{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-} module Network.Kafka.Protocol where import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), Alternative(..), (<$>), (<*>)) import Control.Category (Category(..)) import Control.Lens import Control.Monad (replicateM, liftM, liftM2, liftM3, liftM4, liftM5) import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString) import Data.ByteString.Lens (unpackedChars) import Data.Digest.CRC32 import Data.Int import Data.Serialize.Get import Data.Serialize.Put import GHC.Exts (IsString(..)) import Numeric.Lens import Prelude hiding ((.), id) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B import qualified Network class Serializable a where serialize :: a -> Put class Deserializable a where deserialize :: Get a data Response = Response { _responseCorrelationId :: CorrelationId, _responseMessage :: ResponseMessage } deriving (Show, Eq) getResponse :: Int -> Get Response getResponse l = Response <$> deserialize <*> getResponseMessage (l - 4) newtype ConsumerMetadataResponse = ConsumerMetadataResp (KafkaError, Broker) deriving (Show, Eq, Deserializable) -- CoordinatorId CoordinatorHost CoordinatorPort -- newtype ErrorCode = ErrorCode int16 -- newtype CoordinatorId = CoordinatorId int32 -- newtype CoordinatorHost = CoordinatorHost string -- newtype CoordinatorPort = CoordinatorPort int32 getResponseMessage :: Int -> Get ResponseMessage getResponseMessage l = liftM MetadataResponse (isolate l deserialize) <|> liftM OffsetResponse (isolate l deserialize) <|> liftM ProduceResponse (isolate l deserialize) <|> liftM OffsetCommitResponse (isolate l deserialize) <|> liftM OffsetFetchResponse (isolate l deserialize) <|> liftM ConsumerMetadataResponse (isolate l deserialize) -- MUST try FetchResponse last! -- -- As an optimization, Kafka might return a partial message -- at the end of a MessageSet, so this will consume the rest -- of the message at the end of the input. -- -- Strictly speaking, this might not actually be necessary. -- Parsing a MessageSet is isolated to the byte count that's -- at the beginning of a MessageSet. I don't want to spend -- the time right now to prove that will always be safe, but -- I'd like to at some point. <|> liftM FetchResponse (isolate l deserialize) newtype ApiKey = ApiKey Int16 deriving (Show, Eq, Deserializable, Serializable, Num) -- numeric ID for API (i.e. metadata req, produce req, etc.) newtype ApiVersion = ApiVersion Int16 deriving (Show, Eq, Deserializable, Serializable, Num) newtype CorrelationId = CorrelationId Int32 deriving (Show, Eq, Deserializable, Serializable, Num, Enum) newtype ClientId = ClientId KafkaString deriving (Show, Eq, Deserializable, Serializable, IsString) data RequestMessage = MetadataRequest MetadataRequest | ProduceRequest ProduceRequest | FetchRequest FetchRequest | OffsetRequest OffsetRequest | OffsetCommitRequest OffsetCommitRequest | OffsetFetchRequest OffsetFetchRequest | ConsumerMetadataRequest ConsumerMetadataRequest deriving (Show, Eq) newtype MetadataRequest = MetadataReq [TopicName] deriving (Show, Eq, Serializable, Deserializable) newtype TopicName = TName { _tName :: KafkaString } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Deserializable, Serializable, IsString) newtype KafkaBytes = KBytes { _kafkaByteString :: ByteString } deriving (Show, Eq, IsString) newtype KafkaString = KString { _kString :: ByteString } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, IsString) newtype ProduceResponse = ProduceResp { _produceResponseFields :: [(TopicName, [(Partition, KafkaError, Offset)])] } deriving (Show, Eq, Deserializable, Serializable) newtype