
        getObject k
          | k == nil                          = return ObjectNil
          | k == false                        = return $ ObjectBool False
          | k == true                         = return $ ObjectBool True

          | k == bin8                         = do n <- fromIntegral <$> getWord8
                                                   ObjectBinary <$> getByteString n
          | k == bin16                        = do n <- fromIntegral <$> getWord16be
                                                   ObjectBinary <$> getByteString n
          | k == bin32                        = do n <- fromIntegral <$> getWord32be
                                                   ObjectBinary <$> getByteString n

          | k == float32                      = ObjectFloat  <$> getFloat32be
          | k == float64                      = ObjectDouble <$> getFloat64be

          | k .&. posFixintMask == posFixint  = return $ ObjectInt $ fromIntegral k
          | k .&. negFixintMask == negFixint  = return $ ObjectInt $ fromIntegral (fromIntegral k :: Int8)
          | k == uint8                        = ObjectUInt <$> fromIntegral <$> getWord8
          | k == uint16                       = ObjectUInt <$> fromIntegral <$> getWord16be
          | k == uint32                       = ObjectUInt <$> fromIntegral <$> getWord32be
          | k == uint64                       = ObjectUInt <$> getWord64be
          | k == int8                         = ObjectInt <$> fromIntegral <$> (get :: Get Int8)
          | k == int16                        = ObjectInt <$> fromIntegral <$> (get :: Get Int16)
          | k == int32                        = ObjectInt <$> fromIntegral <$> (get :: Get Int32)
          | k == int64                        = ObjectInt <$> fromIntegral <$> (get :: Get Int64)

          | k .&. fixstrMask    == fixstr     = let n = fromIntegral $ k .&. complement fixstrMask
                                                in  ObjectString <$> getByteString n
          | k == str8                         = do n <- fromIntegral <$> getWord8
                                                   ObjectString <$> getByteString n
          | k == str16                        = do n <- fromIntegral <$> getWord16be
                                                   ObjectString <$> getByteString n
          | k == str32                        = do n <- fromIntegral <$> getWord32be
                                                   ObjectString <$> getByteString n

          | k .&. fixarrayMask  == fixarray   = let n = fromIntegral $ k .&. complement fixarrayMask
                                                in  ObjectArray <$> replicateM n get
          | k == array16                      = do n <- fromIntegral <$> getWord16be
                                                   ObjectArray <$> replicateM n get
          | k == array32                      = do n <- fromIntegral <$> getWord32be
                                                   ObjectArray <$> replicateM n get

          | k .&. fixmapMask    == fixmap     = let n = fromIntegral $ k .&. complement fixmapMask
                                                in  ObjectMap <$> M.fromList <$> replicateM n get
          | k == map16                        = do n <- fromIntegral <$> getWord16be
                                                   ObjectMap <$> M.fromList <$> replicateM n get
          | k == map32                        = do n <- fromIntegral <$> getWord32be
                                                   ObjectMap <$> M.fromList <$> replicateM n get
          | k == ext8                         = do n <- fromIntegral <$> getWord8
                                                   ObjectExt <$> (fromIntegral <$> getWord8)
                                                             <*> getByteString n
          | k == ext16                        = do n <- fromIntegral <$> getWord16be
                                                   ObjectExt <$> (fromIntegral <$> getWord8)
                                                             <*> getByteString n
          | k == ext32                        = do n <- fromIntegral <$> getWord32be
                                                   ObjectExt <$> (fromIntegral <$> getWord8)
                                                             <*> getByteString n
          | k == fixext1                      = ObjectExt <$> (fromIntegral <$> getWord8)
                                                          <*> getByteString 1
          | k == fixext2                      = ObjectExt <$> (fromIntegral <$> getWord8)
                                                          <*> getByteString 2
          | k == fixext4                      = ObjectExt <$> (fromIntegral <$> getWord8)
                                                          <*> getByteString 4
          | k == fixext8                      = ObjectExt <$> (fromIntegral <$> getWord8)
                                                          <*> getByteString 8
          | k == fixext16                     = ObjectExt <$> (fromIntegral <$> getWord8)
                                                          <*> getByteString 16

          | otherwise                         = fail $ "mark byte not supported: " ++ show k