{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}

-- | Synchronous message receiving.
module System.Miniplex.Source (
) where

import System.Miniplex.Sekrit

import Prelude hiding (read)

import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Reader ()

import Data.Typeable

import Network.Socket

import System.IO.Unsafe

newtype Source = Source {
    sock :: Socket
} deriving (Typeable)

-- | @'attach' tag@ returns a message source connected to the sink created by
-- a call to @'System.Miniplex.Sink.create' tag@. If no such sink exists, an
-- exception is thrown.
attach :: String -> IO Source
attach what = do
    n <- pathFromTag "System.Miniplex.Source.attach" what
        (socket AF_UNIX Stream 0)
        $ \s -> do
            closeOnExec s
            connect s (SockAddrUnix n)
            shutdown s ShutdownSend
            return $ Source {sock = s}

-- | Synchronously reads a message from a source (i.e. it blocks if there is
-- currently no message available).
read :: Source -> IO String
read so = do
    n <- liftM intFromBytes $ reallyRecv s 4
    reallyRecv s n
    s = sock so

-- | Returns a lazy list of all messages arriving at a source (like
-- @'System.IO.hGetContents'@).
getMsgs :: Source -> IO [String]
getMsgs so = unsafeInterleaveIO . handle (\_ -> detach so >> return []) $
    liftM2 (liftM2 (:)) read getMsgs so

-- | Disconnects from a message sink. The detached source becomes invalid
-- and must not be used again.
detach :: Source -> IO ()
detach so = do
    sClose (sock so)

-- | Helper function to simplify resource handling. @'withSource' tag body@
-- creates a source, calls @body@, then disconnects the source, even if
-- @body@ throws an exception.
withSource :: String -> (Source -> IO a) -> IO a
withSource tag f = block $ do
    so <- attach tag
    unblock (f so) `finally` detach so