{-# LANGUAGE DisambiguateRecordFields, TypeFamilies,
    StandaloneDeriving, DeriveFunctor, DeriveFoldable, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

-- |
-- Copyright   : (c) Hans Hoglund 2012
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : hans@hanshoglund.se
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : GHC
-- Renders module descriptions as Common Lisp (CFFI) declarations.

module Language.Modulo.Lisp (
        -- ** Styles
        -- ** Rendering
        -- ** Names
  ) where

import Data.Default
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.Semigroup
import Data.Char (chr)
import Data.Text (pack)
import Data.AttoLisp

import Language.Modulo.C
import Language.Modulo.Util
import Language.Modulo.Util.Unmangle
import Language.Modulo

import qualified Data.List as List

data LispStyle =
    LispStyle {
        cStyle          :: CStyle,                  -- ^ For generating foreign declarations
        package         :: String,                  -- ^ Package in which to generate definitions
        prefixMangler   :: [String] -> [String],    -- ^ A mangler for prefixes.
        safeOpaque      :: Bool,                    -- ^ If true, generate a wrapper class for each opaque type.
        primBoolType    :: Maybe PrimType           -- ^ Type of primitive booleans (default Int).

stdLispStyle = LispStyle {       
    cStyle          = stdStyle,
    package         = "cl-user",
    prefixMangler   = tail,
    safeOpaque      = True,
    primBoolType    = Nothing

-- | Default instance using 'stdStyle'.
instance Default LispStyle where
    def = stdLispStyle
-- | Left-biased Semigroup instance.
instance Semigroup LispStyle where
    a <> b = a
-- | Left-biased Monoid instance.
instance Monoid LispStyle where
    mempty  = def
    mappend = (<>)

-- |
-- Print a module using the default style.
printModuleLisp :: Module -> String
printModuleLisp = printModuleLispStyle def

-- |
-- Print a module using the specified style.
printModuleLispStyle :: LispStyle -> Module -> String
printModuleLispStyle style = (++ "\n\n") . concatSep "\n" . map show . renderModuleLispStyle style
-- TODO more intelligent splitting

-- |
-- Render a module using the default style.
-- Returns a Lisp file, represented as a sequence of S-expressions.
renderModuleLisp :: Module -> [Lisp]
renderModuleLisp = renderModuleLispStyle def

-- |
-- Render a module using the specified style.
-- Returns a Lisp file, represented as a sequence of S-expressions.
renderModuleLispStyle :: LispStyle -> Module -> [Lisp]
renderModuleLispStyle st = withPrefix (convertPackage st) . convertTopLevel st

convertPackage :: LispStyle -> [Lisp]
convertPackage st = [list [symbol "in-package", keyword (package st)]]

convertTopLevel :: LispStyle -> Module -> [Lisp]
convertTopLevel st (Module doc n is ds) = cds
        cds = concatMap (convertDecl st . snd) ds

convertDecl :: LispStyle -> Decl -> [Lisp]
convertDecl st (TypeDecl n Nothing)  = declOpaque st n
convertDecl st (TypeDecl n (Just t)) = declType st n t                -- typedef T N;
convertDecl st (FunctionDecl n t)    = declFun st n t                 -- T n (as);
convertDecl st (TagDecl t)           = notSupported "Tag decls"       -- T;
convertDecl st (ConstDecl n v t)     = notSupported "Constants"       -- T n; or T n = v;
convertDecl st (GlobalDecl n v t)    = notSupported "Globals"         -- T n; or T n = v;

-- TODO Generate
--    (define-foreign-type T-type () () (:actual-type :pointer))
--    (define-parse-method T () (make-instance 'T-type))
-- OR
--    (define-foreign-type T-type () () (:actual-type :pointer) (:simple-parser T))
-- If safeOpaque true, also generate
--    (defclass            T () ((nat :initarg :nat)) )
--    (defmethod translate-to-foreign (x (type T-type))
--      (slot-value x 'nat)) 
--    (defmethod translate-from-foreign (x (type T-type))
--      (make-instance 'T :nat x))

declOpaque :: LispStyle -> Name -> [Lisp]             
declOpaque st n = [defType, defParse] ++ if (safeOpaque st) then [defClass, defInput, defOutput] else []
        defType     = list [symbol "define-foreign-type", metaName, nil, nil, actual]
        actual      = list[keyword "actual-type", keyword "pointer"]
        defParse    = list [symbol "define-parse-method", typeName, nil, create]
        create      = list[symbol "make-instance", qualMetaName]
        defClass    = list [symbol "defclass", typeName, nil, slots]
        slots       = list [list [symbol slot, keyword "initarg", keyword slot]]
        defInput    = list [symbol "defmethod", symbol "translate-to-foreign", 
                            list [symbol "x", list [symbol "type", metaName]],
                            list [symbol "slot-value", symbol "x", symbol (withPrefix "'" slot)]]
        defOutput   = list [symbol "defmethod", symbol "translate-from-foreign",
                            list [symbol "x", list [symbol "type", metaName]],
                            list [symbol "make-instance", qualTypeName, keyword slot, symbol "x"]]

        slot            = withSuffix "-ptr" $ convertName st n
        qualMetaName    = symbol $ withPrefix "'" $ withSuffix "-type" $ convertName st n                                                       
        metaName        = symbol $ withSuffix "-type" $ convertName st n                                                       
        qualTypeName    = symbol $ withPrefix "'" $ convertName st n
        typeName        = symbol $ convertName st n