OffsetResponse = OffsetResp { _offsetResponseFields :: [(TopicName, [PartitionOffsets])] } deriving (Show, Eq, Deserializable) newtype PartitionOffsets = PartitionOffsets { _partitionOffsetsFields :: (Partition, KafkaError, [Offset]) } deriving (Show, Eq, Deserializable) newtype FetchResponse = FetchResp { _fetchResponseFields :: [(TopicName, [(Partition, KafkaError, Offset, MessageSet)])] } deriving (Show, Eq, Serializable, Deserializable) newtype MetadataResponse = MetadataResp { _metadataResponseFields :: ([Broker], [TopicMetadata]) } deriving (Show, Eq, Deserializable) newtype Broker = Broker { _brokerFields :: (NodeId, Host, Port) } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Deserializable) newtype NodeId = NodeId { _nodeId :: Int32 } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Deserializable, Num) newtype Host = Host { _hostKString :: KafkaString } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Deserializable, IsString) newtype Port = Port { _portInt :: Int32 } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Deserializable, Num) newtype TopicMetadata = TopicMetadata { _topicMetadataFields :: (KafkaError, TopicName, [PartitionMetadata]) } deriving (Show, Eq, Deserializable) newtype PartitionMetadata = PartitionMetadata { _partitionMetadataFields :: (KafkaError, Partition, Leader, Replicas, Isr) } deriving (Show, Eq, Deserializable) newtype Leader = Leader { _leaderId :: Maybe Int32 } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) newtype Replicas = Replicas [Int32] deriving (Show, Eq, Serializable, Deserializable) newtype Isr = Isr [Int32] deriving (Show, Eq, Deserializable) newtype OffsetCommitResponse = OffsetCommitResp [(TopicName, [(Partition, KafkaError)])] deriving (Show, Eq, Deserializable) newtype OffsetFetchResponse = OffsetFetchResp [(TopicName, [(Partition, Offset, Metadata, KafkaError)])] deriving (Show, Eq, Deserializable) newtype OffsetRequest = OffsetReq (ReplicaId, [(TopicName, [(Partition, Time, MaxNumberOfOffsets)])]) deriving (Show, Eq, Serializable) newtype Time = Time { _timeInt :: Int64 } deriving (Show, Eq, Serializable, Num, Bounded) newtype MaxNumberOfOffsets = MaxNumberOfOffsets Int32 deriving (Show, Eq, Serializable, Num) newtype FetchRequest = FetchReq (ReplicaId, MaxWaitTime, MinBytes, [(TopicName, [(Partition, Offset, MaxBytes)])]) deriving (Show, Eq, Deserializable, Serializable) newtype ReplicaId = ReplicaId Int32 deriving (Show, Eq, Num, Serializable, Deserializable) newtype MaxWaitTime = MaxWaitTime Int32 deriving (Show, Eq, Num, Serializable, Deserializable) newtype MinBytes = MinBytes Int32 deriving (Show, Eq, Num, Serializable, Deserializable) newtype MaxBytes = MaxBytes Int32 deriving (Show, Eq, Num, Serializable, Deserializable) newtype ProduceRequest = ProduceReq (RequiredAcks, Timeout, [(TopicName, [(Partition, MessageSet)])]) deriving (Show, Eq, Serializable) newtype RequiredAcks = RequiredAcks Int16 deriving (Show, Eq, Serializable, Deserializable, Num) newtype Timeout = Timeout Int32 deriving (Show, Eq, Serializable, Deserializable, Num) newtype Partition = Partition Int32 deriving (Show, Ord, Eq, Serializable, Deserializable, Num) newtype MessageSet = MessageSet { _messageSetMembers :: [MessageSetMember] } deriving (Show, Eq) data MessageSetMember = MessageSetMember { _setOffset :: Offset, _setMessage :: Message } deriving (Show, Eq) newtype Offset = Offset Int64 deriving (Show, Eq, Serializable, Deserializable, Num) newtype Message = Message { _messageFields :: (Crc, MagicByte, Attributes, Key, Value) } deriving (Show, Eq, Deserializable) newtype Crc = Crc Int32 