metrics- High-performance application metric tracking

Safe HaskellNone



A module representing a Gauge, which is simply an action that returns the instantaneous measure of a value for charting.

The action that provides the gauge's value may be replaced using "set", or read using "value".

gaugeExample = do
  g <- gauge $ return 1
  x <- value g
  set g $ return 2
  y <- value g
  return (x == 1 && y == 2)



data Gauge m Source

An instantaneous measure of a value.


PrimMonad m => Value m (Gauge m) Double 
PrimMonad m => Set m (Gauge m) (m Double) 
Register (Gauge IO) 

gauge :: PrimMonad m => m Double -> m (Gauge m) Source

Create a new gauge from the given action.

ratio :: Applicative f => f Double -> f Double -> f Double Source

Compose multiple actions to create a ratio. Useful for graphing percentage information, e. g.

connectionUtilizationRate :: IO (Gauge IO)
connectionUtilizationRate = gauge $ ratio openConnectionCount $ return connectionPoolSize