{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-} -- | A set of types and functions to help calling Minizinc as an external binary. -- -- Current strategy is to use JSON encode/decoding for passing in inputs and -- reading outputs. -- At this time, only a primitive output parser is supported. module Process.Minizinc ( MiniZinc (..), simpleMiniZinc, withArgs, Solver (..), SolverName, MilliSeconds, runLastMinizincJSON, SearchState(..), ResultHandler(..), runMinizincJSON, ) where import Control.Monad ((>=>), void) import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString (Parser, parse, IResult(..)) import Data.Attoparsec.Combinator (try) import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, fromJSON, ToJSON, decode, encode, Value, Result(..)) import Data.Aeson.Parser.Internal (json') import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LByteString import Data.ByteString.Lazy (fromStrict) import Data.ByteString.Search.DFA (split) import Data.Hashable (Hashable, hash) import qualified Data.List as List import System.Process.ByteString (readProcessWithExitCode) import System.Process (createProcess, proc, StdStream(CreatePipe), std_out) import GHC.IO.Handle (Handle, hClose, hIsEOF) -- | Type alias asking for milliseconds. type MilliSeconds a = Int -- | Name of a solver to be passed to the minizinc binary. type SolverName = String -- | Supported solvers or 'Other'. data Solver = Chuffed | COIN_BC | CPLEX | Gecode | Gurobi | SCIP | Xpress | Other SolverName -- | An object helping to run MiniZinc. data MiniZinc input answer = MiniZinc { -- | a file path to a model model :: FilePath, -- | a file path to hold, must be writable and readable mkTmpDataPath :: input -> FilePath, -- | a timelimit in seconds (an Int) mkTimeLimit :: input -> MilliSeconds Int, -- | the solver to use (see `minizinc --solvers`) mkSolver :: input -> Solver, -- | other arguments that get appended before the path to the model and data paths mkExtraArgs :: input -> [String] } -- | A constructor for MiniZinc object for simple situations. simpleMiniZinc :: Hashable input => FilePath -> MilliSeconds Int -> Solver -> MiniZinc input answer simpleMiniZinc path timeout solver = MiniZinc path (\obj -> show (hash obj) ++ ".json") (const timeout) (const solver) (const []) -- | Helper to set arguments. withArgs :: [String] -> MiniZinc input answer -> MiniZinc input answer withArgs args mzn = mzn { mkExtraArgs = const args } -- | Runs MiniZinc on the input and parses output for the last answer. -- -- The parser for now is primitive and all the parsing occurs after processing -- with no guarantee to run on bounded-memory. This matters if your MiniZinc -- model returns so many solutions that the output is large. runLastMinizincJSON :: (ToJSON input, FromJSON answer) => MiniZinc input answer -> input -> IO (Maybe answer) runLastMinizincJSON minizinc obj = do LByteString.writeFile fullPath $ encode obj (_, out, err) <- readProcessWithExitCode "minizinc" args "" seq (ByteString.length err) $ pure $ locateLastAnswer out where fullPath :: FilePath fullPath = mkTmpDataPath minizinc obj locateLastAnswer :: FromJSON answer => ByteString -> Maybe answer locateLastAnswer = locateLastOutput >=> decode . fromStrict args :: [String] args = [ "--time-limit", show (mkTimeLimit minizinc obj), "--solver", showSolver (mkSolver minizinc obj), "--output-mode", "json" ] ++ (mkExtraArgs minizinc obj) ++ [ model minizinc, fullPath ] data SearchState a = Exhausted a | Incomplete a | Unsatisfiable | InternalError String deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Functor) reduce :: FromJSON a => SearchState Value -> SearchState a reduce Unsatisfiable = Unsatisfiable reduce (InternalError s) = InternalError s reduce (Exhausted val) = case fromJSON val of Success obj -> Exhausted obj Error err -> InternalError err reduce (Incomplete val) = case fromJSON val of Success obj -> Incomplete obj Error err -> InternalError err data ResultHandler obj b = ResultHandler { handleNext :: b -> SearchState Value -> IO (b, Maybe (ResultHandler obj b)) } runMinizincJSON :: forall input answer b. (ToJSON input, FromJSON answer) => MiniZinc input answer -> input -> b -> ResultHandler answer b -> IO b runMinizincJSON minizinc obj v0 resultHandler = do LByteString.writeFile fullPath $ encode obj (_, Just out, _, _) <- createProcess (proc "minizinc" args){ std_out = CreatePipe } vRet <- go out (parse oneResult) "" v0 resultHandler hClose out pure vRet where go :: Handle -> (ByteString -> IResult ByteString (SearchState Value)) -> ByteString -> b -> ResultHandler answer b -> IO b go out parsebuf buf v1 handler | ByteString.null buf = do eof <- hIsEOF out if eof then inputFinished v1 else do dat <- ByteString.hGetLine out go out parsebuf dat v1 handler | otherwise = do case parsebuf buf of Done remainderBuf stateVal -> do (v2, nextHandler) <- (handleNext handler) v1 (reduce stateVal) case nextHandler of Nothing -> userFinished v2 Just resultHandler -> go out (parse oneResult) remainderBuf v2 resultHandler Fail _ _ err -> do (v2,_) <- (handleNext handler) v1 (InternalError err) finalizeFailure v2 Partial f -> go out f "" v1 handler inputFinished = pure userFinished = pure finalizeFailure = pure fullPath :: FilePath fullPath = mkTmpDataPath minizinc obj args :: [String] args = [ "--time-limit", show (mkTimeLimit minizinc obj), "--solver", showSolver (mkSolver minizinc obj), "--output-mode", "json" ] ++ (mkExtraArgs minizinc obj) ++ [ model minizinc, fullPath ] showSolver :: Solver -> String showSolver = \case Chuffed -> "Chuffed" COIN_BC -> "COIN-BC" CPLEX -> "CPLEX" Gecode -> "Gecode" Gurobi -> "Gurobi" SCIP -> "SCIP" Xpress -> "Xpress" Other n -> n locateLastOutput :: ByteString -> Maybe ByteString locateLastOutput = safehead . reverse . List.filter (ByteString.isPrefixOf openCurlybrace) . split resultSeparator where safehead [] = Nothing safehead xs = Just $ head xs resultSeparator = "\n----------\n" openCurlybrace = "{" -- | NOTE: the parser is fed with hGetLine (stripping EOL markers) -- this assumption simplifies the grammar below oneResult :: Parser (SearchState Value) oneResult = try unsat <|> sat where unsat = unsatMark *> pure Unsatisfiable sat = reverseAp <$> json' <*> searchstate reverseAp val constructor = constructor val searchstate = try (resultMark *> exhaustiveMark *> pure Exhausted) <|> try (resultMark *> pure Incomplete) resultMark = "----------" exhaustiveMark = "==========" unsatMark = "=====UNSATISFIABLE====="