Name: mohws Version: 0.1 Author: Simon Marlow, Bjorn Bringert Copyright: Simon Marlow, Bjorn Bringert Maintainer: Bjorn Bringert License: BSD3 License-file: LICENSE Category: Web Synopsis: Modular Haskell Web Server Description: A web server with a module system and support for CGI. Based on Simon Marlow's original Haskell Web Server. Homepage: Build-depends: base>3, directory, network, unix, parsec, html, process, containers, old-time, old-locale, array Data-files: README Tested-with: GHC==6.8.2 Build-Type: Simple Executable: hws Main-is: Main.hs Hs-source-dirs: src Ghc-options: -threaded -Wall Extensions: CPP other-modules: Options, AccessLogger, LogLevel, Headers, Main, StaticModules, Parse, ErrorLogger, MimeTypes, Config, ServerState, Logger, Util Request, Response, ServerRequest, Module.Index, Module.DynHS, Module.File, Module.DynHS, Module.DynHS.CGI, Module.DynHS.GHCUtil, Module.Userdir, Module.CGI, ConfigParser