{- | Internal definitions. Do not import directly. -}
module LuminescentDreams.Logger.Internal where

import qualified Data.Text.Buildable      as TFB
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy           as T

{- | An ordinary hierarchy of logging priorities. -}
data LogLevel = LogDebug
              | LogInfo
              | LogWarning
              | LogError
              | LogEmergency
              deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

tzFormat :: String
tzFormat = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%Q%z"

{- | The primary data structure to contain a logger of any kind. -}
data Logger = Logger { logCmd_ :: (T.Text -> IO ())
                       -- ^ Any IO action that accepts the log message
                     , lvl_ :: LogLevel
                       -- ^ The minimum level at which a log message should be accepted

{- | Generate standard text representations of a log level. This is useful to the Standard logger but may not be interesting to any others. -}
instance TFB.Buildable LogLevel where
  build LogDebug      = TFB.build ("DEBUG" :: String)
  build LogInfo       = TFB.build ("INFO" :: String)
  build LogWarning    = TFB.build ("WARNING" :: String)
  build LogError      = TFB.build ("ERROR" :: String)
  build LogEmergency  = TFB.build ("EMERGENCY" :: String)