-- return $ list [symbol "defctype", symbolName n, keyword "pointer"]

declType :: LispStyle -> Name -> Type -> [Lisp]             
declType st n t = return $ list [symbol "defctype", symbolName st n, convertType st t]

declFun :: LispStyle -> Name -> FunType -> [Lisp]             
declFun st n (Function as r) = 
    return $ list $ [symbol "defcfun", list [name, cname], ret] ++ args
        name        = symbolName st n
        ret         = convertType st r
        cname       = string $ convertCFunName (cStyle st) n
        argNames    = map (symbol . return . chr) [97..(97+25)]
        argTypes    = map (\(_,t) -> convertType st t) $as
        -- TODO #34 use names                        
        args        = map (\(n,t) -> list [n, t]) (zip argNames argTypes)

convertType :: LispStyle -> Type -> Lisp
convertType st (AliasType n) = convertAlias st n
convertType st (PrimType t)  = convertPrimType st t
convertType st (RefType t)   = convertRefType st t
convertType st (FunType t)   = convertFunType st t
convertType st (CompType t)  = convertCompType st t

convertAlias :: LispStyle -> Name -> Lisp
convertAlias st n = symbolName st n

convertPrimType :: LispStyle -> PrimType -> Lisp
convertPrimType st Bool       = case primBoolType st of
    Nothing             -> keyword "boolean"
    Just primBoolType   -> list [keyword "boolean", convertPrimType st primBoolType]
convertPrimType st Void       = keyword "void"
convertPrimType st Char       = keyword "char" 
convertPrimType st Short      = keyword "short" 
convertPrimType st Int        = keyword "int" 
convertPrimType st Long       = keyword "long" 
convertPrimType st LongLong   = keyword "long-long"
convertPrimType st UChar      = keyword "unsigned-char" 
convertPrimType st UShort     = keyword "unsigned-short" 
convertPrimType st UInt       = keyword "unsigned-int" 
convertPrimType st ULong      = keyword "unsigned-long" 
convertPrimType st ULongLong  = keyword "unsigned-long-long" 
convertPrimType st Float      = keyword "float" 
convertPrimType st Double     = keyword "double" 
convertPrimType st LongDouble = keyword "long-double"
convertPrimType st Int8       = keyword "int8" 
convertPrimType st Int16      = keyword "int16" 
convertPrimType st Int32      = keyword "int32" 
convertPrimType st Int64      = keyword "int64" 
convertPrimType st UInt8      = keyword "uint8" 
convertPrimType st UInt16     = keyword "uint16" 
convertPrimType st UInt32     = keyword "uint32" 
convertPrimType st UInt64     = keyword "uint64"
-- convertPrimType st Size       = keyword "size"
-- Note: Size etc are declared in cffi-sys, unfortunately not visible to cffi
convertPrimType st Size       = keyword "int32" -- FIXME assume? -- FIXME shouldn't this be unsigned?
convertPrimType st Ptrdiff    = keyword "ptrdiff"
convertPrimType st Intptr     = keyword "pointer" 
convertPrimType st UIntptr    = notSupported "Uintptr with Lisp"
convertPrimType st SChar      = notSupported "Signed chars with Lisp"

convertRefType :: LispStyle -> RefType -> Lisp
convertRefType st (Pointer t) = list [keyword "pointer", convertType st t]
convertRefType st (Array t n) = convertRefType st (Pointer t)
-- convertRefType st (Array t n) = notSupported "Array types with Lisp"

convertFunType :: LispStyle -> FunType -> Lisp
convertFunType st (Function as r) = convertType st voidPtr

convertCompType :: LispStyle -> CompType -> Lisp
convertCompType st (Enum as)       = convertType st (PrimType Int)      -- TODO
convertCompType st (Struct as)     = convertType st voidPtr
convertCompType st (Union as)      = convertType st voidPtr
convertCompType st (BitField as)   = error "Not implemented: bitfields" -- TODO

string :: String -> Lisp
string = String . pack

symbol :: String -> Lisp
symbol = Symbol . pack

keyword :: String -> Lisp
keyword x = Symbol (pack $ ":" ++ x)

stringName :: LispStyle -> Name -> Lisp
stringName st = string . convertName st {- getName-}

symbolName :: LispStyle -> Name -> Lisp
symbolName st = symbol . convertName st {- getName-}

keywordName :: LispStyle -> Name -> Lisp
keywordName st = keyword . convertName st {- getName-}

convertName :: LispStyle -> Name -> String
convertName st (Name n)    = toLowerString $ concatSep "-" $ unmangle n
convertName st (QName m n) = toLowerString $ concatSep "-" $ (prefixMangler st) (getModuleNameList m) ++ unmangle n

convertCTypeName :: CStyle -> Name -> String
convertCTypeName st n = getName (translType st n)

convertCFunName :: CStyle -> Name -> String
convertCFunName st n = getName (translFun st n)

-- TODO type fun const global enumF structF unionF

-- TODO move
voidPtr = RefType (Pointer $ PrimType Void)

instance Default Lisp where
    def = nil
instance Semigroup Lisp where
    (<>) = appendLisp
instance Monoid Lisp where
    mempty  = def
    mappend = (<>)

list :: [Lisp] -> Lisp
list = List

single :: Lisp -> Lisp
single a = List [a]

appendLisp :: Lisp -> Lisp -> Lisp
appendLisp a b = List (as ++ bs)
        (List as) = assureList a
        (List bs) = assureList b

assureList :: Lisp -> Lisp
assureList (List as)      = List as
assureList (DotList as a) = DotList as a
assureList x              = List [x]

notSupported x = error $ "Not supported yet: " ++ x

-- concatSep :: [a] -> [[a]] -> [a]
-- concatSep x = List.concat . List.intersperse x