deriving (Show, Eq, Serializable, Deserializable, Num) newtype MagicByte = MagicByte Int8 deriving (Show, Eq, Serializable, Deserializable, Num) newtype Attributes = Attributes Int8 deriving (Show, Eq, Serializable, Deserializable, Num) newtype Key = Key { _keyBytes :: Maybe KafkaBytes } deriving (Show, Eq) newtype Value = Value { _valueBytes :: Maybe KafkaBytes } deriving (Show, Eq) data ResponseMessage = MetadataResponse MetadataResponse | ProduceResponse ProduceResponse | FetchResponse FetchResponse | OffsetResponse OffsetResponse | OffsetCommitResponse OffsetCommitResponse | OffsetFetchResponse OffsetFetchResponse | ConsumerMetadataResponse ConsumerMetadataResponse deriving (Show, Eq) newtype ConsumerMetadataRequest = ConsumerMetadataReq ConsumerGroup deriving (Show, Eq, Serializable) newtype OffsetCommitRequest = OffsetCommitReq (ConsumerGroup, [(TopicName, [(Partition, Offset, Time, Metadata)])]) deriving (Show, Eq, Serializable) newtype OffsetFetchRequest = OffsetFetchReq (ConsumerGroup, [(TopicName, [Partition])]) deriving (Show, Eq, Serializable) newtype ConsumerGroup = ConsumerGroup KafkaString deriving (Show, Eq, Serializable, Deserializable, IsString) newtype Metadata = Metadata KafkaString deriving (Show, Eq, Serializable, Deserializable, IsString) errorKafka :: KafkaError -> Int16 errorKafka NoError = 0 errorKafka Unknown = -1 errorKafka OffsetOutOfRange = 1 errorKafka InvalidMessage = 2 errorKafka UnknownTopicOrPartition = 3 errorKafka InvalidMessageSize = 4 errorKafka LeaderNotAvailable = 5 errorKafka NotLeaderForPartition = 6 errorKafka RequestTimedOut = 7 errorKafka BrokerNotAvailable = 8 errorKafka ReplicaNotAvailable = 9 errorKafka MessageSizeTooLarge = 10 errorKafka StaleControllerEpochCode = 11 errorKafka OffsetMetadataTooLargeCode = 12 errorKafka OffsetsLoadInProgressCode = 14 errorKafka ConsumerCoordinatorNotAvailableCode = 15 errorKafka NotCoordinatorForConsumerCode = 16 data KafkaError = NoError -- ^ @0@ No error--it worked! | Unknown -- ^ @-1@ An unexpected server error | OffsetOutOfRange -- ^ @1@ The requested offset is outside the range of offsets maintained by the server for the given topic/partition. | InvalidMessage -- ^ @2@ This indicates that a message contents does not match its CRC | UnknownTopicOrPartition -- ^ @3@ This request is for a topic or partition that does not exist on this broker. | InvalidMessageSize -- ^ @4@ The message has a negative size | LeaderNotAvailable -- ^ @5@ This error is thrown if we are in the middle of a leadership election and there is currently no leader for this partition and hence it is unavailable for writes. | NotLeaderForPartition -- ^ @6@ This error is thrown if the client attempts to send messages to a replica that is not the leader for some partition. It indicates that the clients metadata is out of date. | RequestTimedOut -- ^ @7@ This error is thrown if the request exceeds the user-specified time limit in the request. | BrokerNotAvailable -- ^ @8@ This is not a client facing error and is used mostly by tools when a broker is not alive. | ReplicaNotAvailable -- ^ @9@ If replica is expected on a broker, but is not. | MessageSizeTooLarge -- ^ @10@ The server has a configurable maximum message size to avoid unbounded memory allocation. This error is thrown if the client attempt to produce a message larger than this maximum. | StaleControllerEpochCode -- ^ @11@ Internal error code for broker-to-broker communication. | OffsetMetadataTooLargeCode -- ^ @12@ If you specify a string larger than configured maximum for offset metadata | OffsetsLoadInProgressCode -- ^ @14@ The broker returns this error