module Sound.MIDI.File.Event.Meta (
   Key(..), Scale(..),
   ElapsedTime, fromElapsedTime, toElapsedTime,
   Tempo,       fromTempo,       toTempo,
   SMPTEHours, SMPTEMinutes, SMPTESeconds, SMPTEFrames, SMPTEBits,
   defltST, defltDurT,
   get, put, ) where

import Sound.MIDI.Message.Channel (Channel, toChannel, fromChannel, )

import           Sound.MIDI.Parser.Primitive
import qualified Sound.MIDI.Parser.Class as Parser
import qualified Sound.MIDI.Parser.Restricted as ParserRestricted

import Control.Monad (liftM, liftM2, liftM4, liftM5, )

import qualified Sound.MIDI.Writer.Basic as Writer
import qualified Sound.MIDI.Bit as Bit

import qualified Numeric.NonNegative.Wrapper as NonNeg
import Sound.MIDI.IO (ByteList, listCharFromByte, listByteFromChar, )

import Data.Ix (Ix, index, )
import Sound.MIDI.Utility
         (arbitraryString, arbitraryByteList,
          enumRandomR, boundedEnumRandom, chooseEnum, )

import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary(arbitrary), )
import qualified Test.QuickCheck as QC
import System.Random (Random(random, randomR), )

import Prelude hiding (putStr, )

{- * Meta Events -}

type ElapsedTime  = NonNeg.Integer
type Tempo        = NonNeg.Int
type SMPTEHours   = Int
type SMPTEMinutes = Int
type SMPTESeconds = Int
type SMPTEFrames  = Int
type SMPTEBits    = Int

data T =
     SequenceNum Int
   | TextEvent String
   | Copyright String
   | TrackName String
   | InstrumentName String
   | Lyric String
   | Marker String
   | CuePoint String
   | MIDIPrefix Channel
   | EndOfTrack
   | SetTempo Tempo
   | SMPTEOffset SMPTEHours SMPTEMinutes SMPTESeconds SMPTEFrames SMPTEBits
   | TimeSig Int Int Int Int
   | KeySig Key Scale
   | SequencerSpecific ByteList
   | Unknown Int ByteList
     deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

instance Arbitrary T where
   arbitrary =
      QC.oneof $
         liftM  SequenceNum (QC.choose (0,0xFFFF)) :
         liftM  TextEvent arbitraryString :
         liftM  Copyright arbitraryString :
         liftM  TrackName arbitraryString :
         liftM  InstrumentName arbitraryString :
         liftM  Lyric arbitraryString :
         liftM  Marker arbitraryString :
         liftM  CuePoint arbitraryString :
         liftM  (MIDIPrefix . toChannel) (QC.choose (0,15)) :
--         return EndOfTrack :
         liftM  (SetTempo . NonNeg.fromNumberMsg "Tempo always positive") (QC.choose (0,0xFFFFFF)) :
         liftM5 SMPTEOffset arbitraryByte arbitraryByte arbitraryByte arbitraryByte arbitraryByte :
         liftM4 TimeSig arbitraryByte arbitraryByte arbitraryByte arbitraryByte :
         liftM2 KeySig arbitrary arbitrary :
         liftM  SequencerSpecific arbitraryByteList :
--         liftM  Unknown arbitrary arbitraryByteList :
   coarbitrary = error "not implemented"

arbitraryByte :: QC.Gen Int
arbitraryByte = QC.choose (0,0xFF::Int)

{- |
The following enumerated type lists all the keys in order of their key
signatures from flats to sharps.
(@Cf@ = 7 flats, @Gf@ = 6 flats ... @F@ = 1 flat, @C@ = 0 flats\/sharps,
@G@ = 1 sharp, ... @Cs@ = 7 sharps.)
Useful for transposition.
data Key = KeyCf | KeyGf | KeyDf | KeyAf | KeyEf | KeyBf | KeyF
         | KeyC  | KeyG  | KeyD  | KeyA  | KeyE  | KeyB  | KeyFs | KeyCs
             deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Ix, Enum, Bounded)

instance Random Key where
   random  = boundedEnumRandom
   randomR = enumRandomR

instance Arbitrary Key where
   arbitrary = chooseEnum
   coarbitrary = error "not implemented"

