{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, UnicodeSyntax, Trustworthy #-}

-- | Microformats 2 types for Haskell.
-- Notes:
-- 1. We don't duplicate sub-properties in parent types.
--    E.g. h-adr has both p-geo and p-latitude, p-longitude, p-altitude.
--    Adr only has a Geo.
-- 2. Lazy Text is used for storing texts, because it's the format used in Scotty, Hastache and other popular web libraries.
-- 3. Lists are used everywhere, because all properties might be multivalued, even though it doesn't always make sense.
--    Use 'headMay' from the safe package!
-- 4. SomethingReference sum types are used for, well, references.
--    The spec always makes embedded microformats optional, so these types include Text options.
module Data.Microformats2 where

import safe      Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import safe      Data.Text.Lazy (Text)
import safe      Data.Data (Data)
import           Data.Default.Class
import           Data.Time (UTCTime)
import           Text.Pandoc.Definition (Pandoc)

-- | A Geo reference.
data GeoReference = TextGeo Text | UrlGeo Text | GeoGeo Geo -- LOL
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable)

-- | An Adr reference.
data AdrReference = TextAdr Text | AdrAdr Adr
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable)

-- | A location (Card/Adr/Geo) reference.
data LocationReference = TextLoc Text | CardLoc Card | AdrLoc Adr | GeoLoc Geo
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable)

-- | A Card reference.
data CardReference = TextCard Text | CardCard Card
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable)

-- | An Entry/Cite reference.
data EntryReference = TextEntry Text | UrlEntry Text | CiteEntry Cite | EntryEntry Entry
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable)

-- | A content reference.
data ContentReference = TextContent Text | PandocContent Pandoc
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable)

-- | A Geo type, based on h-geo <http://microformats.org/wiki/h-geo>
data Geo = Geo
  { geoLatitude     [Double]
  , geoLongitude    [Double]
  , geoAltitude     [Double] }
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable)

instance Default Geo where
  def = Geo
    { geoLatitude    = []
    , geoLongitude   = []
    , geoAltitude    = [] }

-- | An Adr type, based on h-adr <http://microformats.org/wiki/h-adr>
data Adr = Adr
  { adrStreetAddress     [Text]
  , adrExtendedAddress   [Text]
  , adrPostOfficeBox     [Text]
  , adrLocality          [Text]
  , adrRegion            [Text]
  , adrPostalCode        [Text]
  , adrCountryName       [Text]
  , adrLabel             [Text]
  , adrGeo               [GeoReference] }
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable)

instance Default Adr where
  def = Adr
    { adrStreetAddress    = []
    , adrExtendedAddress  = []
    , adrPostOfficeBox    = []
    , adrLocality         = []
    , adrRegion           = []
    , adrPostalCode       = []
    , adrCountryName      = []
    , adrLabel            = []
    , adrGeo              = [] }

-- | A Card type, based on h-card <http://microformats.org/wiki/h-card>
data Card = Card
  { cardName               [Text]
  , cardHonorificPrefix    [Text]
  , cardGivenName          [Text]
  , cardAdditionalName     [Text]
  , cardFamilyName         [Text]
  , cardSortString         [Text]
  , cardHonorificSuffix    [Text]
  , cardNickname           [Text]
  , cardEmail              [Text]
  , cardLogo               [Text]
  , cardPhoto              [Text]
  , cardUrl                [Text]
  , cardUid                [Text]
  , cardCategory           [Text]
  , cardAdr                [AdrReference]
  , cardTel                [Text]
  , cardNote               [Text]
  , cardBday               [UTCTime]
  , cardKey                [Text]
  , cardOrg                [CardReference]
  , cardJobTitle           [Text]
  , cardRole               [Text]
  , cardImpp               [Text]
  , cardSex                [Text]
  , cardGenderIdentity     [Text]
  , cardAnniversary        [UTCTime] }
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable)

instance Default Card where
  def = Card
    { cardName              = []
    , cardHonorificPrefix   = []
    , cardGivenName         = []
    , cardAdditionalName    = []
    , cardFamilyName        = []
    , cardSortString        = []
    , cardHonorificSuffix   = []
    , cardNickname          = []
    , cardEmail             = []
    , cardLogo              = []
    , cardPhoto             = []
    , cardUrl               = []
    , cardUid               = []
    , cardCategory          = []
    , cardAdr               = []
    , cardTel               = []
    , cardNote              = []
    , cardBday              = []
    , cardKey               = []
    , cardOrg               = []
    , cardJobTitle          = []
    , cardRole              = []
    , cardImpp              = []
    , cardSex               = []
    , cardGenderIdentity    = []
    , cardAnniversary       = [] }

-- | A Cite type, based on h-cite <http://microformats.org/wiki/h-cite>
data Cite = Cite
  { citeName         [Text]
  , citePublished    [UTCTime]
  , citeAuthor       [CardReference]
  , citeUrl          [Text]
  , citeUid          [Text]
  , citePublication  [Text]
  , citeAccessed     [UTCTime]
  , citeContent      [ContentReference] }
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable)

instance Default Cite where
  def = Cite
    { citeName        = []
    , citePublished   = []
    , citeAuthor      = []
    , citeUrl         = []
    , citeUid         = []
    , citePublication = []
    , citeAccessed    = []
    , citeContent     = [] }

-- | An Entry type, based on h-entry <http://microformats.org/wiki/h-entry> with popular extensions.
data Entry = Entry
  { entryName            [Text]
  , entrySummary         [Text]
  , entryContent         [ContentReference]
  , entryPublished       [UTCTime]
  , entryUpdated         [UTCTime]
  , entryAuthor          [CardReference]
  , entryCategory        [Text]
  , entryUrl             [Text]
  , entryUid             [Text]
  , entryLocation        [LocationReference]
  , entryComments        [EntryReference]
  , entrySyndication     [Text]
  , entryInReplyTo       [EntryReference]
  , entryLikeOf          [EntryReference]
  , entryRepostOf        [EntryReference] }
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable)

instance Default Entry where
  def = Entry
    { entryName           = []
    , entrySummary        = []
    , entryContent        = []
    , entryPublished      = []
    , entryUpdated        = []
    , entryAuthor         = []
    , entryCategory       = []
    , entryUrl            = []
    , entryUid            = []
    , entryLocation       = []
    , entryComments       = []
    , entrySyndication    = []
    , entryInReplyTo      = []
    , entryLikeOf         = []
    , entryRepostOf       = [] }