code for an offset fetch request if it is still loading offsets (after a leader change for that offsets topic partition). | ConsumerCoordinatorNotAvailableCode -- ^ @15@ The broker returns this error code for consumer metadata requests or offset commit requests if the offsets topic has not yet been created. | NotCoordinatorForConsumerCode -- ^ @16@ The broker returns this error code if it receives an offset fetch or commit request for a consumer group that it is not a coordinator for. deriving (Eq, Show) instance Serializable KafkaError where serialize = serialize . errorKafka instance Deserializable KafkaError where deserialize = do x <- deserialize :: Get Int16 case x of 0 -> return NoError (-1) -> return Unknown 1 -> return OffsetOutOfRange 2 -> return InvalidMessage 3 -> return UnknownTopicOrPartition 4 -> return InvalidMessageSize 5 -> return LeaderNotAvailable 6 -> return NotLeaderForPartition 7 -> return RequestTimedOut 8 -> return BrokerNotAvailable 9 -> return ReplicaNotAvailable 10 -> return MessageSizeTooLarge 11 -> return StaleControllerEpochCode 12 -> return OffsetMetadataTooLargeCode 14 -> return OffsetsLoadInProgressCode 15 -> return ConsumerCoordinatorNotAvailableCode 16 -> return NotCoordinatorForConsumerCode _ -> fail $ "invalid error code: " ++ show x newtype Request = Request (CorrelationId, ClientId, RequestMessage) deriving (Show, Eq) instance Serializable Request where serialize (Request (correlationId, clientId, r)) = do serialize (apiKey r) serialize (apiVersion r) serialize correlationId serialize clientId serialize r requestBytes :: Request -> ByteString requestBytes x = runPut $ do putWord32be . fromIntegral $ B.length mr putByteString mr where mr = runPut $ serialize x apiVersion :: RequestMessage -> ApiVersion apiVersion _ = ApiVersion 0 -- everything is at version 0 right now apiKey :: RequestMessage -> ApiKey apiKey (ProduceRequest{}) = ApiKey 0 apiKey (FetchRequest{}) = ApiKey 1 apiKey (OffsetRequest{}) = ApiKey 2 apiKey (MetadataRequest{}) = ApiKey 3 apiKey (OffsetCommitRequest{}) = ApiKey 8 apiKey (OffsetFetchRequest{}) = ApiKey 9 apiKey (ConsumerMetadataRequest{}) = ApiKey 10 instance Serializable RequestMessage where serialize (ProduceRequest r) = serialize r serialize (FetchRequest r) = serialize r serialize (OffsetRequest r) = serialize r serialize (MetadataRequest r) = serialize r serialize (OffsetCommitRequest r) = serialize r serialize (OffsetFetchRequest r) = serialize r serialize (ConsumerMetadataRequest r) = serialize r instance Serializable Int64 where serialize = putWord64be . fromIntegral instance Serializable Int32 where serialize = putWord32be . fromIntegral instance Serializable Int16 where serialize = putWord16be . fromIntegral instance Serializable Int8 where serialize = putWord8 . fromIntegral instance Serializable Key where serialize (Key (Just bs)) = serialize bs serialize (Key Nothing) = serialize (-1 :: Int32) instance Serializable Value where serialize (Value (Just bs)) = serialize bs serialize (Value Nothing) = serialize (-1 :: Int32) instance Serializable KafkaString where serialize (KString bs) = do let l = fromIntegral (B.length bs) :: Int16 serialize l putByteString bs instance Serializable MessageSet where serialize (MessageSet ms) = do let bytes = runPut $ mapM_ serialize ms l = fromIntegral (B.length bytes) :: Int32 serialize l putByteString bytes instance Serializable KafkaBytes where serialize (KBytes bs) = do let l = fromIntegral (B.length bs) :: Int32 serialize l putByteString bs instance Serializable MessageSetMember where serialize (MessageSetMember offset msg) = do serialize offset serialize