{- |
The Key Signature specifies a mode, either major or minor.
data Scale = Major | Minor
            deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Ix, Enum, Bounded)

instance Random Scale where
   random  = boundedEnumRandom
   randomR = enumRandomR

instance Arbitrary Scale where
   arbitrary = chooseEnum
   coarbitrary = error "not implemented"

{- |
Default duration of a whole note, in seconds; and the default SetTempo
value, in microseconds per quarter note.  Both express the default of
120 beats per minute.
defltDurT :: ElapsedTime
defltDurT = 2
defltST :: Tempo
defltST = div 1000000 (fromIntegral defltDurT)

toElapsedTime :: Integer -> ElapsedTime
toElapsedTime = NonNeg.fromNumberMsg "toElapsedTime"

fromElapsedTime :: ElapsedTime -> Integer
fromElapsedTime = NonNeg.toNumber

toTempo :: Int -> Tempo
toTempo = NonNeg.fromNumberMsg "toTempo"

fromTempo :: Tempo -> Int
fromTempo = NonNeg.toNumber

-- * serialization

get :: Parser.C parser => Parser.Fallible parser T
get =
   do code <- get1
      len  <- getVar
      let parse = ParserRestricted.runFallible len
      let returnText cons = liftM (cons . listCharFromByte) $ getBigN len
      case code of
         000 -> parse $ liftM SequenceNum get2
         001 -> returnText TextEvent
         002 -> returnText Copyright
         003 -> returnText TrackName
         004 -> returnText InstrumentName
         005 -> returnText Lyric
         006 -> returnText Marker
         007 -> returnText CuePoint

         032 -> parse $
                liftM (MIDIPrefix . toChannel) get1
         047 -> return EndOfTrack
         081 -> parse $
                liftM (SetTempo . toTempo) get3

         084 -> parse $
                do {hrs    <- get1 ; mins <- get1 ; secs <- get1;
                    frames <- get1 ; bits <- get1 ;
                    return (SMPTEOffset hrs mins secs frames bits)}

         088 -> parse $
                   n <- get1
                   d <- get1
                   c <- get1
                   b <- get1
                   return (TimeSig n d c b)

         089 -> parse $
                   sf <- get1
                   sc <- getEnum
                   return (KeySig (toKeyName sf) sc)

         127 -> liftM SequencerSpecific $ getBigN len

         _   -> liftM (Unknown code) $ getBigN len

toKeyName :: Int -> Key
toKeyName sf = toEnum (mod (sf+7) 15)

put :: Writer.C writer => T -> writer ()
put ev =
   Writer.putByte 255 >>
   case ev of
     SequenceNum num  -> putInt    0 2 num
     TextEvent s      -> putStr    1 s
     Copyright s      -> putStr    2 s
     TrackName s      -> putStr    3 s
     InstrumentName s -> putStr    4 s
     Lyric s          -> putStr    5 s
     Marker s         -> putStr    6 s
     CuePoint s       -> putStr    7 s
     MIDIPrefix c     -> putList  32 [fromChannel c]
     EndOfTrack       -> putList  47 []

     SetTempo tp      -> putInt   81 3 (fromTempo tp)
     SMPTEOffset hr mn se fr ff
                      -> putList  84 [hr,mn,se,fr,ff]
     TimeSig n d c b  -> putList  88 [n,d,c,b]
     KeySig sf mi     -> putList  89 [sf', fromEnum mi]
                             where k = index (KeyCf,KeyCs) sf - 7
                                   sf' = if k >= 0
                                           then k
                                           else 255+k
     SequencerSpecific codes
                      -> putByteList 127 codes
     Unknown typ s    -> putByteList typ s

putByteList :: Writer.C writer => Int -> ByteList -> writer ()
putByteList code bytes =
      Writer.putIntAsByte code
      Writer.putLenByteList bytes

putInt :: Writer.C writer => Int -> Int -> Int -> writer ()
putInt code numBytes x =
      Writer.putIntAsByte code
      Writer.putVar $ fromIntegral numBytes
      Writer.putByteList $
         map fromIntegral $ Bit.someBytes numBytes x

putStr :: Writer.C writer => Int -> String -> writer ()
putStr code =
   putByteList code . listByteFromChar

putList :: Writer.C writer => Int -> [Int] -> writer ()
putList code =
   putByteList code . map fromIntegral