{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase, ViewPatterns, TemplateHaskell, TypeOperators, DataKinds #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK prune #-}

module Data.MGeneric.TH where

import Prelude hiding (foldr, foldl)

import Data.Nat
import Data.MGeneric

import Control.Lens hiding (index)
import Control.Applicative

import Data.Foldable
import Data.Traversable

import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import Language.Haskell.TH.Lens

import Unsafe.Coerce

import Data.Function hiding ((&))

viewData :: Dec -> Maybe (Cxt, Name, [TyVarBndr], [Con], [Name])
viewData (DataD a b c d e)    = Just (a, b, c, d, e)
viewData (NewtypeD a b c d e) = Just (a, b, c, [d], e)
viewData _                    = Nothing

viewCon :: Con -> (Name, [Type])
viewCon (NormalC n tys)   = (n, fmap snd tys)
viewCon (RecC n tys)      = (n, fmap (view _3) tys)
viewCon (InfixC a n b)    = (n, [snd a, snd b])
viewCon (ForallC _ _ con) = viewCon con

index :: Eq a => [a] -> a -> Maybe Int
index []       x = Nothing
index (a : as) x
  | x == a    = Just 0
  | otherwise = index as x <&> succ

nthNat :: Int -> TypeQ
nthNat n | n < 0 = fail "..."
nthNat 0 = conT 'NZ
nthNat n = appT (conT 'NS) (nthNat (n-1))

viewAppType :: Type -> (Type, [Type])
viewAppType (ForallT _ _ a)                   = viewAppType a
viewAppType (AppT (viewAppType -> (a, as)) b) = (a, as ++ [b])
viewAppType (SigT a _)                        = viewAppType a
viewAppType ListT                             = (ConT ''[], [])
viewAppType a                                 = (a, [])

typeEncoding :: [Name] -> Type -> Name
typeEncoding ps (viewAppType -> (VarT a, [])) = case index ps a of
  Nothing -> 'InK
  Just n  -> 'InP
typeEncoding ps (viewAppType -> (ConT _, []))      = 'InK
typeEncoding ps (viewAppType -> (ConT _, _))       = 'InA
typeEncoding ps (viewAppType -> (ArrowT, [_, _]))  = 'InA
typeEncoding ps (viewAppType -> (TupleT _, (_:_))) = 'InA
-- typeEncoding ps (viewAppType -> (a, as)) = fail (show (a, as))

encodeField :: [Name] -> Type -> TypeQ
encodeField ps (viewAppType -> (VarT a, [])) = case index ps a of
  Nothing -> (appT (conT 'FK) (varT a))
  Just n  -> (appT (conT 'FP) (nthNat n))
encodeField ps (viewAppType -> (ConT a, [])) =
  appT (conT 'FK) (conT a)
encodeField ps (viewAppType -> (ConT a, as)) =
   (appT (conT '(:@:)) (conT a))
   (foldr (\a -> appT (appT (conT '(:)) a)) (conT '[]) (encodeField ps <$> as))
encodeField ps (viewAppType -> (ArrowT, as)) =
   (appT (conT '(:@:)) (pure ArrowT))
   (foldr (\a -> appT (appT (conT '(:)) a)) (conT '[]) (encodeField ps <$> as))
encodeField ps (viewAppType -> (TupleT n, as)) =
   (appT (conT '(:@:)) (pure (TupleT n)))
   (foldr (\a -> appT (appT (conT '(:)) a)) (conT '[]) (encodeField ps <$> as))
encodeField ps (viewAppType -> (a, as)) = fail (show (a, as))

foldBinary :: (a -> a -> a) -> a -> [a] -> a
foldBinary f x []  = x
foldBinary f x [a] = a
foldBinary f x as  = let (xs, ys) = splitAt (length as `div` 2) as
                     in f (foldBinary f x xs) (foldBinary f x ys)

-- | `deriveMGeneric` derives a `MGeneric` instance for a type, when possible. (for ADT types with parameters of kind *)
deriveMGeneric :: Name -> Q [Dec]
deriveMGeneric n = do
  reify n >>= \case
    TyConI (viewData -> Just (cxt, nm, fmap (view name) -> tvs, fmap viewCon -> cons, _)) -> do
      let ty = foldl appT (conT nm) (varT <$> tvs)
          rep  = tySynInstD
                 (tySynEqn [ty]
                  $ foldBinary (\a -> appT (appT (conT '(:++:)) a)) (conT 'UV)
                  $ cons
                   <&> snd
                   <&> fmap (appT (conT 'UF) . encodeField tvs)
                   <&> foldBinary (\a -> appT (appT (conT '(:**:)) a)) (conT 'UT)
          pars = tySynInstD
                 (tySynEqn [ty]
                  (foldr (appT . appT (conT '(:))) (conT '[]) (varT <$> tvs))
          from = funD 'Data.MGeneric.from
                  $ zip cons (foldBinary (\a b -> fmap (appE (conE 'InL) .) a ++ fmap (appE (conE 'InR) .) b) [] (replicate (length cons) [id]))
                  <&> \((nm, tys), scon) -> do
                    vs <- forM tys $ \ty -> newName "x" <&> \x -> (x, typeEncoding tvs ty)
                    clause [conP nm (varP . fst <$> vs)] ?? []
                     $ normalB
                     $ scon
                     $ foldBinary (\a -> appE (appE (conE '(:*:)) a)) (conE 'InT) (vs <&> \(v, n) -> appE (conE 'InF) (appE (conE n) (varE v)))
          to   = funD 'Data.MGeneric.to
                  $ zip cons (foldBinary (\a b -> fmap ((conP 'InL . (: [])) .) a ++ fmap ((conP 'InR . (: [])) .) b) [] (replicate (length cons) [id]))
                  <&> \((nm, tys), spat) -> do
                    vs <- forM tys $ \ty -> newName "x" <&> \x -> (x, typeEncoding tvs ty)
                    let vsp = foldBinary (\a b -> conP '(:*:) [a, b]) (conP 'InT []) (vs <&> \(v, n) -> conP 'InF [conP n [varP v]])
                    clause [spat vsp] ?? []
                     $ normalB
                     $ foldl appE (conE nm) (appE (varE 'unsafeCoerce) . varE . fst <$> vs)
      mgenInst <- instanceD
                  (return [])
                  (appT (conT ''MGeneric) ty)
                  [rep, pars, from, to]
      return [mgenInst]
    _ ->
      fail "TODO"