msize serialize msg where msize = fromIntegral $ B.length $ runPut $ serialize msg :: Int32 instance Serializable Message where serialize (Message (_, magic, attrs, k, v)) = do let m = runPut $ serialize magic >> serialize attrs >> serialize k >> serialize v putWord32be (crc32 m) putByteString m instance (Serializable a) => Serializable [a] where serialize xs = do let l = fromIntegral (length xs) :: Int32 serialize l mapM_ serialize xs instance (Serializable a, Serializable b) => Serializable ((,) a b) where serialize (x, y) = serialize x >> serialize y instance (Serializable a, Serializable b, Serializable c) => Serializable ((,,) a b c) where serialize (x, y, z) = serialize x >> serialize y >> serialize z instance (Serializable a, Serializable b, Serializable c, Serializable d) => Serializable ((,,,) a b c d) where serialize (w, x, y, z) = serialize w >> serialize x >> serialize y >> serialize z instance (Serializable a, Serializable b, Serializable c, Serializable d, Serializable e) => Serializable ((,,,,) a b c d e) where serialize (v, w, x, y, z) = serialize v >> serialize w >> serialize x >> serialize y >> serialize z instance Deserializable MessageSet where deserialize = do l <- deserialize :: Get Int32 ms <- isolate (fromIntegral l) getMembers return $ MessageSet ms where getMembers :: Get [MessageSetMember] getMembers = do wasEmpty <- isEmpty if wasEmpty then return [] else liftM2 (:) deserialize getMembers <|> (remaining >>= getBytes >> return []) instance Deserializable MessageSetMember where deserialize = do o <- deserialize l <- deserialize :: Get Int32 m <- isolate (fromIntegral l) deserialize return $ MessageSetMember o m instance Deserializable Leader where deserialize = do x <- deserialize :: Get Int32 let l = Leader $ if x == -1 then Nothing else Just x return l instance Deserializable KafkaBytes where deserialize = do l <- deserialize :: Get Int32 bs <- getByteString $ fromIntegral l return $ KBytes bs instance Deserializable KafkaString where deserialize = do l <- deserialize :: Get Int16 bs <- getByteString $ fromIntegral l return $ KString bs instance Deserializable Key where deserialize = do l <- deserialize :: Get Int32 case l of -1 -> return (Key Nothing) _ -> do bs <- getByteString $ fromIntegral l return $ Key (Just (KBytes bs)) instance Deserializable Value where deserialize = do l <- deserialize :: Get Int32 case l of -1 -> return (Value Nothing) _ -> do bs <- getByteString $ fromIntegral l return $ Value (Just (KBytes bs)) instance (Deserializable a) => Deserializable [a] where deserialize = do l <- deserialize :: Get Int32 replicateM (fromIntegral l) deserialize instance (Deserializable a, Deserializable b) => Deserializable ((,) a b) where deserialize = liftM2 (,) deserialize deserialize instance (Deserializable a, Deserializable b, Deserializable c) => Deserializable ((,,) a b c) where deserialize = liftM3 (,,) deserialize deserialize deserialize instance (Deserializable a, Deserializable b, Deserializable c, Deserializable d) => Deserializable ((,,,) a b c d) where deserialize = liftM4 (,,,) deserialize deserialize deserialize deserialize instance (Deserializable a, Deserializable b, Deserializable c, Deserializable d, Deserializable e) => Deserializable ((,,,,) a b c d e) where deserialize = liftM5 (,,,,) deserialize deserialize deserialize deserialize deserialize instance Deserializable Int64 where deserialize = liftM fromIntegral getWord64be instance Deserializable Int32 where deserialize = liftM fromIntegral getWord32be instance Deserializable Int16 where deserialize = liftM fromIntegral getWord16be instance Deserializable Int8 where deserialize = liftM fromIntegral getWord8 -- * Generated lenses makeLenses ''Response makeLenses ''TopicName makeLenses ''KafkaBytes makeLenses ''KafkaString makeLenses ''ProduceResponse makeLenses ''OffsetResponse makeLenses ''PartitionOffsets makeLenses ''FetchResponse makeLenses ''MetadataResponse makeLenses ''Broker makeLenses ''NodeId makeLenses ''Host makeLenses ''Port makeLenses ''TopicMetadata makeLenses ''PartitionMetadata makeLenses ''Leader makeLenses ''Time makeLenses ''Partition makeLenses ''MessageSet makeLenses ''MessageSetMember makeLenses ''Offset makeLenses ''Message makeLenses ''Key makeLenses ''Value makePrisms ''ResponseMessage -- * Composed lenses keyed :: (Field1 a a b b, Choice p, Applicative f, Eq b) => b -> Optic' p f a a keyed k = filtered (view $ _1 . to (== k)) metadataResponseBrokers :: Lens' MetadataResponse [Broker] metadataResponseBrokers = metadataResponseFields . _1 topicsMetadata :: Lens' MetadataResponse [TopicMetadata] topicsMetadata = metadataResponseFields . _2 topicMetadataKafkaError :: Lens' TopicMetadata KafkaError topicMetadataKafkaError = topicMetadataFields . _1 topicMetadataName :: Lens' TopicMetadata TopicName topicMetadataName = topicMetadataFields . _2 partitionsMetadata :: Lens' TopicMetadata [PartitionMetadata] partitionsMetadata = topicMetadataFields . _3 partitionId :: Lens' PartitionMetadata Partition partitionId = partitionMetadataFields . _2 partitionMetadataLeader :: Lens' PartitionMetadata Leader partitionMetadataLeader = partitionMetadataFields . _3 brokerNode :: Lens' Broker NodeId brokerNode = brokerFields . _1 brokerHost :: Lens' Broker Host brokerHost = brokerFields . _2 brokerPort :: Lens' Broker Port brokerPort = brokerFields . _3 fetchResponseMessages :: Fold FetchResponse MessageSet fetchResponseMessages = fetchResponseFields . folded . _2 . folded . _4 fetchResponseByTopic :: TopicName -> Fold FetchResponse (Partition, KafkaError, Offset, MessageSet) fetchResponseByTopic t = fetchResponseFields . folded . keyed t . _2 . folded messageSetByPartition :: Partition -> Fold (Partition, KafkaError, Offset, MessageSet) MessageSetMember messageSetByPartition p = keyed p . _4 . messageSetMembers . folded fetchResponseMessageMembers :: Fold FetchResponse MessageSetMember fetchResponseMessageMembers = fetchResponseMessages . messageSetMembers . folded messageKey :: Lens' Message Key messageKey = messageFields . _4 messageKeyBytes :: Fold Message ByteString messageKeyBytes = messageKey . keyBytes . folded . kafkaByteString messageValue :: Lens' Message Value messageValue = messageFields . _5 payload :: Fold Message ByteString payload = messageValue . valueBytes . folded . kafkaByteString offsetResponseOffset :: Partition -> Fold OffsetResponse Offset offsetResponseOffset p = offsetResponseFields . folded . _2 . folded . partitionOffsetsFields . keyed p . _3 . folded messageSet :: Partition -> TopicName -> Fold FetchResponse MessageSetMember messageSet p t = fetchResponseByTopic t . messageSetByPartition p nextOffset :: Lens' MessageSetMember Offset nextOffset = setOffset . adding 1 findPartitionMetadata :: Applicative f => TopicName -> LensLike' f TopicMetadata [PartitionMetadata] findPartitionMetadata t = filtered (view $ topicMetadataName . to (== t)) . partitionsMetadata findPartition :: Partition -> Prism' PartitionMetadata PartitionMetadata findPartition p = filtered (view $ partitionId . to (== p)) hostString :: Lens' Host String hostString = hostKString . kString . unpackedChars portId :: IndexPreservingGetter Port Network.PortID portId = portInt . to fromIntegral . to Network.PortNumber